My Attributes Cultivation Life

Chapter 379: 379 Mind

Chapter 379 379 Psychologically

The group did not stay in Kyushu Port for long.

Compared to Qingchuan Port and Zaitong Port, Kyushu Port has a larger name, but its own scale is not large.

It is only half the area of ​​Qingchuan Port.

After Zhang Rongfang joined the Kong family convoy, he replenished some food and drink at the port, and then the Tianye Escort Agency, which had been arranged in advance, sent out experts to **** and set off.

Everyone on the road is riding a white bullock cart, taking a smooth and stable official road, and there are fresh fruits and pre-made dishes that can be eaten at any time.

It can be said that compared with Zhang Rongfang\'s previous journey, it is really much more comfortable.

It was only when I was with Princess Yongxiang that I enjoyed it like this.

The mountain road from Jiuzhou Port to Wushan Prefecture.

In the long white bull team, Zhang Rongfang was sitting in the bullock cart in the middle, playing black and white pieces one-on-one with Kong Yuhui.


"Hahaha! You lost again!" Kong Yuhui laughed, feeling good.

Zhang Rongfang frowned and rubbed his chin, carefully looking at the chessboard in front of him, not sure how he lost.

Logically speaking, his mind is now flashing like electricity, his reaction is sharp, and playing chess should be like a god\'s help.


He obviously went crazy in every small corner. In the end, everything was lost.

"Brother Zhang Jing wondered why he lost?" Kong Yuhui laughed.

"Exactly, I have eaten you a lot before." Zhang Rongfang nodded. "To be honest, I don\'t know black and white pieces very much, I only know the basic rules. But after all, if I have more pieces, I can win. This is the last word, right?"

"Having said that, the overall situation is not so simple." Kong Yuhui shook his head, "Many times, your victory may be part of the opponent\'s layout. Your victory may seem to be progress, but it may be in the overall situation , but backed away.”

He stroked his chin whiskers.

"It\'s so-called that one hair can affect the whole body. Every move in any place may affect the win or loss in other places."

"Well, the black and white rules are too bad." Zhang Rongfang shook his head. "In reality, it\'s not like everyone is equal in strength. There are many people, and one can be used as dozens or hundreds of people."

"That\'s true. The premise of black and white pieces is that everyone is an equal piece. He can only have the function of one piece. But the reality is indeed different." Kong Yuhui nodded in agreement.

"Brother Zhang, since you are a pharmacist, do you know if there is a medicine that can make you smarter?"

Kong Siyan, who was watching the battle, asked with a smile.

"Of course, you want to?" Zhang Rongfang replied with a smile.

"Really?" Kong Siyan was only joking at first, but her eyes widened when she heard this.

"Taking it will make people see and hear, but it will shorten the life expectancy. Would you like it?" Zhang Rongfang said with a smile. There is indeed such a medicine, but the side effects are extremely serious.

"This..." Kong Siyan thought for a while before answering.


Suddenly there was a muffled sound in front of him. It seemed that something fell to the ground at once.

The bullock cart stopped slowly.

The entire convoy came to a standstill.

Kong Yuhui was not at all chaotic, and his face was calm.

"Look, what should come is finally here. Brother Zhang, don\'t worry, no matter what happens, we have already made arrangements. Just wait and see."

"Yes." Zhang Rongfang was naturally not worried, he could probably judge the strength of the people around him just by taking a glance.

Instead, it was the chessboard on the table. Why he lost caused his thinking and doubts.

Kong Yuhui\'s chess strength is obviously extremely high, so that he has no feeling of losing.

Obviously he was winning all the way, but in the end he ended up losing

"Siyan, you rest here for a while, I\'ll go out and deal with it." Kong Yuhui said relaxedly to his daughter.

"Okay Dad, please hurry up, or it will be late, and I don\'t want to spend the night in the wild." Kong Siyan smiled sweetly.

"Yes." Kong Yuhui got out of the car confidently.

Walk towards the front of the convoy.

At the front of the convoy, there was a huge log that fell down and blocked the road.

Kong Sijie, Kong Yuhui\'s other son, was whispering something to the head of the team\'s bodyguard at this moment.

"How is it? Is it from the Tan family?" The smile on Kong Yuhui\'s face disappeared, and he asked calmly.

"Well, since the three families in Wushan weakened a few years ago, the Tan family has invaded the surrounding land more and more, and has attracted a large number of small and medium-sized families before. Now it has completely replaced the previous position of the Huang family. Now it wants to reach out to our Kong family , I just don\'t know what to say!"

Kong Sijiehuo Avenue.

"Father, there should be an ambush ahead. Should we go straight in now, or take a detour to another place?"

"Ambush? This is not an ambush, but a delay! They don\'t want us to go back at this time." Kong Yuhui said lightly, "The Huang family, Shangguan, and Yue\'s family back then are already a thing of the past. My Kong family has been waiting for decades. Now After finally having this opportunity to enter the main palace, who can stop me? Who dares to stop me?"

He looked up at the road ahead.

On both sides of the gray official road, the deep woods are constantly breathing out cold air, like two monsters that can swallow human life at any time.

