My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 453 - 35: I Still Love You

A lady born into a wealthy, famous family is usually brought up to keep her emotions hidden. This was the case with Carol Jefferson.

She wore her usual gentle expression, making sure to keep her dark side hidden deep down within her soul. Carol picked up her phone and dialed Brian's number.

"Brian. My parents sent me a doll today. I am a grown-up, but they still treat me like a child and send me dolls," Carol spoke in a soft voice.

"Well." Brian's deep voice came to Carol's ear through the phone. He made a sound just to show he was listening to her.

Though he only said one word, Carol was not mad at him. She knew that this was Brian's style. Though he might not be interested in what she said, he would listen to her patiently.

And he only treated her in this way. If someone else spoke with him like that, Brian would hang up the phone, maybe even ask Ken to blacklist the phone number! Carol cherished the special treatment Brian gave her.

"Brian, do you remember the first doll I got? You made it for me. I still keep it and change its clothes from time to time. It's beautiful." Carol waited for Brian's reply.

Brian kept silent for a while and then uttered, "I thought you threw it away."

"I lied to you," Carol said naughtily, "Of course I kept it. How could I throw it away? It was the first doll I ever received, and you made it. I still remember when we were little, I performed as a mother, you as a father, and the doll was our child."

"Carol," Brian lowered his voice, "That was a long time ago."

"But, I still cherish it." Carol said, ignoring Brian's tone, "And I still love you. We have so much to look forward to! Soon we'll be married! Where should we go for our honeymoon? Will we have children? If we have a boy, we could call him Jefferson William. What a wonderful name! It's the combination of your last name and my last name…"

"Carol." Brian interrupted her with his cold voice.

"I have to work now," Brian said calmly. At least, he didn't say anything to upset Carol.

"Alright. I understand your work is very important. Take care of yourself, and don't forget, our wedding is just around the corner," Carol replied in an innocent and considerate way.

"Ok," Brian murmured and hung up the phone. He understood what she was trying to say: don't do anything to embarrass her before the wedding.

Putting the phone on the table, Brian returned to his work. Still vexed, he picked up a pen and started writing furiously, so much so that the pen's gold nib broke and ink exploded out over his papers.

"Boss!" Ken drew out a tissue to put on the files. Then he checked Brian's hand to make sure he wasn't hurt.

Though Ken didn't hear what Carol Jefferson said, judging from Brian's reaction, he could guess what the topic was.

Boss's fiancée acted gently and kindly. But he suspected that might not be the real Carol.

Ken remembered how his boss was in the past. He was as warm as a summer breeze, with a smile as bright as the sun. But later, he changed.

If it weren't Carol Jefferson, the boss might not have become the man he was today. At least, he would not be so temperamental.

Ken disliked Carol. He also thought that Diana being around was a good thing for Brian. So, he tried to support Diana when he could.

At night, after Brian arrived at the villa, Diana felt his pulse as usual.

Brian was not in the best mood today. He didn't look at Diana until she called his name several times. And his expression seemed to tell her to leave him alone. Diana felt quite surprised by this new behavior. One thing she never thought she would see in Brian was absentmindedness.

"What happened?" As Brian's physician, Diana thought she should also care for his mental health.

"Nothing." Brian didn't look at Diana. He stared off into the distance and seemed to be deep in thought.

"You look distracted," Diana said.

Brian didn't look at her and revealed nothing. "Just do what you need to do. Mind your own business."

What did he mean? Diana was confused. What made Brian mad and gave her the cold shoulder? Diana shrugged her shoulders. Since he asked her to mind her own business, she would not ask anymore. He spoke as if she cared about him!

After a while, Brian came to Diana. Standing beside her, he watched her boil his medicine. "Is it boring to stay in the villa all day?" he asked.

Diana thought he was indeed strange today. She turned to him, confusedly, "Were you thinking of taking me out for some fun?"

"You could go to school," Brian didn't answer her question, "You are free to do your own things."

This was quite rare! Diana thought she had to seize the chance. "OK fine, you've said it now! You can't go back on your word!"

"I'll assign a driver for you. He will drive you wherever you like." Saying that Brian walked quickly out of the kitchen.

Diana shook her head. She had no idea what had happened to Brian to make him act so strangely. But she was allowed to go to school! This was the best news she had received for a long while. Diana was elated and too lazy to think about why Brian was acting nicely all of a sudden.

Walking out of the kitchen, Brian's face became serious. There were complicated emotions in his dark eyes.

He knew what he was doing. He was trying to avoid staying with Diana.

He couldn't help being sarcastic about Diana every time he saw her, just so he could see her angry face. This was abnormal; he knew that. If he had a choice, he would keep Diana beside him always, like a pet. That way, he could see her whenever he wanted. But he couldn't.

It was Brian William. He had a fiancée, Carol Jefferson, his childhood sweetheart. Their marriage was not only about them but also about the interests of their families.

Meanwhile, Diana had no idea of Brian's sorrow. She went happily to college. And the first thing she wanted to do was to see her tutor, Kyle Norton.

During the time she was kept in Brian's house, Kyle had handled their project on his own. Although she had found an excuse for her disappearance, seeing Kyle do the project without complaint, Diana was extremely touched and almost cried for his kindness.

Brian had set her free for a while. Now she had to find a way to thank Kyle.