My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 518 - 100: Tell Me

The sound of a bucket being knocked over interrupted Brian's thoughts, and he turned to face the source of the sound.

He saw a maid, face flushed with embarrassment, hurriedly picking up the bucket. The floor around her was covered in dirty, soapy water, ruining the originally clean floor.

"Mr. William...I, I didn't mean it!" the maid replied in a panic. She bowed her head in deference and continued apologizing.

Brian stared at her for a moment.

"Come here," he said.

It occurred to him that the maid seemed to have a very good relationship with Diana, so he wanted to ask something through her.

The maid didn't expect Brian would call her over. Her legs felt suddenly limp. "Hurry up. Stop wasting time," Brian said impatiently.

The maid took a moment to pray that Brian would not embarrass her and then walked unwillingly towards him.

It was at this time that a clear, loud laugh came from the open front door.

"Wow, you're doing some house-cleaning. What a scene! Is this all to welcome me home?"

Sybil had arrived.

Hearing her voice, Brian paid no more attention to the maid and he strode excitedly over to Sybil.

It had been a few years since they'd last seen each other. Sybil had grown more beautiful, and Brian likewise was more mature and good-looking.

"Wow! Brian, you are getting more and more handsome. No wonder all the girls are obsessed with you!"

Sybil looked Brian up and down with an appraising manner.

Brian was amused yet still flattered to receive his sister's praise.

"You are very pretty these days too, are you dating someone at the moment?"

Sybil chortled at this, "What's wrong with you, brother? Why do you focus on that?"

Brian also chuckled, "Hey, I'm just looking out for you."

"Really?" Sybil scoffed. "So I've been hearing a bit of gossip about you recently Brian, what's going on?"

Brian suddenly frowned.

Seeing he was a little put off by her question, Sybil quickly laughed, "Just joking! Don't be mad."

Brian still felt uneasy but took his sister at her word.

The lull in the conversation allowed Sybil to start scoping out of the villa.

"Where is my room? I shall have Ken bring my luggage there."

With that, she headed for the second floor.

Brian followed and explained, "The second room on the south wing is for you. It is nice and airy, with a big bay window… I think you will love it."

Sybil was almost overwhelmed. She blinked her eyes and squinted hard at him.

"What's wrong?" Brian asked worriedly.

She giggled, "Brian, you know you're much sweeter than you were before. Has someone been giving you some training?"

Brian's heart jolted, yet he replied calmly, "Nonsense. Let's go check out your room."

His attempt to change the subject rather verified Sybil's guess. She knew her brother was too careful to admit his relationship so easily. She would have to be patient and elicit information from him bit by bit.

Sybil went to the room and had a quick look around, but she wasn't very satisfied with the room.

"It is a little small… I remember there is a room that's bigger and better than this. Brian, do you sleep there?"

That was Diana's bedroom. So as not to give Sybil the wrong idea, Brian had to conceal the truth a little. "Yes. I am using that room now," he replied.

But Sybil wouldn't let it go, "Could you show me your room? I want to see if your taste has improved at all since I've been gone."

Brian stuttered for a moment before finally replying, "There is nothing special in my room."

"What? Why can't I see it?" Sybil murmured.

"You're lucky even to have a room. Stop being so picky." Brian was starting to get impatient.

"Brian, you've changed. I'm so sad you talk with me in that way." Sybil hid her face in mock sadness.

Brian couldn't bear to see her sad and quickly gave in, "All right. All right. Go ahead."

When Sybil heard Brian give his permission, a smile of triumph instantly appeared on her face, and she jumped out to see the room.

Looking at Sybil's swift movement and happy expression, Brian realized she had tricked him.

As Brian expected, Sybil was very intrigued by "his room."

"Oh, my God!" Sybil was surprised by the room's decoration.

"What? Is it bad?"

Sybil's mouth twitched in shock. She turned around and stared skeptically at Brian, "Do you keep a mistress here?"

Brian made sure to stay calm and replied coldly, "Nonsense."

Sybil thought she was probably right and giggled, "Am I right? Are you afraid someone will find out?"

Seeing Sybil's eyes full of curiosity, Brian knew he was unable to hide this matter from her. He let out a sigh and said, "I could never keep a secret from you. OK, I'll tell you."

"Wow! A girl does live here! What does she look like? Is she beautiful? Is she a student? Brian!"

"Shut up." Brian was out of patience.

Sybil felt his anger and closed her mouth tamely.

"She is a normal college student, nothing special," Brian replied tersely.

"Really?" Sybil found it difficult to believe him. "Did you fall in love with Cinderella?"

"Could you lower your voice?" Brian said in a hushed tone.

Sybil also noticed the servants were looking at them now, so she kept her voice down, "All right. But what kind of girl is she? Tell me, tell me!"

Looking at his sister, full of happy expectancy, Brian thought for a moment before answering, "Do you really want to know?"

Sybil opened her eyes widely and nodded her head vigorously.

