My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 507 - 89: I Am No One’s Mistress

Diana went first to the old man and paid him. Then she rushed to the security office of the school. She had to figure out what had happened.

Diana walked into the security office and told them her story.

Antonette stood beside Diana as she explained to them that their dormitory might have been broken into by a thief.

Antonette was relieved, at least Diana didn't suspect her and their roommates. If Diana knew they had ruined her dress and shoes, Diana wouldn't be her friend anymore. Then the roommates might tell Diana what Antonette had said about her! There would be no way to meet with Brian and Kyle without Diana as her excuse.

The men in the security office were experienced and smart. Hearing what Diana told them, they knew it might be a trick between girls. One of them said, "How about this? I will go to your dormitory with you to check your lock. If your lock isn't broken, then you should consider that it might have been your roommates who did this. You can then go to your headteacher for help."

Diana hadn't thought of that scenario. And recalling how her roommates had been acting strangely recently, it was plausible.

Antonette quickly interjected, "It must be a misunderstanding. Our roommates are good people. They wouldn't do such a thing."

The men in the security officer looked at each other but didn't say anything.

Diana frowned and turned to Antonette. "Antonette, I will handle this myself. You don't have to do anything. I don't want to accuse innocent people but whoever did this has to be punished."

Antonette was anxious; she could feel Diana was starting to suspect their roommates.

When they arrived back at the dormitory, their roommates were just arriving back from dinner. Seeing the men of the security office, one of Diana's roommates frowned and said, "Why are there so many men? Is there a problem in our dormitory?"

Another girl glanced at Diana and sneered at her. "It must be our queen."

The men of the security officer noticed their attitude and instantly understood what was going on. One of the men looked their way and said, "We are here to check if the security equipment is damaged or not. We hope you can support our work."

Diana's two roommates changed their position. "How is it any of your business what happened in our dormitory? Since when can anyone come to check things here?"

The men rolled their eyes at each other.

"This is our duty. And your roommate requested we come. Her belongings were damaged by someone, and she suspected there was a thief."

Knowing Diana had found the dress and shoes, the girls started to get angry. They hadn't expected Diana would go to tell the security office!

"There is no problem in our dormitory," one of the girls shouted.

"Yes. I think you are lying. You just broke in and said you came here to check…"

"Quiet!" Diana shouted, interrupting her roommates.

She was now sure her roommates were the ones responsible. She spoke to them in a frosty tone, "My dress and shoes were cut and ruined by someone. They said it might have been one of my roommates. But I don't believe it, so I asked them to check. Who do you think is right?"

The two girls didn't dare to say anything.

Antonette tried to calm things down, "We'll figure it out later. Don't let it influence our friendship. It's not a big deal for them to check our dormitory, right?"

At last, the two girls gave in and stepped aside.

After looking around, the security team found the door and window were both in good condition.

One looked at Diana sympathetically and said, "Everything is fine here, so no one broke into your room. I suggest you go to your headteacher for help."

Diana was sad to have her suspicions regarding her roommates be proven correct.

After the security left, one of Diana's roommates slammed her fist on the table and shouted at Diana, "Diana, are you insane? Do you go to tell such a thing to others? You really want to let other people know we don't get along?"

The other girl also shouted, "It's just a dress! You should have expected that when you agreed to be a mistress and do all those filthy things! Bitch!"

Diana was stunned, how could they be angry with her?!

Antonette wanted to intervene to stop the argument, but the other girls stared at her. She didn't dare to speak.

Diana was shaking with anger. "How could you say that? You just admitted that you destroyed my stuff! And you swear at me? I am no one's mistress!"

Diana felt like she would be consumed by the fire of her anger.

The girls looked at her and smiled coldly, "Of course the bitch continues lying. What a surprise."

As they spoke, they stepped forward in an intimidating manner, as if they were about to beat Diana. The fight was about to boil over!

Antonette spotted the girls' intentions and walked forward. "Stop! Stop!"

Antonette shouted so loudly that she surprised the two girls.

"Are you helping her now?" one asked angrily.

Antonette took a deep breath, "I want to point out, what if the men from the security officials have told our headteacher what happened? Do you really think it's a good idea to start a fight now?"

The girls had not thought about that and stayed quiet.

"What's more, you did cut Diana's stuff. You should apologize to her now," Antonette said in a serious tone. However, as she said this, she winked at the girls from behind Diana's back.

The girls sneered at Diana and, understanding Antonette's gesture, one said, "I won't apologize to anyone. But we will forgive Diana this time."

Diana couldn't believe how ridiculous they were, it was so sad. She didn't want to say anything to them, so she grabbed Antonette's hand and walked away.

Diana ran out hand in hand with Antonette, and she wouldn't stop running till they reached the field behind the library. Diana was so sad that she almost cried out. Determined not to let them get to her, she took a deep breath and wiped away her tears.