My Beautiful Secretary

C307 There be a great deal of business In the small village

Liu Dayu was really confused, this Zhao Muchen was really a saint! He had done him such a great favor, yet he didn't even want anything to thank him for? This doesn't seem to conform with the rules of the Chinese Group!

Liu Dayu traveled in the martial arts world, and all the leaders had to deal with him. Some people did not reject his offer, the more the merrier! It would make him very unhappy!

But, why didn't Zhao Muchen want it? Was he really such a clean assistant? Or was it because she didn't believe him and didn't dare to take it?

Liu Dayu felt that it should be the latter, and that was not trusting enough.

After all, Zhao Muchen didn't know much about Liu Dayu, so it was understandable for him not to trust Liu Dayu. Now, all the leaders were on high alert and didn't do anything risky.

However, Zhao Muchen had given him such a huge opportunity, allowing the Energetic Mining to acquire the Ansheng Coal Mine! How could he help him if he didn't trust him?

Liu Dayu felt that Gu Yuwei must have played a key role in this. Then, if Zhao Muchen did not accept this piece of primeval essence, would Gu Yuwei accept it? The two of them couldn't be so otherworldly, right? Wouldn't it be too easy for him to earn money if he sold himself like this?

There had never been such a thing as a free lunch in this world. Liu Dayu felt that the reason Zhao Muchen did not accept it was because he did not want himself to fall into his hands. Maybe Zhao Muchen would say that Gu Yuwei accepted it?

After being rejected by Zhao Muchen, Liu Dayu was still a little depressed in his heart.

If he couldn't even give her a present these days, then it meant that he didn't have enough skill to clear the level. In the future, it would be difficult to obtain another opportunity!

After Liu Dayu left, Zhang Xianfa went to Zhao Muchen's office.

He was here to report to Zhao Muchen about his participation in the bidding for the development of the Yellow Valley Beach.

When Zhang Xianfa received Xiao Zhong's notice, the Yellow Valley Beach's Planning Group had already approved it.

This piece of land was the most complete and last on the Beijiang River. It would be used as the tri-old reconstruction's project, and it would be held in front of the whole corporation's public tender for financing.

"The tri-old reconstruction was transformed from an old city, an old factory, or an old village." Three old "reform is an important measure for the Ministry of Land Resources and the Jiangyou Group to carry out the cooperation between the Ministry of Land Resources and the Ministry Group to promote the work of the pilot model group of intensive land use saving."

During the two sessions, Zhao Muchen took advantage of this golden opportunity to discuss with the relevant leaders of the Ministry of Land and Resources about how to make efficient use of the land.

Up till now, the reform and opening up of Group Field's economy had gradually entered a deep stage of economic transformation and development. The places available to City Group were becoming fewer and fewer. He could optimize the layout of the entire City Group to be more beautiful and better, and could also make the best use of the land surrounding the City Group to ease the current situation with regards to the supply of land in the City Group. This was the most direct goal of the tri-old reconstruction Project.

Of course, the project for carrying out the "three old" transformation must conform to the overall planning for the use of land in the City Group, the overall planning for the urban and rural areas, be included in the overall planning for the "three old" transformation and the annual plan, have already been included in the group "three old" reform and supervision database, need to formulate the reform plan and pass the approval of the group (county) people's group.

The idea that Zhao Muchen proposed immediately received a strong endorsement from the relevant leaders of the Earth Resources Department. They were all supportive of this idea. At present, only Guangdong Group is carrying out this project and has already made amazing achievements.

"The reform of the" Three Olds "is a special policy given to the Guangdong Group by the Ministry of Land Resources." Three old suggestions on the implementation of the reform made six breakthroughs in the current land resources policy: one is to simplify the procedures for the supplementary collection; two is to allow the improvement of the historical land use procedures according to the present situation; three is to allow the adoption of agreements for the grant of land; four is to allow the reallocation of the pure income of the land to those who support the land use the transformation; five is to change the collective land use of the village to the state-owned land use, which can simplify the procedures; six is to grant preferential treatment of the border, flower arrangement and the land of the heart.

The group - led demolition project refers to the mode of reforming and developing the planned land area according to the requirements of the construction planning of the group and the land documents approved by the group in accordance with the law within the group planning plan. Apart from the limitation of demolition within the scope of "three old", other procedures and processes are similar to traditional demolition.

There were many original inhabitants on Yellow Valley Beach, but these villagers by the river all depended on fishing for a living, living a rather awkward life. As the resources of the Beijiang River's fishing industry dwindled, some villagers had long gone ashore to earn a living, because fishing was not enough to sustain them. More people walked into the factory and became a worker on the assembly line. Some people even bought houses in the city and rarely returned home.

Thus, in the Huang Family Village like the Yellow Valley Beach, there were very few permanent residents. Most of their houses were dilapidated old houses, and only a few were newly built later. Therefore, the entire Yellow Valley Beach Village looked quite dilapidated.

In the earlier years, the people of Beijiang Group did not notice this fishing village by the river at all. Because it was very far away from the group region, it was very inconvenient to go back and forth without a car.

But now that the cars had entered into the ordinary families, more and more City Group citizens were willing to return to the village to search for peace and purity.

