My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 509 - 91: What’s Wrong?

Diana nodded. "Are you looking for Antonette? She just left."

Diana was really dizzy now. She couldn't hold herself up and stepped back to sit on the couch.

Seeing Diana's beautiful, flushing face, Mr. Colin couldn't help l.i.c.k.i.n.g his lips.

"My beauty!" Mr. Colin smiled and waved his hand. One of his men turned back to close the door.

"What?" The man's tone frightened Diana, but she was so dizzy that she couldn't stand up.

Mr. Colin walked over to Diana and tried to push himself down on her c.h.e.s.t.

In her state of confusion, Diana felt something heavy pressing against her and instinctively tried to bat it away.

Mr. Colin was not expecting her to defend herself, and Diana slapped him hard on his face. His expression quickly changed from l.u.s.t to anger.

Diana knew she was in danger now. She struggled to sit up and grabbed the wine bottle. She pointed it at the men and shouted, "What do you want? Don't touch me!"

"You bitch! Stop playing hard to get! Seize her!" Mr. Colin ordered.

The men stood beside him walked menacingly towards Diana.

The sense of danger helped Diana clear her mind a little. But she was still feeble and extremely hot. She knew she had to do something and waved the bottle of wine around in a threatening manner.

Mr. Colin's men stopped, they didn't dare to get any closer.

"Losers! You can't even seize a young girl?" Mr. Colin shouted angrily.

However, the wine bottle was starting to get heavy, and Diana was panting heavily as she struggled to keep it moving. She knew that once she stopped fighting, she would be dead meat. She had to keep fighting.

But it felt like the world was spinning around her.

One man seized the chance when Diana became dizzy and grabbed the bottle out of her hand.

The bottle smashed on the ground, and the wine exploded out onto the floor.

Some even managed to splash on Mr. Colin's expensive suit, and he swore angrily.

Diana was defenseless now and felt a hand reach out and take hold of her collar. She tried to pull back, but her body just wouldn't respond.

"You want to go? I don't think so…" It was one of Mr. Colin's staff.

Diana was thrown onto the big couch. Out of energy and out of the fight, she lay there shivering faintly.

She was about to blackout when she saw in her hazy vision someone kicked through the door with a loud "bang!"

"Mr. William, you can't go in there."

Mr. William? Diana heard the name and recalled Brian's gorgeous but annoying face.

Was he here?

Mr. Colin was incensed at the interruption. He shouted at the handsome man who was standing at the door, "Who the hell are you? How dare you come into my room? I will teach you a lesson!"

"Will you?" the man uttered coolly.

Mr. Colin was stunned. No one treated him in this way! He was about to shout back when Brian leaped forward and kicked him hard in the stomach.

The helpless Mr. Colin fell to the ground, m.o.a.ning, and rolling around in pain.

"Since you dare to touch my girl, I suppose you want to die?" Brian's tone was as cold as ice.

After seeing their boss attacked, Mr. Colin's men rushed over to defend him. As they ran in front of him to protect him from further attack, they saw Brian coolly take off his sunglasses and pick up a bottle of wine.

They were confused for a moment and were completely unprepared as Brian suddenly launched the bottle as hard as he could at them, striking one man square in the c.h.e.s.t.

The man cried out in pain, his shout so loud that everyone in the building must have heard it.

"If you want to stay alive, I suggest you all f.u.c.k off," Brian growled menacingly.

What Brian had done really frightened those men. They were bodyguards, but they knew when they were beaten, and they sensed they were dealing with a very powerful man.

Still lying on the ground, writhing around in agony, Mr. Colin saw the boss of the bar stood anxiously at the door.

"Get him out of here," Brian said coldly.

He took off his large black coat and walked over to where Diana lay on the couch. He wrapped her up in his coat and held her in a warm embrace.

Diana could feel a pair of strong arms hugging her, and she moved naturally into their grip.

Diana was longing for something to remove the heat from her body, and to feel the cold body against her, she reached out to touch Brian's skin.

Seeing Diana's beautiful face nestle into his c.h.e.s.t, Brian felt a longing within him. He glanced briefly at Mr. Colin, who was trying to hide from him, but he decided not to beat him again. He left the pathetic man cowering on the floor and walked out with Diana in his arms.

Mr. Colin thought Brian had forgiven him and was relieved. He was almost frightened to death when the boss of the bar told him the man was Brian William.

The owner of the bar was also scared. Then he suddenly remembered someone.

Antonette White. That bitch caused all this trouble!

He took out his phone and called Antonette angrily.

Antonette had been waiting for his call. She picked it up at once.

"Who is that, Diana Anderson? You sent a girl like that without telling us who is behind her. And you fed her a pill! Antonette White! You are stupid and wicked!"

Antonette clearly knew her plan had failed. She apologized at once and said, "I don't know anything about that. She asked me to take her to the bar."


Antonette knew she would be in trouble if the boss discovered the truth, so she blamed everything on Diana. "You don't know, Diana always hangs out with those rich men. She asked me to take her to your bar today. And she took the pill herself. I think this must have been a trick to lure Mr. William into bed."