My Beautiful Love

Chapter 2 - Prologue 2

That...that was her little princess, her beloved daughter.

It had been three years.... she had not seen her for exactly three years. Her baby had only been practically a few minutes old when she was taken away from her. She wasn't even given the sweet chance to hold her. Not even once. She had only glanced at her from a distance and that too was just for a second as her father was in a hurry to take her away.That damn Lu Aotian! Did she take her for a surrogate? He would pay for this!

The little bundle of joy chatted happily with her father. Wan Jia could not tell what they were talking about but she could feel their love for each other even from a distance.

'At least she lives happily' Wan Jia thought

'However, I'll make her happier when I take her back'

Yun Xuan at the sideline "....." she didn't know how to deal with her friend who was currently a sobbing mess. It would be troublesome if Lu Aotian spotted them. Back then, he had threatened to sue Wan Jia for child abduction if she appeared anywhere within three hundred metres of Little Jia's radius and she was currently within fifty metres.

Luckily, Wan Jia withdrew her gaze and started walking away just before Lu Aotian turned in their direction. 'Luckily he did not see us'

Actually, Lu Aotian had long seen them. He just wanted to see if Wan Jia would make a brazen move. There was nothing wrong with a mother looking at her daughter from afar, right? As long as she didn't disturb his little angel then there should be no some point, he was so touched watching her look at Little Jia with such loving and longing eyes. He was even tempted to introduce them and let her hold Little Jia for a while...

Lu Aotian shook those thoughts off his head. Why should he let her near his baby? Clearly he should have stopped her from even looking at Little Jia! That woman had lied to him. She had taken his trust for granted and decieved him in the most cruel way. Just thinking about it made his eyes burn with bloodlust.

Today was Little Jia's third birthday. The little girl had requested to go shopping with her father at the best mall in town.

Lu Aotian bought every single thing his precious little angel liked; from beautiful clothes to toys, tiaras, hairclips, shoes,cute handbags toy ponies, bicycle, game consoles....the list was endless. It didn't matter even if she wanted things she already had, replacing the old ones never hurt anyone. Besides, since when could he say no to his precious princess?In the end, they had to hire a truck to deliver all the items to Lu Aotian's home.


You may as well wrap up the mall and take it home!

They only stopped when Little Jia was hungry and her father instantly brought her out of the mall to find a place to eat. Just when they got out, Lu Aotian saw an unexpected face.

'Hadn't she left?'

Wan Jia had intended to leave but the urge to see her daughter again was just too strong. She waited near the mall only intending to steal a glance. She didn't know that Lu Aotian had already seen her.

"Daddy, why is that auntie crying while looking at me? Did I hurt her?" Little Jia asked in her cute baby voice. She sounded so adorable that Wan Jia was willing to give up everything in life just to hear her speak. She didn't even notice the fact that the little girl's question meant she had been discovered.

The little girl tilted her tiny head when Lu Aotian did not respond.

"Daddy?" Wan Jia instantly replaced "daddy" with "mommy" in her heart and felt so warm in her heart as her tears fell harder.

The little girl wriggled out of her father's embrace, threw away her stuffed koala and ran towards Wan Jia in her little steps.

When she was a few steps away from Wan Jia, she proceeded nervously as she blinked and looked at Wan Jia as if scared she might hurt her more.

Having grown up in such a loving environment thanks to her extremely caring father, Little Jia was naturally very sensitive to people's feelings and could not stand seeing anyone sad.

"Auntie, don't cry anymore, let Little Jia wipe away your tears."

She was stunned as Wan Jia, who had at some point squatted before her, cried even harder. Had she said something wrong? She had made the beautuful auntie sadder. What to do?

She reached out her tiny palm and patted Wan Jia's head, the same way her father pats her when she is sad, and caressed her tear-stained cheeks as she blew onto them, as if trying to blow her pain away.

"There, won't hurt anymore. Let Little Jia hug you. Don't be sad anymore, okay? If beautiful auntie is sad then Little Jia is sad too" At this point, her voice was slurry and her beautiful eyes a little watery, obviously she was getting emotional as well. She threw herself into Wan Jia's arms as soon as she finished speaking. This was the first time Wan Jia had seen her daughter up close. It was the first time she had held her. Her little baby....who knew she would grow into such a sweet child? She hugged her baby's tiny soft body tightly...

Lu Aotian suddenly snapped out of his daze. What was he thinking, letting Little Jia get close to Wan Jia and even hug? His eyes immediately turned dark.

"Little Jia!" It was a half shout.

The little girl was so frightened by her father's sudden outrage and his fierce eyes. After all, he had always been gentle to her like she was the planet's treasure. What had she done wrong? She suddenly started crying. Meanwhile, Wan Jia did not notice it but her breathing was becoming laboured as she slowly drifted into darkness. "Wanwan!" She thought she heard a man's extremely worried voice as her mind slowly drifted into the past....