If not for Zhang Xianfa's private vegetable, Zhao Muchen might not have paid so much attention to this little fishing village by the Beijiang River's side, and would not have discovered the natural geographical advantage of this place.

However, that night, after his younger brother private vegetable ate dinner, Zhao Muchen left a very deep impression on the land of Yellow Valley Beach.

Later on, he looked at the Yellow Valley Beach on the map again and again and discovered that this place was the best place by the side of the Beijiang River.

Right now, there were many houses built along the river, but they were all outside the Beijiang River's barrier. They were very far away from the Beijiang River, and only the higher-ups could see the Beijiang River.

However, this piece of land, the Yellow Valley Beach, was inside the Great Wall of the Beijiang River. It was the real view of the Beijiang River along the river.

At the edge of Yellow Valley Beach Village was another embankment. It was the embankment of Yellow Valley Beach Village.

Maybe some people would be worried, that their position near the Beijiang River inside the Great Wall would not be flooded by the river water. It was precisely this place called Yellow Valley Beach, and it had never been flooded before. Even the huge flood in 1998 did not drown Yellow Valley Beach Village.

Later on, someone said that the Yellow Valley Beach was a Sacred Ground and that when great water came, it would automatically float up. As a result, some people also called the Yellow Valley Beach the "Qi Gu beach". He was talking about the wonders of the Yellow Valley Beach.

When looking at the map, a beautiful image would appear in Zhao Muchen's mind. The Yellow Valley Beach's land was remodeled and developed, and was mainly divided into three parts: the teleportation area, the villa area, and the high-rise residential area. In addition, they were equipped with the most advanced intelligent security management system, which provided the allocation of the school, sports field, Group Field, hospital, and so on, making the place completely independent and suitable for the people of the Beijiang River to live in.

Zhang Xianfa was a villager from Yellow Valley Beach village, and was one of the first people to go out exploring the world. Thus, after finding gold in Guangdong Province and learning the business Sutra, Zhang Xianfa discovered the hidden huge business opportunity in her little village.

So, he found his classmate Zhong Zhaoju, who was also Zhao Muchen's secretary, Little Zhong. He hoped to establish a relationship with the famous man from the Jiangyou Group and realize his dream of developing the Yellow Valley Beach step by step.

The "tri-old reconstruction" project was also brought up by Zhang Xianfa during his interaction with him. This was because Zhang Xianfa had been in charge of a few tri-old reconstruction projects in Guangdong and all of them had been very successful.

He believed that the Yellow Valley Beach Village would also be a good case and become a business card for the Jiangyou Group. He had the confidence to do the project well.

Now, he had finally found an opportunity. It could be said that he was extremely excited.

When Zhao Muchen saw Zhang Xianfa walking in, he knew why he had come here.

"Boss, I have drawn up a map of the initial plans of the Yellow Valley Beach. Take a look at it," Zhang Xianfa took out the blueprint of the Yellow Valley Beach from his bag and placed it on the tea table.

Zhao Muchen laughed, this young lad was really anxious, he even made a blueprint for his.

"Boss, take a look — — Yellow Valley Beach intends to build a return area, a five-star hotel, a high-rise residential area, complete and perfect the cultural facilities of schools, kindergartens, community cultural activities centres, build public service facilities such as small sewage treatment centres, garbage collection and transportation stations, as well as commercial service facilities such as Group Field and super groups. I am sure that after this project is completed, it will become the largest and most suitable comprehensive community for us to live in in in Beijiang Group, and even in our entire Jiangyou Group. "

Zhang Xianfa said to Zhao Muchen as he pointed to the effect map.

Zhao Muchen looked at Zhang Xianfa and laughed, then said: "Go all out to demonstrate the power of your company, only by obtaining the project will you have a chance at the next step!"

"Yes, yes —" Zhang Xianfa hurriedly said. "I have the confidence!"

"That's good, the tri-old reconstruction operates according to the principle of fairness and fairness to examine and approve all participating enterprises, so, enterprises can only rely on their own strength to obtain this project," Zhao Muchen said.

"Boss, you're right. That's why we made the most meticulous preparations," Zhang Xianfa said confidently.

Finally, Zhang Xianfa pointed to the central area on the map and said: "Boss, we are planning for the villa area here, lakeshore villa, what do you think of this plan?"

Zhao Muchen looked at the blueprint, and laughed: "It looks beautiful, but if you want to create a beautiful building, that is a truly good building — —"

"Hehe, that's right. The live picture is definitely more beautiful than this!" Zhang Xianfa laughed and said, "I have done a few tri-old reconstruction projects in Guangdong province before, and the final ones were all amazing, the effects were even more beautiful than the ones produced by the computers!"

"I look forward to this project being able to amaze the world and become the brightest scenery in the Beijiang River," Zhao Muchen said. "Of course, I also hope that this project can be developed by you guys, I believe in your strength —"

"Thank you, boss, thank you —" After Zhang Xianfa heard this, he felt relieved.

As long as they could get their hands on this project, their Eternal Rover Real Estate Company would be able to establish a higher position in the Jiangyou Group.