My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 425 - 7: I’ll Give You A Choice

"You...My brother says that he has settled it. I cannot help you..." Diana said, shivering. Brian was worried that she would reveal his secret, so he grabbed her hand and pulled her into his car.

"What are you doing?!" Falling on her stomach on the back seat, Diana covered her head and screamed.

Brian sat in the car beside her and grabbed her neck. "You are too noisy! Shut up!"

"Please calm down. Don't kill me!" Diana stopped fighting and looked at Brian with tears running down her face.

Although she looked like her brother Daniel, Brian much preferred her timid reaction. Moving his hand off Diana's neck, Brian said with a light smile: "Don't worry. Before you cure me, I will keep you alive."

"Didn't you talk about it with my brother? Haven't you settled everything? Are you still impotent?" Diana looked at him, confused. What she said deeply hurt Brian. Brian looked dreadful.

After the misunderstanding with Diana's brother Daniel, Brian had begged for Daniel's forgiveness and paid a lot for the famous physician's diagnosis. But the result was no different from what Brian had gotten before. He was healthy, and his manhood was functioning well. His impotence was the result of something in his mind, and he might recover without treatment sometime in the future.

However, Brian had tried to have s.e.x with women in recent days. But it turned out that he still couldn't get hard. What was worse, his family called him again, reminding him that he was engaged and soon to be married. Under pressure from his family, Brian was even more nervous.

He recalled that after getting shot, he had only gotten hard once, by Diana's touch. So, he came to Diana again.

"You and your brother didn't cure me. So, I am here for your after-sales service." Brian replied.

"Daniel! You told me that you settled it! You liar!" Diana thought angrily.

Diana was almost crying. She turned nervously to look at Brian. "I... Actually, I know very little about traditional Chinese medicine. If you want to be cured, you'd better ask for my brother's help."

"You made me hard last time. I trust you." Brian said earnestly, while his hand was touching something in his pocket.

Hidden in the pocket, Diana could see its shape. Was it a pistol?

The air-conditioners in the car were on. But she was sweating. "I... I will not disappoint you. Can you please just keep your pistol away?" Diana cried.

Brian looked at her jokingly. He put his hand into the pocket and took out a checkbook. He wrote a number on it and held it out for Diana to see. "This is the deposit on your treatment. If you cure me, you can take the rest of the payment."

Staring at the number, Diana was greedy for a large amount of money. But she was determined to refuse. Seriously, what if she got killed for the money? She replied: "But I really have no idea how to cure you."

"Diana Anderson, does your brother operate his clinic without a proper license?" Brian asked, his face calm and unrevealing. But Diana felt frightened. He continued: "And you, Miss Anderson. You have failed many subjects in the past three years. I think it might be difficult for you to graduate."

"Are you threatening me?" Diana was annoyed by Brian's words. She turned to glare at Brian's handsome face. This bastard! Diana was frightened before. But now faced with Brian's threatening, she was annoyed.

"I'll give you a choice." Brian smiled slightly and dropped the check. "Cure me in a month, or you drop out of college, and your brother's clinic is shut down."

"You say it like I have any other choice..." Diana took the check and got out of the car, slamming the door behind her.

"Why do you behave so coolly towards me? I have seen you so emotional and fiery when it comes to other things," Diana scolded Brian silently. As the black Maybach pulled away and out of sight, Diana still stood angrily beside the road.

Antonette White ran to Diana and instantly noticed her dark expression. Antonette asked confusedly: "Diana, who was that man?"

"That man? He is a..." Diana stopped herself mentioning Brian's impotence and bad temper. She reminded herself of the confidentiality agreement between herself and Brian. If she told anyone his secret, she would surely suffer.

"It's no big deal. I am not very familiar with him."

"Do you know his name?" Unlike her usual timid self, Antonette persisted in asking, "You seem intimate with him. And you have been behaving strangely these days. Was it all about him? Is... is he your boyfriend?"

How could it be possible? Antonette's question frightened Diana. How could she fall in love with that man?

As they continued with the rest of their night, Antonette kept asking and trying to get more information about Brian. Diana was exhausted by her questioning. Moreover, she also wondered how to cure Brian. Finally, Diana decided to call it a day, and they went back to the school dormitories.

The next morning, Diana was awakened by a call. She picked up her phone and heard Ken's voice. "Diana, I am downstairs. It's time to go."

"God damn it!" Diana grumbled and struggled to get up.

"Diana, are you going out?" Seeing Diana was wearing clothes, Antonette sat up on her bed and said, "We don't have class this morning."

"I have something to do," Diana replied.

"What is it? Are you going to meet the man we saw yesterday?" Girls truly are gifted with excellent intuition.

Diana was nervous. She wasn't good at lying but couldn't tell Antonette the truth either. She replied: "No. I'm going home. Goodbye!"

Then she grabbed her bag and rushed out of the dormitory.

Sitting on the bed, Antonette White had a bad feeling. "Diana is hiding from me because she is afraid that the rich man might fall in love with me, isn't she? And she always says that I am her best friend. But nothing is more important than her own interests."

Antonette's mood was saddened. She noticed Diana's expensive skincare products and began to sulk. It was all because she didn't have rich parents and a gifted brother. She must plan for her future. With this in mind, Antonette was determined to get Brian's attention.

Sitting in Ken's car, Diana was brought to Brian's house again. This time she could see clearly what the house looked like.

A real billionaire wouldn't build their villa in some remote area, but somewhere like this place.