My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 258 - 61: You Have To Beg Me If You Want It

Lightning came across the window from time to time and lit up Kate's face.

Tristan looked directly into her eyes and observed the tiny changes in her expression.

His slender fingers were playing a solo inside her body. A song without sound but with a unique melody was manifested through her breathing.

It was sometimes slower, sometimes faster, sometimes lighter, and sometimes heavier.

As the beats became longer and higher, there was m.o.a.ning about accompanying it. Something changed subtly inside her body. It became smooth as his fingers went in and out, and it also soothed his irritated heart.

Being separated from each other for so long, their bodies were each attracted by the scent of the other. With slight touches, the flames lit up fiercely.

Kate honestly responded to his motion. The tips of her nerves caught the stimulation and responded to it. A surge overwhelmed Tristan's consciousness and pushed other thoughts out of his mind.

When the melody came to a high point, Kate arched her body, lifted her chin as if she were trying to get closer to him as well as get away from him. Her hands clamped his arms unconsciously, and her fingers set into his skin.

When it came to an end, his fingers took a deep dive. And her hand let go of his arms, and her body sprang back to the couch. Her part that wrapped his fingers jerked and trembled, and streams flew out like the ripples spreading in a lake.

They were both panting, echoing each other.

Kate realized until now that she was not just venting feelings, she also could not resist. After being stimulated, her body came to its memory, longing to be filled and touched.

In a daze, she felt she was lifted and put down. It was soft under her body. Her fingers touched the long fur of the carpet.

Her clothes were stripped, and her c.h.e.s.t felt a little cold. Then she felt the warmth. His lips fell, together with the stubble. The unfamiliar touch made her skin tremble inch by inch.

It was a little painful and itchy.

His hand covered her b.r.e.a.s.t and kneaded savagely, with strength as if he almost wanted to break it. She took a long breath from the pain.

His lips moved down slowly. When he reached the highland, his tongue seemed like it was measuring the territory and also worshipping something.

Her legs felt the cold when her pants were stripped, she closed her legs, but his action was faster. He lifted her knees and spread her legs to an extreme wide-angle. Without the cover of darkness, she would have fought against this posture.

A warm and itchy feeling came to the inner sides of her legs. This was her most s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e part. She gave a suppressed groan. She felt his kisses moved, slowing to the center. She reached her hand to push him away, but she only touched his thick hair.

She pleaded, "Don't…"

Her voice was sticky and sounded more like an invitation.

The rain was pouring down from the sky outside the window, and it seemed it was going to drown the whole world.

When the bizarre and moist thing invaded the last land, she screamed without making a sound. All she could do was to breathe heavily.

It was beyond the limit of what she could bear, physically or mentally. Her fragile nerves broke at this heavy impact, and she cried helplessly.

Her cry was covered by the sound of the rain.

Tristan was doing his job, ignoring her crying, but his motion was interrupted from time to time. She was thrown into ecstasy, and he suddenly moved away.

He could not hold himself and started to loosen his belt.

The burning and hard feeling brought back her senses, "Oh…no…the baby…"

He was breathless, "Four months and seven days, can get in a little bit more…"

She wanted to cuss, but it was replaced with a cry. The spearhead had already entered.

Without any experience for months, the slight motion was enough to arouse shivers all over her body.

The next second, the troops retreated and lingered at the entrance, swirling evilly. She moved, and the root of her legs touched him. He became harder and more erect. It knocked at her one by one.

"Want it?" He asked.

She bit her lip and didn't reply.

"You have to beg me if you want it."

She'd rather die.

He lingered for a moment and explored suddenly. Fortunately, he still had a shred of sense and stopped in the middle. Then he started to move.

The motion wasn't very big but enough for them to hold their breath and focus on it. They both m.o.a.n.e.d and were soon all sweaty.

Then he slowed down the rhythm purposely, and his cold metal belt head hit on her hip, again and again. It hurt a little, but they both ignored it.

At the wildest point, he lifted her h.i.p.s to the air, but he didn't press him against her. He just kneaded her violently as if he wanted to ground her to pieces.

It was familiar to her. Like being ground by a heavy truck, her nerves were flattened, and the twisted feeling between them disappeared.

