My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 512 - 94: I Can’t Be Mad At You

This was the first time Diana had worried so much about a man. Not once did she consider that her mind was entirely occupied by thoughts of Brian because she cared about him.

Meanwhile, Antonette was extremely worried that Diana would figure out that she had planned everything. So, that morning, she texted Diana to ask if she was okay.

Looking at Antonette's message, Diana suddenly recalled what had happened in the bar last night, and she jumped up from her chair.

Jesus! She had almost been assaulted! As flashbacks of the events came rushing back, Diana felt the fear rise up in her c.h.e.s.t again.

And once again, it was Brian who saved her and took her home. Diana bit her lip and sighed heavily, it seemed she might have misunderstood him.

Then, another flashback appeared in her mind, Brian carrying her to the bathroom and… kissing her?

Diana felt weird thinking about that. But she couldn't recall anything that happened after the shower. What had gone on? And why did Brian say he had something to make up for?

It was all very odd. Then Diana remembered another thing. Did Brian want to apologize for leaving her on the road yesterday and lying to her about his Mum? Was that why he had to make it up to her?

But Brian had saved her. He surely had nothing to make up for now…

Diana was immersed in speculation when Antonette called her.

"Hello, Antonette?" Diana said, smiling.

Judging from her tone, Antonette guessed nothing had happened and was hugely relieved.

She had been thinking all night of an excuse for the events in the bar, now it was time to try.

"Diana, I am so sorry about what happened yesterday. It was all the boss's fault. But I led you there, so I have to apologize as well. The boss said he would make it up to you."

"What?" Diana felt something was off.

"We booked room 316 yesterday, but the waiter made a mistake and put us in room 319. That room was ordered by Mr. Colin, and he thought you were the bar girl, so…"

Antonette's explanation seemed to make sense. And luckily for her, Diana didn't think through the details carefully. She didn't realize that if she had been the bar girl, why would a bar girl need to take special pills? And Mr. Colin had clearly stated he was looking for Diana.

But Diana trusted Antonette and believed what she said. "It's okay. I can't be mad at you, it was a mistake."

"Diana, I heard it was Brian that took you away?" Antonette asked carefully.

Diana was stunned. Did? She thought only the people working in the bar would know about that.

"Yes, he saved me. But nothing happened between us. I actually had another argument with him this morning."

Antonette felt reassured. If Diana had had s.e.x with Brian, thanks to her actions, she would regret it forever.

Antonette decided to change the subject.

"Diana, we are about to write our thesis, and you haven't finished your proposal. Will you be able to hand in you, "F.u.c.k…" Diana would have forgotten all about that if Antonette hadn't mentioned it.

She put her head in her hands and said anxiously, "I almost forgot about the thesis! What should I do?"

Antonette was thrilled that Diana was so behind, but she pretended to be surprised. "Diana, I really think you should move back to live in the dormitory, so you can finish your thesis in the library. Our tutor will be mad at you if you can't finish on time."

Judging from his actions yesterday, Brian really treasured Diana. Antonette was determined not to let Diana have more chances to stay with him.

Diana thought Antonette's idea was quite reasonable. She had wasted too much time on Brian. If she couldn't finish her thesis, it would be impossible to graduate.

"You're right, Antonette, good idea. I will come back today," Diana answered.

"Good! I will wait for you here."

Ending the call, Diana went to pack her stuff.

She didn't come downstairs for lunch, despite one of the servants twice informing her that lunch was ready. Brian waited for her until his patience completely ran out. "Why doesn't she come downstairs? What is she doing?"

The servant recalled Diana had moved her suitcase out and opened the closet. "I think Miss Anderson is packing her things," he said.

Was she packing her things? Brian was surprised. He stood up and walked to her room.

As Brian entered, Diana was putting her books and clothes into her suitcase.

"Are you leaving?" Brian's tone clearly showed his disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

Hearing his voice, Diana turned to face him.

"Yes, I am leaving. And it is your fault."

"My fault?"

"I shouldn't have neglected my study to treat you. And now, I haven't started my thesis yet. Shouldn't I blame you?"

So, she was leaving for her studies. Brian was relieved for that, at least. But he was still sad. They had finally had s.e.x, and now she was leaving. Was her thesis just an excuse?

"I can't allow that," Brian said in his commanding tone.

"What?" Diana was shocked. "Don't be so controlling!"

Brian rolled his eyes, "I can employ someone to assist you with your thesis. It's inconvenient for you to move back."

"I don't think so," Diana retorted.

She didn't want to write her thesis under the watch of one of Brian's employees. And she could tell Brian was planning something.

"Have you really decided to go back?" Brian asked bitterly.

Diana shrugged her shoulders and said, "Brian, you graduated from a prestigious university. How could you understand ordinary students' worries?"

Despite his reservations, Brian could see Diana was serious, so he conceded, "Well, if you insist, then I won't stop you."

Diana could tell Brian was unhappy that she was leaving, so she added in a gentler tone, "Relax, I will come back after I finish my thesis. After all, I have to treat you." She even gave him a cute wink to finish her sentence.

Brian glanced at her and simply uttered, "Well then."

Well then? Well then? What did he mean?