My Beloved Mr. Mu

Chapter 195 His Exclusive (1)

The beautiful wife: young emperor, "Douluo continent iii, legend of dragon king, heavenly fire avenue, holy ruins, douluo continent, legend of dragon king, douluo continent, legend of dragon king, douluo continent, legend of dragon king, douluo continent, ultimate douluo dream wake up, silent phoenix return to the nest of the super rich doctor huang Mu Shaoqing heard the sound and answered softly

When Ning Youyou saw his movements, she immediately got up to clean up the mess on the table

She forgot that her body was not fit to move around

When she got up, she felt dizzy and fell to the side

Her waist suddenly sank, and the familiar smell of a man enveloped her

" If you're weak, just lie down and move around

" Mu Shaoqing's majestic voice came from above

This time, Ning Youyou became obedient and did not struggle to let Mu Shaoqing carry her back to bed and lie down

The remnants of the table were quickly taken away by Tang An

Before leaving, Mu Shaoqing glanced at the person on the bed and said in a deep voice," be good, or else you won't be able to cook

Don't blame me for turning my face


"" Mu Shaoqing left, and Ning Youyou sat on the bed in a daze

It took a long time for her to pout

This guy was too overbearing

The night outside the window grew darker

The next day

When Ning Youyou woke up, Gu Yun personally came over to give her a series of physical examinations, and the results were all right

" Doctor Gu, how's my dad

" Gu Yun simply replied," your father's physical indicators are not bad, and there is no rejection at the moment

He may have to stay in the hospital for some time

If everything is good, he can go home and rest

He can come to the hospital once a month for regular check-ups

" Hearing Gu Yun's words, Ning Youyou's heart was filled with joy

" Doctor Gu, I can get up and go now


Can I go see my dad

"" Of course

" Gu Yun smiled, but suddenly changed the subject

" But someone told you to finish your breakfast before you can go


"" Who is this'someone'

I don't think she needs to guess

There aren't many people in S city who can tell Gu Yun what to do

When the nurse brought her breakfast, she was stunned

This breakfast was completely different from the breakfast of the previous few days

In the past, breakfast was very sumptuous and was arranged by the hospital, but today, it was obvious from the style

The food and what she ate last night seemed to belong to a shop

Obviously, the food wasn't prepared by the hospital

Ning Youyou finished all his breakfast and went down to his father's ward with the nurse

When she arrived at the ward, her father was having breakfast as well, and her mother was feeding him mouthfuls of food

Ning Youyou's heart warmed up when he saw the food on the table

Father ate the same food as her, from the same store

On her way over, she caught a glimpse of the breakfast that other vip residents enjoyed, just like the one provided by the hospital before, except for their special breakfast

The only person who did all this would be that person

Her thoughts drifted back to the scene where she had dinner with Mu Shaoqing last night, and she remembered that time they were in the car, the kiss that made her so nervous, everything was really like a dream

In fact, Mu Shaoqing looked cold on the surface

He wasn't as difficult as he looked

To Mu Shaoqing

Deep down, she was really confused

Subconsciously, she realized that she had been thinking about that man all the time

Even she was surprised by this sudden action

Ning Youyou shrugged helplessly as the corners of her lips rose slightly

It seemed that she had been too busy these days, and she was always thinking about things in her head

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