My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 451 - 33: Choose What You Like

"Brian!" The next morning, a loud shout came from Brian's bedroom. "How could you sleep here?"

Brian turned his head to the other side to save his ears from Diana's screaming. Seeing Diana's furious reaction, he suddenly wanted to laugh.

He smiled and said slowly, "Someone hugged me tightly and asked me to stay last night."

Diana was confused for a while. Then she realized he was saying it was she who forced him to stay. Impossible! She was sound asleep last night.

But she did dream about hugging a giant teddy bear. The bear was soft, warm, and super comfortable to hug. Recalling that, Diana doubted whether the bear in her dream was, in fact, Brian. She couldn't be sure.

"If you are awake now, why don't you let me go?" Brian glanced down at his belly. Diana was still hugging him firmly with her arms.

So, the teddy bear was Brian…!

Diana took her hands back immediately. She cleared her throat and said awkwardly, "Well. What a nice day!"

Brian got out of bed; thankfully, he was still wearing his pajamas. In the soft morning light, Brian looked handsome and gentlemanlike, while his perfect muscular body gave him a strong sense of manliness. Diana was amazed by him.

Was Brian trying to seduce her?

No! No! No! She would never be seduced by Brian. Even if he was the most handsome man she had ever seen!

Brian picked up the remote control sitting on the table and used it to open the curtains slowly. It was raining outside. Brian nodded his head in agreement and said, "What a nice day!"

Diana smiled awkwardly and hid under the quilt. She felt too embarrassed to get up now.

Brian didn't expect her to be so slow and looked back at Diana, who was still shyly hiding in the quilt. He raised his eyebrows and said, "We have slept together already. And you are still too shy to get dressed in front of me?"

Diana ground her teeth. Why did he always have to twist things?

But this was not what she was most concerned about. Diana murmured, "I…I don't have any clothes to wear."

Her clothes from yesterday were torn by the tramp. She obviously couldn't wear the top with a hole in the c.h.e.s.t.

Brian stopped and looked at Diana from head to toe. He opened the closet and took out a white shirt. Throwing it on the bed, Brian uttered, "Take this."

"This…" Diana held the shirt and looked carefully. "You haven't given me pants."

Brian laughed, "Why would you need pants while wearing my shirt?"

Comparing Brian's height with hers, Diana had to admit that Brian's shirt was the length of her dress.

Seeing Diana still felt shy, Brian left the room, allowing her some privacy.

Diana made sure Brian had definitely left before getting changed into his shirt. Brian's shirt went down to her knees and looked just like a dress on her.

After getting dressed, Diana stood timidly by the stairs. She could see Brian was sitting at the table, watching a business news channel. Ken was telling him his schedule for the day.

Seeing Diana walk downstairs, Ken was shocked.

"Does it look weird?" Diana asked, pointing at the shirt. She hesitated to walk down the stairs.

Ken laughed, "Is this a game between you two?"

"Shut up," Brian said stiffly, giving Ken a dark look. Ken immediately closed his mouth and gave a light-hearted gesture of zipping his lips. He had been thrown out of the car last night because of his mouth. He had learned his lesson!

Brian put down his cup of coffee and turned to Diana.

She was wearing his shirt. The idea of this made Brian elated. He couldn't understand why the sight of Diana here like this invoked such a reaction.

Brian's staff worked incredibly efficiently. Before they'd even finished breakfast, the gate of the villa opened, and a stainless-steel clothing rack was pushed into the living room. Dozens of lady's dresses and clothes were put before Diana, awaiting her selection.

Diana was shocked and covered her mouth. "Are these all for me?"

To Brian, it seemed quite a normal thing. He nodded and stated casually, "Choose what you like."

At last, Diana obeyed Brian's order and chose a dress to change into in the bedroom.

"Well, have you put it on yet?" Brian waited for a while and didn't see Diana walkout. His patience was running thin.

Diana replied slowly in a shy voice, "I won't come out unless you promise you won't laugh at me."

Ken burst out laughing.

Diana was irritated and shouted, "I won't wear them!"

Brian glanced at Ken coldly. Ken grinned and said, "I didn't laugh. I just sneezed."

Brian reassured her, "Nobody will laugh at you. Come out!"

He had high expectations for Diana's new look. Diana usually acted and dressed like a boy. What would she look like if she wore a dress?

Seeing Diana walk downstairs and stand before him, Brian was reminded how Diana could always surprise him.

The pink dress looked as if it was tailor-made for her. The design showed off her thin waist and slender legs, whilst also making her skin look white and smooth. The dress helped show her true, natural beauty. She looked like a princess.

Diana was captivatingly beautiful, something that didn't go unnoticed by Brian's numerous domestic staff. They looked at her slyly with a mix of jealousy and anger.

This girl was just a boss' physician a few days ago, no different from their status. How could she have worked her way up so quickly? Boss stayed with her the whole night, and today she walked downstairs in his shirt. Didn't she feel ashamed?

Boss already had a fiancée, and she was a decent lady. Moreover, she was beautiful and rich. Who the hell was this girl? Did she plan to take Miss Jefferson's place? Miss Jefferson always treated them well. Now, this girl was trying to steal Brian. They felt they had to tell Miss Jefferson about it.

Of course, none of them would admit that they all dreamt of one day being in Diana's position.

Diana didn't notice them watching. She was too focused on not falling over in her new shoes. She found Brian had thrown away her old ones. And the only replacements he'd bought were high heels. Scolding Brian in her mind, Diana had no choice but to walk cautiously in the high heels.

Brian didn't know what was driving him. He walked over to Diana and reached out his hand, like a true gentleman.