My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 261 - 64: I Never Celebrate My Birthday

And he stood up good-tempered and carried her and went back to sit on the stool. He held her in his arms and stretched his hands to play the piano with unprofessional posture, and he hummed the song at the same time.

As Kate was choking and would not tell him the lyrics, so he improvised. After he finished, he kissed her on the forehead and asked, "How is my version?"

This side of Tristan was both unfamiliar and familiar to Kate. This was the man she dreamed of when she was young. She was overwhelmed by her emotions and rested her head on his shoulder, letting tears pour out as they wanted.

"It isn't prenatal depression, is it? We shall check with the doctor tomorrow."

As Kate cried, she heard the melody changing to merry and fast, "London Bridge is falling down. London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down. My fair lady. Build it with iron bars, iron bars, iron bars."

The song was cute, and she turned to see Tristan's hands. The slender fingers moved on the keyboard swiftly and gracefully. And it suddenly occurred to her that it was these hands that tortured her nearly to death…

Kate suddenly flushed and put her hand to her cheek, fearing her thoughts might be noticed.

The pianist focused on his performance and didn't notice her change. After London Bridge is Falling Down, he played two more songs. The songs all had simple melodies and a lively rhythm but still could attract the audience's attention.

She examined Tristan's face: The corners of his mouth were lifted slightly. His expression was earnest but also gentle. She found that the vicious and cold look on his face had been gone for quite a long time.

Was it because he had become a father?

"Do you like it?" Tristan asked her. She nodded, but suddenly she gave out a cry. Tristan stopped and asked, "What's wrong?"

Kate looked down to her belly and said, "It kicked me."

He was thrilled and put his hand on her belly, but a few layers of fabric prevented his enjoyment of the actions of his future child.

He lifted Kate's top and put his ear to her belly. They both held their breath for half a minute, and then they felt the little thing move. They both cried out with surprise and happiness. "It must have heard my playing."

Kate's belly was like a balloon, and the skin was smooth and warm. Her b.r.e.a.s.ts also became plumper after she got pregnant. There was a faint scent about her. Tristan pulled down her top before he got turned on.

He said seriously, "The 8th of last month was your birthday, but I didn't celebrate for you…"

Kate's heart felt a slight thrill. She didn't expect him to remember it. She said, "I never celebrate my birthday."

Tristan squeezed her hand and added, "The reason I didn't celebrate with you is that I have bad memories of that day. I cannot celebrate then."

Kate thought of something, and she blurted out, "What happened on that day?"

Tristan drew a breath and said in a low voice, "My father died on that day."

Kate stiffened.

After a few seconds of silence, she said, "I am sorry."

Tristan shook her hand and he held and said, "It is OK. It was over twenty years ago. It is just…"

He looked at her with an apology, "we will have to celebrate your birthday a few days later in the future."

And then he took out a small box from his pocket. "This is my gift for your birthday."

It was a small thing held in his fingers, but the lights it reflected were outstanding. After Kate saw what it was, she was shocked and scared. She raised her eyes to him.

Tristan's expression was gentle and earnest. He looked at the ring and said, "They say the best gift a man can give a woman is marriage, and the best gift a woman gives a man is a child."

"I…" Kate's lips trembled.

"Hush…" He stopped her rejection, looked into her eyes, and said, "We both know the real situation between us, but our initial intentions may change."

Tristan glanced at her waist, and his eyes grew tender, "It is growing every day. You two both need an identity."

Kate turned pale. Her eyes showed her complicated emotions. He looked into her eyes again and said, "One-third of our three-year term has passed. If you insist on leaving when the time is up, I will not force you to stay. But before that, can we live peacefully?"

Tristan's eyes looked peaceful and sincere, without any intention to force her. It made Kate feel difficult to reject him. She could only stare at him.

Tristan held her hand and put the ring on her slim finger.

The size was just right. The diamond was dazzling like a star. Strangely there was no repulsion in her heart.


