My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 520 - 102: Burning D.e.s.i.r.e

Antonette was feeling instead left out, but she had already thought of a way to handle things.

"OK, I will go and buy some drinks for us," Antonette volunteered.

"All right, take care," Kyle said over his shoulder.

Although he didn't like Antonette, if Kyle wanted to have more time with Diana, he had to play nice.

With that, Antonette was off to the convenience store.

"OK, everything is prepared. Now let's start cooking."

Diana felt guilty about Antonette showing up. "I am really sorry, Kyle. I had no idea she would come here."

"It's not your fault. I know Antonette is the kind of girl who will get what she wants by any means."

"Kyle, you…" Diana was astonished by his words.

But Kyle didn't want to continue with the topic anymore, he didn't want to waste time.

"Let's cook the food first. Best to do it while the seafood is fresh," he suggested.

There were plenty of doubts in Diana's heart, but it was clear Kyle would not discuss it further, so she had to let it be.


In the kitchen, Kyle showed Diana a bottle of yellow rice wine.

"Have you ever tried shrimp boiled in wine?"

"No, I haven't!"

"Do you want to try? I can promise you'll never forget the taste!"

"Really? Is it that delicious?" Diana was curious.

"You'll see later," Kyle said with a mysterious smile.

He expertly opened the yellow rice wine and poured it into a large glass jar. Next, he placed the cleaned shrimps into the jar as well.

"Ahhh… it seems so cruel!" Diana couldn't help covering her eyes.

Kyle lightly tapped her forehead. "Cruel? You even dare to eat sashimi!"

Diana stuck her tongue out in a cheeky reply.

At the same time, Antonette was carefully choosing their drinks in the convenience store.

She was after a mixed drink, high in alcohol but sweet enough to hide the danger within.

It was very easy to enjoy such a drink without one realizing they were quite drunk.

After Diana and Kyle were inebriated, everything would be under Antonette's control.

She bought a suitable c.o.c.ktail drink and walked back to the house.

When she opened the door, Antonette could see Diana and Kyle were talking happily with each other in the kitchen. The scene turned Antonette's face cold for a moment, but she pretended nothing had happened and handed the drink over.

"I've bought this new drink. The shop assistant recommended it to me; apparently, it has a lovely flavor and low alcohol content.

Kyle didn't pay much attention to the alcohol; he never expected Antonette might play a trick on them with it. He just replied coldly, "Put it there."

Antonette felt aggrieved by Kyle's lack of hospitality, which strengthened her determination to conquer him that night.

Why couldn't she get what Diana had?

Antonette certainly was not ready to lose a man to Diana. Furthermore, she was eager to start making the steps towards a better life with a rich man like Kyle.

Half an hour later, the dishes were all ready and served at the dining table. There was a barbequed oyster, lemon prawns, wine-soaked shrimp, and steamed crab. This was accompanied by a garden salad and tofu with scallions.

It was a wonderful fusion of Western and Chinese style cuisine.

Watching Kyle cook had been a real eye-opening event for Antonette. Handsome, loyal, gentle, and a good chef! Kyle was the Prince charming of every girl's dreams.

Antonette picked up the drink she'd bought and offered to pour everyone a glass. She filled three cups with the strong concoction and when no one was looking, slipped some of her special pills into two of the cups for good measure.

It would be a wonderful night for her and Kyle, Antonette thought merrily.

After today, Kyle would belong to her.

The delicious dishes before them piqued Diana's appetite again; now, there was the only food in her eyes. She began tucking into everything and complimented Kyle on his cooking.

"Kyle, You are amazing! I never expected you could make so much delicious food. Everything is incredible."

Kyle was glad to hear her praise. A genuine smile spread across his face.

"I practice cooking now and then during my spare time. I can do it for you anytime you want."

"You are so sweet. Thank you, Kyle."

A feeling of intense jealousy rose from Antonette's heart when she saw Kyle's eyes fixed permanently on Diana.

A moment later, Antonette stood up. "Kyle, I'd like to propose a toast to you."

Although Kyle didn't like Antonette, nor did he want to accept her toast, he had to be polite. Kyle accepted her cheers with a brief nod then sipped his drink.

After that, Kyle's eyes were back on Diana again. And he didn't look at Antonette again.

She was prepared to fight for her man. She was determined to get everything that Diana had, sooner or later.

And now Kyle had drunk his wine, it would be easier to carry out her plan.

Only had eyes for Diana when Sybil only had eyes for Diana, while her attention was, in turn, focused on the food.

Soon enough, Diana and Kyle both passed out on the table from the effect of their spiked drinks.

It was time for Antonette to execute her plan. First, she dragged Diana to the upstairs bedroom and locked the door. She didn't want to be bothered by anybody with the video camera function set stand, with the video camera function set to record.

Once her preparation complete, Antonette slinked s.e.xily towards Kyle.

"Kyleee…" she leaned her body on him, her skin as soft as silk, and touched his handsome face. "I have wanted you for such a long time…"

At this point, Kyle was in a daze, his senses consumed by the pill he'd been given. He could only catch a hint of a fragrance but couldn't make out who was in front of him. All he knew was there was a pair of soft hands stroking his face, and he was instantly horny. It felt like a fireball was going to explode in his body.

By this time, Antonette closed in on Kyle, wrapped her legs around his waist, and embraced him in her arms.

Antonette had lit the match to ignite Kyle's burning d.e.s.i.r.e.

Under the effect of the drug, Kyle grabbed Antonette and fiercely tore the clothes off her body. He was panting heavily as he kissed her n.a.k.e.d body.

