My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 505 - 87: Don’t Follow Me

As Kate and Diana continued their talk in the garden, Kate suddenly felt rather dizzy, so much so that she almost fell over.

Luckily, Diana swiftly put an arm out to hold her, then helped her back to the house.

Seeing Kate's discomfort, Brian was visibly concerned.

Diana, however, was not fazed by the incident and carefully took her pulse.

"It's just hypotension," she replied calmly. "Can someone bring some chocolate or sweets, please?"

Actually, it turned out Kate had been on a diet recently in order to attend a fair, so she hadn't eaten much during the dinner. After eating the chocolate, she soon perked up.

"Thank you very much, Miss Anderson," Kate said appreciatively.

Diana waved her hands, "It was nothing, really. But I suggest you pay more attention to rest and diet."

The steward beside them couldn't help chipping in, "That's the way Ms. Grace is. In order to stay in shape, she would rather eat less."

Kate looked sternly at the steward, who instantly stopped talking.

"It does make sense, a balanced diet is very important," Diana said authoritatively. " I tell you what, I'll write you a prescription which can help you keep slim and stay healthy at the same time."

Kate respected Diana very much for her thoughtfulness.

"Thank you again, Miss Anderson."

"Don't mention it."

Diana was more than willing to help Kate, as she was already quite fond of her.

As Diana studiously wrote out the prescription and explained it to Kate's housekeeper, Kate looked at Brian and gave a silent nod of approval.

Brian was delighted to see her acceptance of Diana. After all, he really liked Diana, and his mother's approval meant everything to him.

Diana stayed a little while longer with Kate to make sure she was ok, then reluctantly left with Brian.

Kate was unhappy to part with Diana as well. Nowadays, girls like her were quite rare.


On the journey back, a proud smile spread across Brian's face.

There was something different about him today, but Diana could not figure out what it was.

"Why did you take me to see Ms. Grace, Brian?"

"What's wrong? Didn't you like her?" Brian asked, avoiding the question.

Diana shook her head, "How could I dislike her? She is an amazing woman. But what is the relationship between you two? Why did you take me to see her in particular?"

Brian was getting a little impatient at Diana's questioning, however, he was in a good mood and said calmly, "I have my own reasons, which you don't need to know about."

Diana was left unsatisfied by his reply. There must be something Brian wasn't telling her.

"Ms. Grace said I was the first person that you brought to see her. And she said that I am special. How do you explain that?"

"It's none of your business. I just had no one to take before," Brian replied with a scowl. Though secretly, Brian was surprised his mother had been so open in her praise, Diana must have really made an impression.

Finally, Brian's stubbornness became too irritating for Diana to bear any longer. He had taken her to dinner with a stranger and wouldn't tell her the reasons, what was going on?!

"I wanna get out!" Diana said angrily.

"Don't be ridiculous," Brian said, struggling to contain his temper.

"Stop the car! I want to get out now!" Diana shouted.

Brian was angry now, both because of Diana and himself.

He didn't want to tell Diana how he felt; he hoped she could grow to like him of her own accord. But what if she didn't…?

Brian's face suddenly darkened at that last thought, and he suddenly slammed on the brakes, bringing the car to an abrupt halt.

Diana's head lurched forward and hit the side window.

She cried out in pain, and after an indignant glare at Brian, got out of the car and walked away.

Brian wanted to ignore her and drive away, but they were way out in the suburbs, he couldn't leave her there. So he forced himself to claw back his anger and got out of the car to chase after her.

"Don't follow me!" Diana yelled.

Brian grabbed her by the hands and looked deep into her eyes.

"Do you want to know the reason?"

Diana stopped struggling for a moment, sensing Brian was about to say something important.

"I took you there tonight because I told Ms. Grace that I have fallen in love with someone."

Diana was in a trance after hearing his explanation.

Had he fallen in love with someone? Diana felt a strong sense of sadness sweep through her.

When had he found a new woman? And why was he telling her?

Diana's prolonged silence made Brian uncomfortable, "What are you thinking about now?" he asked impatiently.

Finally, Diana came to, "I just think you, Brian, are really amazing."

"What do you mean?" Brian asked.

Diana sneered, "Well, if you wanted me to meet the woman you have fallen in love with, and I don't know why you would want that, it would have been wise to tell me who she was first! What if I had said something about you, or she had discovered your secret?"

Brian was baffled for a moment, then quickly realized that Diana had totally misunderstood him. But she didn't give him a chance to explain as she continued ranting, "Oh, I forgot, Mr. William always has to manipulate people, didn't want me to cause trouble with your new woman, right? Well done, Brian, good plan!"

Brian was about to admit his feelings to Diana, but from what she said, it seemed she didn't like him at all. He was sad and desperate.

He pushed Diana to the roadside and said, "Why do you think of me in that way? Why do you say such things?" Did my mother treat you badly?

Brian was so angry that he had accidentally revealed the secret.

"You two lied to me!" Diana was shocked. Kate was such a gentle and kind woman. How could she lie to her with Brian?