My Beautiful Love

Chapter 26 - Just fulfilling my princess' request

When Lu Aotian went back home, what greeted him was not his usual cheerful princess with a flower in one hand and a stuffed toy in another. This time it was a sulky little girl looking up to him with big teary eyes.

"What's wrong?" He gently asked worriedly as he bent down to pick her up. However, she pushed him away with her little hands.

"Daddy is bad! Very very very bad!" tears instantly started falling.

Lu Aotian was speechless. What had he done to offend this little princess again? What was it that it was bad enough for her to use "very" three times? Between the two of them, only extremely important things were to be said three times.

This day was really not his best day. It was already bad enough that the wife ignored him. Now even the daughter didn't want him anymore? Where was justice in this world?

"What did Daddy do wrong this time?" He asked gently and hugged her, but she wriggled out of his embrace. What was with this familiar act? Was it hereditary?

"Boohoo... don't touch me! Daddy bullied me. Daddy is very bad... doesn't want Little Jia to live with Mommy."

So that was the problem.

"Did Wanwan already leave?"

"Master, Miss Wan Jia already left an hour ago." The trembling butler answered. The Little Miss was really going all out to make sure they die today.

"Send someone to bring her back." He rubbed his temples and looked at his bawling daughter. This little girl...was she doing it on purpose? It's not that he had any problem living with Wan Jia, in fact he really wanted too,... but wouldn't her head hurt from crying too much?"

The little girl was currently smiling at her father mischeviously after having her way.

"Welcome home, Daddy!" She lifted her little hands to indicate she wanted a hug. After a quick hug, she ran with her short legs to find her nanny for a flower and ran back to present it to him shyly. She even kissed him on the cheek.

So she really was acting! Little girl, do you believe that I can retract my orders right now? She was just lucky that he also saw this as an opportunity to get close to his wife.

Some time later.

Wan Jia stomped into the house and glared at Lu Aotian who was reading a newspaper on the sofa.

"Mommy!" A cuddly bundle of cuteness ran into her arms.

"This father of yours sure is something! How dare he order people to carry me out of my house without saying a thing? I thought I had been kidnapped!" She shot an angry look at the poker faced man who acted as though the Lu Aotian in her story wasn't him.

Wan Jia was truly angry. She had opened her door only to be literally carried away and was scared to death. Especially when the men didn't blindfold her, she really thought they didn't mind her knowing where they were going because they were going to kill her. They even specifically used a different route to his house! What was Lu Aotian trying to do?

Mmph! I'll get back at him in the most cruel way. She thought as she looked at the silent idiot.

"Hey, those are my bags! Where are you taking them?!"

Could someone explain to her what was going on here? Why were the servants moving her luggage? Who gave them the audacity?

The man on the sofa finally spoke. "My princess wants you to move in. So I am just fulfilling my princess' request."

"...!!" How could he say it so proudly?

"Did she also ask you to abduct me?"

"Why would my princess say such a thing?" He asked leisurely as if she had asked a very stupid question.

"You..." Wan Jia was so angry she wished to beat him up. She though he had stopped being a hooligan after so long. Turns out she was being just too naïve.

"Don't die in anger. Come, I'll show you to your room."

Actually, he didn't need to show her anything. Her room was the same one she used to stay in when they were married before moving to Lu Aotian's. She had moved all her things from his house after their divorce but now, her room was just the same as before, all the beauty products she used were replaced, her wardrobe was filled with clothes and accessoires of her taste.

It was as if someone still lived here. If she went to the master bedroom right now, she would find that the situation was exactly the same. He had bought all the things she used and kept them in his room too. If one was too walk into the two rooms, they would think that he had two identical wives.

"Aren't you going in?" She walked in following Lu Aotian's reminder.

This feeling was something she had experienced before.... Lu Aotian had showed her this room and even urged her in the same way. She looked at the dressing table. That was where Lu Aotian would help her dry her long hair...

She looked at the walk in wardrobe....Lu Aotian would help her pick her clothes there.

Then she involuntarily looked at the bed where they had their first time. She blushed just thinking about it. What's with these dirty thoughts? Lu Aotian is still around! Wan Jia wake up!

She felt the urge to look at him and turned around. Lu Aotian was also looking at the bed. Apparently he was having the same thoughts.

Wan Jia blushed even harder as she tried not to remember that night. Her breathing involuntarily hastened....

At this point, Lu Aotian shifted his gaze and looked at her. His gaze was deep and she thought she could detect a tinge of seduction from his eyes. She swallowed hard. She tried not to look into his eyes and looked aside instead.

Lu Aotian moved foward. Just a few centimetres more and their bodies would touch.

She instinctively wanted to take a step back but Lu Aotian beat her to it and held her hand. Then he lifted her chin and inched closer....