Antonette's smooth, white skin shone under the light, making her all the s.e.xier in Kyle's l.u.s.t-filled mind. His hands c.a.r.e.s.sed Antonette's body as she twisted and m.o.a.n.e.d s.e.xily.

"Kyle! You are so good! So good! F.u.c.k!" Antonette was not a traditional girl, and her filthy cries aroused Kyle's eagerness for s.e.x.

He moved faster and harder, pushing down so hard on Antonette's body that she was left with red marks all over. They kept their passion alight until the sun rose the next morning, an unexpectedly filthy night.

Taking time to recover, Antonette eventually sat up, then walked to the TV stand to take her phone, which had been filming all night. If Kyle refused to marry her, the contents of the tape would surely ruin his reputation.

Thinking of that, Antonette smiled at the success of her plan.

She then sighed happily. Kyle was great at s.e.x, which she hadn't expected. She had assumed Kyle would not be able to please her, as he was a v.i.r.g.i.n. But the s.e.x was crazy and satisfying.

To keep things going according to plan, Antonette did not wish Diana to find out what had happened, so she reached out her hand and pushed Kyle to wake him up.

"God…" As Kyle slowly awoke, he reached out his hand to rub his temple. The drug Antonette slipped him had left him with a terrible headache, he felt like his head was going to explode.

"Morning, Kyle," Antonette smiled sweetly.

The voice beside him shook Kyle out of his haze, and the memory of last night came flooding into his mind.

Did… did he sleep with Antonette? Kyle was shocked. He was sure that Antonette must have played some tricks to turn him on. Otherwise, he wouldn't have acted like that.

Kyle wore a dreadful look. "Are you insane? How dare you fool me?"

Knowing that she had the video on her phone, Antonette pressed her lips and smiled. She whispered to him, "Kyle, how can you say that to me? After all, we are so intimate now. Your words are heart-breaking!"

"You nasty creature!" Kyle shouted.

"Kyle, if you have to talk with me in that way, I won't be polite either," Antonette replied wickedly. After all, she had no need to act like an innocent girl anymore.

To reinforce her position of dominance, Antonette took out her phone and played a brief part of their unfortunate s.e.x tape.

Kyle's face fell after hearing the sounds of their lovemaking.

He raised his hand to try and take the phone from Antonette's hand. But Antonette didn't struggle to hold on to it, she just let him take it away.

"Kyle, you don't have to do that. You e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed a lot last night. I can tell everyone what happened last night once I take your stuff and test its DNA. You won't be able to deny that."

Kyle's face blackened.

At the same time, Antonette added, "Kyle, you have to understand what kind of person Diana is. Moreover, she belongs to Brian. He will only give you trouble if you keep acting like this."

"It's none of your business," Kyle uttered coldly.

Antonette smiled slightly and said, "We are a team now. Your business is my business."

"Do you really think you can blackmail me like this?" Kyle sneered.

Antonette ignored his question; she knew she had him.

"Kyle, everyone says you are so smart. So why are you so naive about all this? The girl you want is with Brian, you will never get her, and you will keep suffering the longer you try. But if you choose me, I can keep an eye on Diana for you. And then, you can use Diana and Brian's relationship to your advantage. Although Brian is the legitimate heir of William's family, if he breaks the family rules by trying to be with someone he shouldn't, he will be punished. And that will be your chance to take his place."

Kyle was taken aback by Antonette's words. She certainly had an interesting perspective on things.

Noticing his change, Antonette continued, "There are countless beauties in the world. If you choose Diana, you will only have her in your life. Don't you think that would be a pity?"

"Wouldn't it be a pity to be with you?" Kyle replied abruptly.

Antonette smiled at him. "Diana is too inexperienced. Imagine, if you are the next leader of the William family, you will attend countless parties and meetings; you will be constantly surrounded by different women. Would Diana accept that? Of course not. But I will. I promise you that I will be a considerate woman. If you choose me, I won't stop you from having fun with other women. We will live our lives separately and have the best of both worlds. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Antonette's vision for their future was just too enticing; Kyle couldn't bring himself to say "No." He was slowly starting to be persuaded by her.

Antonette smiled sweetly and leaned on him slowly. She reached out her hand to gently touch Kyle's shoulder.

"And… in the bedroom… I can bring you more p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e than you can ever imagine."

Kyle changed his look and seized Antonette's hands forcefully.

Despite the pain shooting through her arm, Antonette was fearless and complained shyly, "Kyle, why are you so rude to me?"

Kyle was totally convinced by Antonette's sweet voice and tempting glances. He let go of her hands and, at long last, gave Antonette the answer she'd been waiting for. "Okay, let's do it."

Antonette had finally got what she wanted! She smiled joyfully and stood up.

"Now that it's agreed, you should tell people I am your girlfriend straight away," Antonette said happily.

"We don't have to rush it…"

"How could I not? I can't wait to tell everyone I have such an excellent boyfriend."

Antonette's words were pleasing to Kyle, but he had a lot to consider.

"Leave now. I have to think about everything carefully," he instructed with a blank expression.

Antonette didn't want to push him. She could tell that he had been convinced. Though she hadn't been able to get Kyle in the right way, she would now have the chance to marry a rich, young man.

Holding her bag, Antonette walked out of the room while Kyle stared angrily at her. After she'd safely left, Kyle began smashing everything around him, till the living room was in an awful mess.

That awful woman tricked him! How could he have let this happen?