Kate's eyes adapted to the darkness now. She saw the shadows of the facilities of the room. The shelf on the wall seemed to shake to her, and the books on it seemed to fall down and bury her. She felt the sky was swirling, and her head was dizzy, but for some point in her body, she had a distinct feeling.


After it ended, they lay on the carpet panting.

They were both waiting for the shock, which was different from previous times and was from inside to outside, to fade away. Tristan leaned against her back and asked gently, "Are you cold?"

Kate's only reply was the slight shivering of her body.

He took off his half wet shirt to cover her and fumbled for the remote to adjust the temperature higher. The bedroom was not far away, but they didn't want to move or forgot about it.

Kate slept for a whole day. Though she was tired, she was sobered and sobered in the dark. And she knew the person beside her felt the same.

When the climax faded away, and the temporarily forgotten subject came back, the joy was diluted by the sorrow acc.u.mulated little by little. It became a cloud hovering above both of them.

She heard Tristan ask in an even huskier voice, "Do you believe there is heaven?"

"I am not sure, but I think the good men would go to a place that is not too bad."

He said sarcastically, "That sounds good. My mom did nothing bad except for giving birth to a son."

Then he said again after a short pause, "My father is a good man too, but he died when I was thirteen."

Kate's heart missed a beat.


What age was that? Junior high school?

When she got back from school, her father always received her on the porch. Though their family was poor, it was complete. She was simple and satisfied as a child and a teenager.

The sound of the rain outside was lower than before like somebody weeping.

The air inside was damp and sticky. It gave people the d.e.s.i.r.e to talk.

Tristan sat up and reached for a cigarette. After he put a cigarette to his mouth and lit it, he thought of her and stubbed it out immediately.

She said, "Smoke if you want to."

He felt warm inside, but he threw the cigarette and lighter away anyway.

After some time, he started again, "My dad didn't die of illness or an accident. He was murdered."

"By his teammate in the army. The one who he trusted most and went through life and death with."

"Just for money."

"He didn't just murder him, but also tried to kill my mom and me, to remove future trouble by setting our house on fire."

His words, each sentence more shocking than the last, were as calm as if he were talking about another person's story.

Kate was so shocked that she sat up, wrapping his shirt.

She saw his n.a.k.e.d back shining in the dark.

They were just inches away from each other, but it felt like a great distance.

At this moment, Tristan was living in his memory.

She could see two muscles on his back move when he spoke.

"For a long time, I couldn't understand what kind of temptation could make a person ignore the brotherhood and even lose the basic humanity."

"Until one day when I had to do something I didn't want to in order to make enough money to change my life. I realized there was a thing that could erode a person's heart and change a person into a demon."

His voice turned from cold to sarcasm as he talked.

Kate's heart jumped. Was he admitting that he did something illegal?

Then she heard him chucked and said in a low voice, "Tell you a secret…"

Kate's heart shrank again. She was not sure if she wanted to hear it, but his voice continued and what he said surprised her.

"The face I have now is not what I was born with."

He turned slowly to see her. Even though there was no light, he could still see the water in her eyes and could imagine how shocked her pure eyes were.

He turned back and continued, "The cost of the fire my mom and I escaped was half of my face."

"I had a face that could scare a child to tears for years. In that period, I was cynical and full of hatred. I thought good men were bound to be victims. I wanted to be a bad guy because they could do whatever they wanted. There were no rules or restrictions on their behaviors. They could take revenge however they wanted."

He stopped and put his hand behind him to support the floor and raised his head.

Kate saw it was shining at the corners of his eyes. He wasn't as calm as his tone made him seem.

The shiny thing was flowing, and it seemed to be flowing to her heart too. She asked softly, "Then, did you take revenge?"

Tristan kept silent for a while and then said, "I have taken half."

Kate didn't understand the concept of the half, but seeing he was not willing to explain further, she didn't ask again. After a while, she thought of something, "Is this what you meant when you said 'too many things in your heart'?"

He recalled where the words came from and said, "Yes."

"I thought the reason why I neglected my wife Julia was because all my thoughts were about revenge. But later, I realized that it was more than that."