My Beautiful Love

Chapter 653 - Exciting activities before the shower

Since she had accepted his proposal, Lin Ye wanted to start organizing their wedding soon and so did she.

The members of the Lin family all stepped in to help in the preparations.

Lin Lihua and Xia Rou were busy settling the venue decoration and the guests.

Since the couple both preferred a small wedding, they were not too fussy. The guest list was one of shortest guests lists one could ever come up with.

In the living room of the Lin residence, Wan Jia held a few fashion magazines. They were all filled with wedding gowns and bridal jewelry.

After a few rounds of checking through, Yun Xuan selected a few gowns that could go well with her body, but she still didn\'t truly like any of them.

Wan Jia brought out her phone and showed her many more gowns online.

A wedding was a woman\'s most special day. It should be satisfactory in every aspect.

After looking for eternity, Yun Xuan still didn\'t find anything particularly pleasant to the eyes.

"I\'ll go with this one." She finally said, pointing at a very beautiful floral bridal gown.

Wan Jia flipped closed the magazine and looked at Yun Xuan. "You don\'t like it, do you? You don\'t have to choose something you don\'t like just to avoid wasting time."

Yun Xuan skimmed her eyes through the fashion magazines on the coffee table and sighed. "Indeed, I don\'t like any of them. They pale in comparison to the gown I have in mind."

"You have a gown in mind? You should have said so." Laughed Lin Lihua who had just arrived.

"My sister is right. The pictures are only meant for you to get the type of design you want. If you don\'t like any of them, there are many designers who can make a custom one for you."

Yun Xuan looked slightly nervous. "Actually, the gown I really like is from MAX."

Wan Jia was surprised. Her brand? There were very few wedding gowns from MAX so she had not expected such a reply.

"Yeah. The first wedding gown produced by MAX Brand several months ago... it was named \'YL\'. It\'s very beautiful but unfortunately, it\'s too expensive to even rent it.

Wan Jia broke into a cough. You know, that\'s a huge display of affection.

At that time, Lin Ye had just arrived... in time to hear his wife say that the only wedding gown she wanted was the one he had designed for her months ago.

Wan Jia recovered from coughing and glanced at Lin Ye, then Yun Xuan. "The reason that gown is so expensive is to prevent people from buying it. But it\'s different for you... you can simply have a word with the designer and it will be yours."

Yun Xuan\'s eyes lit up. "Really? ... um... wait. The designer is...?"

"Yup. It\'s your dear husband."

Yun Xuan\'s cheeks flushed. The gown she had liked for so long was designed by him?

Wait something didn\'t seem right. Those initials. Don\'t tell her they were their names too?

"I believe my work here is done." Wan Jia slipped away. She didn\'t want to watch their displays of affection anymore! Not only was Yun Xuan wearing the gown designed by Lin Ye, she was also wearing the jewelry made by him!


Yun Xuan and Lin Ye held a simple wedding in a garden.

There were quite a few guests, majorly from the Lin family and the new YX Brand.

In place of their families, Xia Rou, Lin Zhou and Lin Lihua were on the bride\'s side while Wan Jia, Lu Aotian and Henry Blanc were on the groom\'s side.

The matron of honor was naturally Lin Lihua, thanks to her close friendship with Yun Xuan for the past many months.

This was one of the simplest weddings, but also one of the most blissful ones.

With such a loving man by her side, Yun Xuan had nothing more to ask for. Lin Ye was still full of disbelief. The woman he had loved for years was finally his!

The star of the day was Yun Feng. The little fella was dressed in a tiny suit identical to Lin Ye\'s. It had been custom made for the two of them. He didn\'t know anything that was going on in the wedding but the way he mimicked the ȧduŀts sent everyone into peals of laughter.

Even though they had very few guests, the couple received numerous presents.

The first thing they did before setting off for their honeymoon was officially change Yun Feng\'s surname.

In the end, not only did they change his surname to Lin, they also added a \'Xiao\' character to his name.

Thus Yun Feng became Lin Feng Xiao. When they tried calling him using his new name, the little boy was obviously happy and his parents were relieved.


The honeymoon lasted a fortnight and since they were not bringing the little boy along, it was easier for them to freely enjoy each other\'s company.

As soon as they entered the wedding suite, Lin Ye hugged his wife from the back. "Xuanxuan, it still feels like a dream."

Yun Xuan reached a hand behind her and punched his thɨġh.

Lin Ye hissed in the sharp pain. "What kind of woman pinches her husband on their wedding night?"

Yun Xuan looked smug like she had done nothing wrong. "You were in a dream. I only wanted to wake you up."

Lin Ye had his head on her shoulder as he breathed in her alluring scent. "How about we take a shower? That will surely wake me up."

Yun Xuan chuckled, reading right through him. "You just want to take a shower with me, don\'t you?"

"What if I do?"

Yun Xuan turned abruptly and covered his lips with hers. "Why not?" She bit his lip slightly, prying his mouth open and deepening the kiss.

Lin Ye held her against his body, reaching behind her back to undo the tiny hooks at the back of her gown.

Soon, the mass of white slipped off her body, bringing into view her attractive figure.

Lin Ye directly carried her to the bed, following her down. "Why don\'t we..." he whispered next to her ear, " some exciting activities before the shower?"

Yun Xuan pulled down his head and started an intense round of kisses.

