My Beloved Mr. Mu

Chapter 146 Confused (3)

The beautiful wife: young emperor, Mu Shaoqing's face darkened as he returned to the nest of the phoenix, the legendary dragon king of the world iii, legend of the fire of heaven, legend of the holy ruins, legend of the dragon king of the world, legend of the dragon king of the world, legend of the dragon king of the world, legend of the dragon king of the world, legend of the dragon king of the world, legend of the dragon king of the world, legend of the earth of the world 4, ultimate dream of the dragon of the world

There was an expression that could not be discussed

�Ningyouyou froze and got into the car

Only then did she close the door and the car sped out like it couldn't wait

"Where are you going

" In a simple sentence, you can't tell any emotion

�Ningyouyou replied simply," go back to the neighborhood

" Mu Shaoqing turned around and drove towards the neighborhood where Ning Youyou lived

Along the way, neither of them said anything

The atmosphere inside the car became a little awkward as it drove along

Ning Youyou sat in the car and looked out the window

In fact, after what had happened before, she was somewhat against him

Perhaps sensing her nervousness, Mu Shaoqing suddenly said," Meigui Lady's identity is special, and that person is now in S city, so there must be no mistakes

The bodyguards following him are all first-rate trained people

Next time you have any new ideas to bring your wife to experience, remember to call me and report them

" Hearing Mu Shaoqing's words, Ning Youyou was startled

It turned out that there was a reason for Mu Shaoqing's anger

She glanced at him, but Mu Shaoqing did not speak

He just drove quietly

After a long time, she regained her senses from her stupor and answered softly

The car stopped at the street near the neighborhood

Mu Shaoqing didn't drive it directly to the entrance of the neighborhood, which made Ning Youyou relieved

After all, it was time for the big parents to go out for a walk in the building

�Ningyouyou unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car

" Thank you, president

" Mu Shaoqing didn't respond

He just lowered his voice and said," accompany Meigui Lady to the rose garden tomorrow

Go directly to the rose garden at ten in the morning and wait for madam

" Then he started the car and left

Watching Mu Shaoqing drive away, Ning Youyou frowned

Has this man always been so unpredictable

My heart was heaving, I didn't know what it was like

She couldn't help but think about that time

She had been kissed like that, but now, she actually

Mu Shaoqing seemed to have forgotten all about it, but she was still worried

Maybe it was an accident

The next day, Ning Youyou followed Mu Shaoqing's instructions and appeared in S city's largest rose garden at ten o' clock on time

Meigui Lady's car arrived on time

The rose garden had already been cleared early

There was a big notice sign hanging at the door that said no visitors today, and the reason was naturally because Meigui Lady came

When Meigui Lady arrived, the head of the rose garden personally came out to receive her

Ning Youyou accompanied Meigui Lady, accompanied her to play the entire rose garden, and even tasted the rose wine, as well as the rose cakes made by the workers

Leisurely, these roses are really beautiful

In fact, roses need to be appreciated like this

The plucked flowers can only last a few days, or even less

That kind of flower appreciation is simply a waste

Meigui Lady said softly, sipping the rose wine in his hand

�Ningyouyou didn't say anything, just chuckled

After a short rest, Meigui Lady was ready to plant a few representative roses on the suggestion of the garden

Ning Youyou kept them by her side, but she stood up and her cell phone rang

She thought it was Mu Shaoqing who called her again to ask about her wife's condition and almost immediately turned her phone over, but when she saw the name displayed on the screen, she frowned

The phone call was actually from my mother

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