"Follow me." Brian walked into the room.

At the same time, a cunning smile spread across Sybil's face. She made a quick 'victory' fist pump behind Brian and then followed closely behind him.

They sat down on the sofa opposite the bed, sitting face to face. Brian pondered for a while how to go about discussing Diana.

"She will be a doctor after her graduation this year, majoring in medical science. We became acquainted by accident."

Sybil listened earnestly, holding Diana's teddy bear in her arms.

Brian dropped several details and hid some truths during his explanation, which made his younger sister's eyebrows knit into a frown.

"I didn't expect you would fall in love with that kind of girl. From what you told me, I don't quite understand what you see in her."

Brian had no reply to her question.

Sybil was sure Brian had not told her something.

"I think you are putting her down because you haven't won her heart yet. I know that's your style, right?"

"How bold you are!" Brian's face darkened.

Unfortunately for him, his reaction again informed Sybil she was not far off.

"Come on, Brian! What happened to your charm? You haven't been able to conquer her yet?"

" If you don't shut up, you can go back to your own room," Brian warned Sybil coldly.

"Brian, please don't be so mean."

Thankfully, Sybil knew she had to back down, it was her brother's home after all.

"Fine. I won't ask about her anymore. So tell me, do we have to dine with Mum tonight?"

"What do you mean? Don't you want to see Mum?" Brian said with a frown.

A pained expression appeared on Sybil's face, "Oh, please. Mum was extremely hard for me when we were in France. Could you give me a bit of time to relax please before I visit her?"

"But I already informed her we'd be coming…"

"Noooo!" Sybil cried piteously.

Brian looked amusedly at her. "We only need to have one meal together. Mum can't discipline you since you don't live with her. I assume you do not intend to live at her place?"

Sybil felt better for Brian's comfort.

"You're right. As long as we don't live in the same house, I'll be fine!"

"Your father didn't give you a penny all these years. It was Mum who supported you to undertake your education overseas. Now, look at your attitude towards her…"

It was impossible for Sybil to deny Brian's reasoning.

"I do like Mum, and I appreciate her. But she was too strict on me…"

Thinking of their mother, a strong, independent woman, Brian certainly understood his little sister's feelings.

Before long, Kate called to inform them that dinner would be ready at 7 pm.

As it was a family dinner, Brian intended to drive them there himself.

However, Sybil complained to him, "Brian, why don't you take Ken? Did he do something wrong?"

"Why would we take him to our family dinner?"

"I guess you didn't realize it, but Mum likes Ken. If he goes to dinner with us, she would be very happy."

"Like?" When Brian thought about it, he recalled that his mother had been fond of Ken when he was a child. So he nodded his approval.

"All right. Ken can drive the car for us then."

Sybil rolled her eyes at Brian's inappropriateness, "You are so stupid."

"What did I do now?" Brian asked.

After a brief discussion, the three of them were on their way to Kate's place. Sybil was sat in the back of the car with Brian, and she couldn't help asking him about Diana, "Why hasn't she agreed to be your girlfriend?"

"It's none of your business."

"I guess she doesn't like you because you are too arrogant and never say what you are thinking."

Brian felt like his brain was going to explode for Sybil's constant chatter.

"Sybil-----" Brian spoke threateningly.

"OK, OK! I'll stop…"

"I guess it's time we arrange a blind date for you. It seems you need a man to sort you out."

"No way!" Sybil shouted at Brian in protest, "Don't be so cruel! I am too young to give up on my life and get married!"

"Really?" Brian gave her a cheeky smile.

Sybil knew very well what Brian was thinking now. Then she turned away and refused to talk to him.

After a few minutes of peaceful silence, they arrived at Kate's villa. They got out of the car, and Ken helped them take the gifts they had prepared for Kate.

"What kind of food do you think Mum has made? I hope it isn't borsch. I hate that soup so much," Sybil whispered as they entered the house.

"Less of your rubbish!" Brian muttered back.

As if deliberately timed to interrupt their bickering, Kate appeared in the hallway to welcome them. She hugged Brian first. Then she turned to her daughter with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Look at yourself. You are not a little girl anymore. You don't always have to wear clothes with lace or pink. You should behave like a girl of your age."

However, Sybil was already used to her mother's criticism and ignored her with a haughty look on her face.

Fortunately, Kate switched her attention to Brian and chatted with him, whilst Sybil followed them silently into the dining room.

During the dinner, Kate casually mentioned Diana.

Sybil had a s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e ear, and as soon as she heard the name, instantly asked, "Brian, is Diana, the girl that you are chasing?"

Brian knitted his brows upon hearing her question.

"Do you know her?" Kate chuckled.

"I certainly do. And I know Brian is very anxious that she hasn't fallen for him yet!" Sybil said loquaciously.

"Sybil!" Brian was furious; she had so casually revealed what he told her in confidence.

"Aren't you together yet?" Kate said with a surprised look. "But last time, you got along so well with each other. What's wrong? Did you have an argument?"