My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 514 - 96: Dinner With Her Friend

And when he saw Diana there that day, he came up with an idea.

Simon wasn't loyal to his wife; he had many mistresses. And nobody criticized him because he was rich and powerful. It was similar to Brian; though Diana hated him, for some reason, she still stayed with him. Kyle thought if he could be rich and powerful too, Diana would come to him.

Having this idea, Kyle was excited. So, after finding out Diana had moved back, he came to see her at once.

It was no longer so taboo for a man to have mistresses. As long as he had money, plus the power and influence of a family like the William's, he could get anything he wanted.

Sitting beside Diana, Kyle stared at her pretty face. He was delighted to be with her again. And he was determined that he would get this girl, no matter what he had to do.

Kyle didn't notice that Antonette was also gazing jealous at Diana.

"Kyle, Antonette, why don't you eat?" Diana had no idea what they were thinking. For her, the most important thing was to feast on all her favorite food.

As they politely picked a few dishes to try, Diana herself suddenly became engrossed in thoughts of someone else, Brian William. He had been weird that morning; his gentle behavior was quite confusing. Diana didn't want to admit that she had fallen in love with him.

"I am super full now, I can't eat anymore," Kyle said gently. Seeing that Diana clearly loved prawns, Kyle then peeled a prawn and put it on Diana's plate.

Antonette was jealous of his caring attitude toward Diana. So she picked up a prawn too and held it tightly in her hand. After a few seconds, Antonette m.o.a.n.e.d, "Ahh, my hand!"

Diana and Kyle looked at her immediately and found Antonette had cut her hand on the prawn's shell.

There was a visible wound on her finger, which soon started to bleed.

Diana screamed, "Antonette, you should have been more careful!"

Kyle rolled his eyes impatiently. But still, he took out his handkerchief and said, "Wrap your wound first. It would get worse if you didn't treat it quickly."

He placed his handkerchief beside Antonette; he didn't want to help her himself.

Diana took it and was about to wrap Antonette's wound, but Antonette swiftly pulled her hand back. "Diana, your hands are covered in sauce," she whispered.

It was clear that she only wanted Kyle to help her.

realized and turned to Kyle. "Kyle, help her, please."

Kyle was speechless, how did Diana not see through this girl? But he also loved Diana for her innocence; she never thought badly of others.

Doing as Diana asked, Kyle took the handkerchief and wrapped Antonette's wound.

At the same time, a man was filming all this from a corner of the restaurant. Diana focused on her food, Kyle impatiently wrapping Antonette's finger; Antonette looking lovingly at Kyle… it was quite the scene.


This time, it was Brian being sent the photos. Looking through all the shots, he smiled quietly. Sometimes Diana's innocence saved her from knowing people's darker intentions.

However, Brian was unaware that Carol was also implementing a plan of her own.

Carol had always thought of herself as a beautiful, elegant woman. Hence, she was frustrated at the state of her engagement with Brian. His father was nice to her, but his mother did not treat her well at all.

Carol was having tea with some friends when the gifts she had given Kate were sent back. Carol was furious! Even worse, if it happened in front of her friends, they would surely laugh at her for this later.

Later that day, her maid sent her photos of the situation with Diana.

Looking at those photos, Carol was furious. It was all so unfair! Was Brian simple? Why did he love that girl? In her fury, Carol instantly sent out the photos, as she had done previously.

Of course, Carol didn't know that Brian already had the pictures. Her plan would not be so effective this time.

Back at the restaurant, Diana decided it was time to get going; after all, she had moved back to work on her thesis, not sit in a restaurant all day.

"You guys can stay and chat here, but I have to go now."

Antonette had been desperate for Diana to leave. Though she felt painful thinking of the money she had spent, she was happy for the chance to stay with Kyle. It was worth the money to buy a chance to be with him alone.

Unfortunately, she did not foresee that Kyle would also leave too. He smiled and said, "Diana, I will leave with you. I have to borrow a book from the library."

"Really?" Diana trusted Kyle. She didn't know it was just an excuse to leave. "That's great. We can go there together," she added happily.

Antonette was fuming, but there was nothing she could do except watch Diana and Kyle walk out of the restaurant, chatting excitedly as they went.

On the way to the library, Kyle decided it was time to be bold.

"Diana, why don't you move out of Brian's house?" he asked.

"I have moved out. I am busy writing my thesis these days, so it is inconvenient to stay at his house."

Perfect, Kyle thought, this was his chance. "But I heard you have been quarreling with your roommates. Is that true?"

Diana was embarrassed that Kyle knew about her situation. She squeezed out a smile, "Yes. I have had some disagreements with them. But I have no other choice. I have to be near the school to finish my thesis."

Kyle was waiting for Diana to say that. He smiled, "I started renting a house a couple of years ago, just outside of the school campus. But now I live in the dormitory for postgraduate students, so I don't stay there very frequently. If you want to see the house, I can take you there?"

"Really?" Diana was thrilled. She was desperate to move away from her horrible roommates.

"Since we are free, how about going there now?" Kyle suggested. He was keen to get Diana into his place as soon as possible.