She saw him taking out another ring from his pocket. It was a simpler one without a diamond. She was surprised.

Tristan said, "This one is for me."

Kate flushed. He put the ring in her hand and said, "Help me put it on."

Kate was spellbound. She put the ring on his finger clumsily, and when the ring passed his knuckle, she pushed it to the place.

The pair of rings, one big and one small were in harmony. Kate bit her lower lip. She could not reject him while he was acting like this.

He held her hand and squeezed and said, "OK, that is a deal."

And then he pulled her head close and kissed her on the hairline.

Kate had a vacant feeling, and she didn't know how she felt. At the same time, her heart was also filled up, with little space left.

She recalled the first time she had seen him. There was a ring on his hand then. He was probably a person that respected marriage. This thought made her feel a little comfortable. Soon she thought of something.

She buried her face in his c.h.e.s.t and said in a muffled voice, "Can you promise me one thing?"

"Say it."

"From now on, don't do anything to hurt…" She was careful with the wording, "…others."

Tristan moved a little but didn't respond immediately. Her heart was pulled up like a feather floating in the air and lacked the sense of belonging. She added in a low voice, "It is not good for the child."

Tristan said, "I will do that."

His hand found her face and wiped the tears on it. "Can you also promise me one thing?"

"What is it?"

"Don't always cry. It is bad for the kid."

"You don't make me cry." She replied with a nasal voice.


He had kept this ring for quite a long time. Since he knew Kate was pregnant, Tristan had made this decision. He was a traditional man in this aspect. He didn't want his child to be regarded as illegitimate.

It was just he knew Kate was still thinking about leaving him after the term was over. He was afraid of her rebellion if he was too pushy. Today he succeeded in his plan and got the ring on her finger, tying them together. He was exhilarated.

However, his good mood only lasted less for one day.

The next morning when he had just got to the office, he got a phone call. The caller asked him gravely, "You got some snitches around you? Roger Kane has some stuff. It was about you…"

After hanging up the phone, Tristan kept silent for a few seconds, and then he took the car keys and left the office.

The car flew at top speed to his old apartment. After entering, he went directly to the study. The books were placed orderly as before.

Tristan removed the books and opened the secret cabinet. When his hand touched the safe, he knew something was wrong. And when he opened it, as he expected, it was empty.

The password was a date that turned his life upside down. And it happened to be her birthday too.

He thought it was a coincidence, and he didn't expect it to be a fatal disaster.

All of a sudden, evilness surged in his heart. His c.h.e.s.t was burning with flames. Tristan took a deep breath and sank into the chair nearby, and forced himself to calm down.

"She was taking revenge for the cop?"

One hour later, Tristan returned to his office and sat at the big executive desk. His fist supported his face, which showed no emotion.

Chapman regretted it soon after he had asked the question. Boss didn't reply, but the answer was obviously there.

This was really…

He tried to cover the sympathy in his eyes and changed the subject, "What did Mr. Jackson say about it?"

Tristan said lightly, "Cannot count on him. Somebody below played tricks. He didn't see the things." If he had seen them, blood pressure would soar, and he would need to be admitted to the hospital immediately.

"This time, they made up their minds to bring me down." His fingers tapped the desk and muttered, "At this point, I have to end the game in advance."

"So what should we do?"

"Worst case scenario. Get sufficiently prepared immediately."

Chapman got the order and left. Tristan called Sam, "You drive for her these next two days. Keep a close eye on her."

Sam asked him something, and he said indifferently, "No. She can go wherever she wants."

A person could be confined, but a heart could not. So what was the use of it?

After the call, he walked back and forth in the room. When he got to the shelf displaying the certificates and trophies, he stopped to look at these things that recorded his over a decade of hard work.

He skimmed them one by one, and then he took up one trophy, rubbed it with his hand, and then suddenly threw it to the floor with all his strength. Fake! Fake things!

Like her, they were all phony.