My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 441 - 23: The Customer Is Always Right

Where there any other ways to fill a glass?

Diana thought Brian was just being picky and struggled to get Brian's hand off her arm. But Brian used his position and pulled Diana into his arms.

Smelling Brian's perfume, Diana felt her heart beating crazily and her face blushing. She struggled to stand.

Compared with Brian, she was as weak as a lamb. Brian hugged her lightly, and Diana was held firmly in his arms.

"Let me go!" Diana yelled angrily.

"The customer is always right. You'd better do what I say," Brian said in a deliberately flippant tone. He put his slender, warm fingers on Diana's waist, and continued, "Or, you want me to complain to your manager?"

Diana hadn't received her salary yet. Her hard work in recent days was all for the money. Grinding her teeth, Diana decided to bear it.

She sat down meekly and picked up the bottle of wine to fill Brian's glass. But as she bent over, Diana accidentally sat on Brian's t.h.i.g.h. Brian embraced her lightly as their bodies made contact. It was too intimate for Diana, and she felt very embarrassed.

She tried to adjust her position. But it turned out that no matter what she did, she still sat intimately on Brian's l.a.p. Diana could do nothing to stop her body from making contact with Brian's.

But she didn't notice that behind her, Brian was looking quite uncomfortable.

God damn it! It was already hard for him to bear that she was touching him. And now she was moving on his t.h.i.g.h!

Is that how she treated her guests?

"Don't move," Brian said with his deep and s.e.xy voice. Right now, his breath was getting hotter and hotter.

Though Diana hadn't had s.e.x with anyone, she knew what was happening behind her.

What was worse, Brian's hand was touching her!

Diana felt her body go stiff as his hand moved around to her waist.

Brian lowered his hand down Diana's waist and was about to sneak his hand under the mini dress.

The fragrance of herbs on Diana flowed into Brian's nose. Even in the room with its strong incense, her scent was still fragrant and refreshing. Her skin was soft and smooth, and her cleavage showed through the heart shape cut on her c.h.e.s.t. Brian thought of the kiss half a month ago. Her lips were soft and pink.

Damn it! Brian felt hot, and his manhood was getting hard.

The part of his body that was in contact with Diana was getting hot. He felt Diana was like a heat source, inputting her heat to his body continuously. And that heat rushed straight to his genitals.

Brian hadn't had s.e.x for months. The feeling was overwhelming and made him dizzy. Diana felt something like electricity flowing through her body and dared not even move. But now Brian's actions were too much for her, she had to remind him of that.

Staring at Brian, she saw his blank expression. And the part of his body she was sitting on was getting hotter and harder. What was that thing stabbing her?

Without thinking, Diana reached out her hand to touch it.

Her soft hand fell on Brian's manhood. Brian panted heavily, and his manhood swelled even bigger.

The emotion in his eyes changed. His usually cold eyes seemed to be covered with light moisture, which cut his usual distant feeling and added a sense of charm and s.e.xiness.

He was turned on.

Diana opened her eyes widely in shock. It was hot and hard. Although she had no experience of s.e.x, she knew what it was! Brian got hard just because she was sitting on him?

"You are disgusting!" Diana forcefully pushed Brian off her and backed away to the other side of the room.

If she didn't need her salary so badly, she would already have been screaming at him!

Brian regained his composure. He was irritated by his actions. Whenever he was with Diana, he felt like he was out of control, there was a strange connection between them. But Diana just pushed him away like he was a virus. His childhood friends would laugh at him about this for years!

Brian glanced over and saw George and Liam, both of whom were desperately trying to keep a straight face.

Brian looked at Diana with his usual cold eyes. "Come here," Brian ordered.

Thinking of what she had just touched, Diana shook crazily and grumbled, "You are disgusting! You use your impotence as an excuse to act indecently!"

"You are a bar girl, is this how you treat your guests?" Brian said fiercely. "I asked you to come here. Are you deaf?"

Brian was livid. His impotence was a secret. Only a few of his closest staff knew about it. His childhood friends had no idea, and Diana had just shouted it out in front of them!

Brian was incensed with rage. He sneered at Diana, "You are just a bar girl sleeping with guests to get money. Stop acting like you are pure and innocent!"

Sleeping with guests? Diana thought Brian must be out of his mind now! She did her job as a waitress in the bar and worked hard to earn the salary. Nothing had happened in the past. Now everything had changed since Brian showed up.

Diana was furious and, without thinking, shouted, "Have you paid? You pay nothing but ask me to serve you. Who do you think you are?"

Brian smiled coldly and picked out a credit card from his suit pocket. He threw it on the table and said, "Finish this glass of wine with me. And the credit card is yours."

See, she refused him for money. Diana's words were a great relief to Brian. In Brian's opinion, if something had a price, then it could be easily obtained.

Diana saw the black credit card on the table and hesitated. She would not give in so easily!

Diana walked to the table and took the card.

Brian's eyes gazed at her coldly. Somehow, he was vexed by Diana's reaction. Like he was expecting Diana to refuse the money.

Diana stared at him and threw the card into the glass full of wine.

Brian was relieved.

"That is my answer," Diana said.

It was just money. She could work here as an ordinary waitress for the salary. Why should she betray her body to earn that money? She despised that way of earning money.

Brian gazed at Diana with his dark eyes. He had seen this trick before in places like this. It was just a trick first to refuse so as to attract his interest and accept the money later on.

But no matter how carefully he looked at Diana's expression, he couldn't see the slightest bit of d.e.s.i.r.e for the money.

The second waitress, on the other hand, simply gazed at the credit card in the glass, thinking to herself what a wasted opportunity it was.