My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 432 - 14: She Totally Felt Worthless

Antonette may have thought that she disguised herself well. But Brian had already worked out her plan. From a few words through the phone, Brian could quickly tell that her caring for Diana was fake. She was getting exactly what she wanted.

Brian glanced at Diana. She was still waiting for his reply, her clear eyes staring at him.

"Do you want to be impotent forever?" Diana threatened. Brian's silence gave her the courage to continue, "Antonette White is a gentle girl. Could you promise me for my sake that you'll be nice?"

Her pink lips moved sweetly, her watery eyes, and the fragrance of medicine that surrounded her suddenly blew Brian away.

Brian knew that Antonette was going to try something. And Diana had no idea. She was totally clueless. Brian's blood boiled. That girl had the courage to play tricks in front of him. How dare she?

Antonette soon arrived at Brian's villa; the school was not too far from his neighborhood. She wore a floral skirt, and her long white legs were exposed. Her hair was done up nicely, and she wore just the right amount of makeup. She was the picture of gentility and sweetness.

As Antonette entered the room, Brian could smell her fragrance. He recognized this perfume. It was cheap but seductive; some referred to it as the 'young man-killer'. Men with little experience always liked this smell. Brian's thin lips moved slightly upward. It was interesting to see that Antonette wore such exquisite makeup and this perfume, just to bring over the medical kit.

Diana took the medical kit and thanked Antonette happily.

Then Diana opened the kit and took out the equipment to take Brian's pulse.

She had learned various new medical skills from her brother and now knew different pulse readings were connected to different conditions.

Brian's pulse was smooth and regular, which meant he was healthy. As there was nothing wrong with him, Diana just prescribed some nutritional supplements, as usual.

Diana busied herself, preparing the prescription for the medicine. She wanted to finish her work as soon as possible so that she could leave and get Antonette out of there.

After all, Antonette had come for her. She didn't want her to be there and have to tolerate Brian.

Since she'd arrived, Antonette hadn't had the chance to talk with Brian.

When seeing Diana was busy preparing everything, and Brian was sitting alone, Antonette quickly sat beside him with a smile. She shyly greeted him, "Hello, I am Diana's best friend… …"

Brian took the prescription from Diana and gave it to Ken. He completely ignored Antonette as he told Ken to go and get his prescription.

Diana stared at Brian. What happened to their agreement? Didn't he hear Antonette's saying hello?

Brian seemed to remember her words, and despite himself, he looked at Antonette. He felt disgusted with just this one glance.

Antonette leaned forward with tears in her eyes. It was obvious that she wanted to please him.

Since entering the room, Antonette had not stopped looking around the house.

The real rich are not willing to flaunt their wealth. Brian William's villa was not splendid but decorated with a low profile. His house was mainly black, white, and grey, in keeping with his cold, artistic style.

Although the decoration was simple, Antonette still noticed some extremely costly items. On the desk, there was a jade carving, probably worth around $10 million! In the corner, there was a piece by a world-famous designer. Antonette the sofa, Antonette could see, was from a very expensive home furnishing company.

Antonette swallowed greedily and could not take her eye off all the treasures that surrounded her. It was what she had always dreamed about. She had been dreaming of living in a house like this since she was a child.

And all of this belonged to a man who was the most handsome guy she had ever seen!

Thinking of this, Antonette couldn't help blushing, her heart beating rapidly. If she were with him, all of this would belong to her.

Antonette was confident in her figure and appearance. Moreover, the guy even liked Diana Anderson! Surely she could find a way to make him see her? Antonette decided it was time to use some tricks. And though she thought she had hidden her intentions well, all the while, Brian knew everything.

In Brian's eyes, Antonette was like a simple baby lamb, cute, but without any secrets, without any intrigue.

He had met a lot of women who liked power and wealth. His ex-lovers had all been that type, only after his money. He was used to people hovering around him purely for their own benefit.

However, he had no interest in these kinds of women, like Antonette, who pretended to be innocent when the only thing they wanted was his money.

What's worse, she was using her best friend to get close to him.

Antonette betraying her friend made Brian feel sick.

If she had not been Diana's best friend, he would never have let her step foot in his villa.

Hence, Brian's glance was simply for Diana's sake.

But Antonette misunderstood him. She thought his glance was the chance she had been waiting for.

Antonette had always been beautiful. She knew what kind of posture was s.e.xy and how to please a man. She lowered her head slightly and lifted her b.a.r.e, white legs just off the ground. Designed to appear like an unconscious change of position. But Antonette clearly knew she would be showing off her assets for Brian to see.

She was aiming to appear shy but s.e.xy, with her gorgeous legs on show for Brian.

"Mr. William, I am sorry about last time… …" Antonette whispered shyly.

Brian glanced at Antonette with no emotion. He leaned back on the sofa with his legs crossed and looked at Diana's hands. She was packing away her medical kit. The feeling of her dry but soft hands were still fresh in Brian's memory.

Antonette's face began to turn red as Brian continued to ignore her. It felt like he looked down on her; she felt totally worthless.

Her eyes were full of tears, and her hands clasped tightly together. She was better than Diana, she thought. Why wouldn't Brian even look at her? Had Diana said something bad about her to Brian? She was in a panic, fearing that she might miss her chance.

Diana finished packing and turned around. She could see Antonette was about to cry; what was going on?