"Besides, we came here according to the official transfer, and were assigned by the Daling official document. They dare not do it openly. They only dare to do some secret tricks like this. Don\'t be afraid, rush over! Our people are enough to handle everything!"

He brought three super-grade elders of the family this time, which may not be a big deal in other places, but in a remote province like Wushan Prefecture, three super-grade elders are enough to suppress everything.

"Yes!" The bodyguard immediately understood that his so-called bodyguard agency was actually owned by the Kong family.

So all the words in the team are what Kong Yuhui said.

The team immediately continued to move forward, moving the logs, and didn\'t care.

The three super-level masters, each with a high-level master, quietly entered the forest, and after a while, there was a slight trace of **** breath wafting out.

Inside the compartment.

Zhang Rongfang silently looked at the chessboard in front of him.

Opposite is Kong Siyan who smiles like a little fox.

Yes, he lost again.

"Well, why can\'t I eat ten of you for one? I don\'t think it\'s reasonable." Zhang Rongfang said in a deep voice.

"But the rules of black and white are like this?" Kong Siyan replied with a smile.

"But one of my sons should be better than all your sons." Zhang Rongfang said seriously.

"I think the rules should be changed."

"... I don\'t count what I said." Kong Siyan shook her head. She just played another game of fast chess with Zhang Rongfang, and the result was still the same.

Zhang Rongfang failed miserably.

"Brother Zhang, why are you so obsessed with winning and losing every time? In some places, it is obvious to abandon children, and if you give up, you can get more benefits. Why don\'t you give up the small and ask for the big?" This is what Kong Siyan doesn\'t understand.

"Why do you want to give up?" Zhang Rongfang retorted, "If you give up, wouldn\'t it be too cruel for the discarded pieces?"

"Amount" Kong Siyan was speechless.

“That’s how people are. The overall situation is important, but for me, it’s more important to have a few pieces in the small corner. Without them, the overall situation is meaningless to me.”

Zhang Rongfang answered decisively.

These words made Kong Siyan startled slightly, unable to refute for a while.

At this time, it was different from the peaceful atmosphere in the car.

In front of the convoy, at a high place in the forest.

A group of men and horses covered in black and masked were looking at the convoy from a distance.

"Kong Yuhui seems very confident. He came from the road in an upright manner. He is really not afraid of our hands." The leader of the group carried a long copper-colored knife, tall and slender arms.

"Do you want to do it?" the deputy in black asked in a low voice.

"Naturally, he thinks that he can sit back and relax by following the long beard knife, the wind and snow, and the three super-level shadow arrows? It\'s a pity." The leader of the red knife sneered a few times.

"Unfortunately, he doesn\'t know that at least two of the three super-level top masters will not make casual moves!"

"Super class, there are not many super products in the whole Wushan. If the Kong family hadn\'t hit the iron plate, the strength is still very strong." The deputy sighed.

"Let\'s go, let\'s kill Kong Yuhui first. There is a long-beard senior beside him. As long as the long-beard cooperates, although Kong Yuhui is the strongest, he is the easiest to take down."

The leader of the red knife said in a deep voice.


A group of people behind him responded one after another.

There were a total of 30 men in black, all of whom were Lianjiazi who were licking blood at the knife edge. At this time, when they heard that they were about to make a move, their eyes became excited.




Inside the compartment.

Zhang Rongfang listened carefully to Kong Siyan\'s explanation of the steps and thinking of the chess game just now.

Suddenly he heard the sound of fighting outside, the collision of fists and feet and the clashing of weapons.

"Is everything okay outside?" He asked.

"It\'s okay." Kong Siyan smiled. "Daddy has three uncles to protect him, so it\'s absolutely safe."

"Really, if you need help, you can tell me." Zhang Rongfang replied in a deep voice.

"Don\'t worry, it\'s absolutely fine." Kong Siyan didn\'t care. This time when the Kong family returned to Wushan Mansion, it was from high to low, with absolute superiority, to suppress this place.

Hearing the answer, Zhang Rongfang probably listened to the movement outside, and found that Kong Yuhui was still talking softly to the person. Although he could not hear clearly from a distance, his mood was still very soothing.

He immediately felt relieved.

Since someone kindly invited him to join him and has a heart of support for him, just to respond to this heart, he should also reciprocate and protect the safety of the team.

Finding that nothing was wrong at this time, Zhang Rongfang continued to put on the chessboard.

The sound of fighting outside the window kept going on, and after a while, it didn\'t stop.

Kong Siyan gradually lost her peace of mind at first, and became worried faintly between her brows and eyes.

"Don\'t worry, your father is fine." Zhang Rongfang reassured casually. He could hear movement outside.

"By the way, you haven\'t told me what\'s going on in Wushan Mansion?" He asked aloud.

"Well, Wushan Mansion is now mainly headed by the Tan family and the Mu Chi family, and the rest of the forces are weaker than these two.

Inside the city, inside the city" Kong Siyan was obviously a little worried, and began to distract herself when speaking.

"Since you are worried, why don\'t you go out and have a look together?" Zhang Rongfang asked.

"No, Daddy told us not to go down. This ox cart is specially made to prevent flying arrows and hidden weapons. If it goes down, there is no way to prevent it." Kong Siyan shook her head.

"Are you so careful?" Zhang Rongfang blinked.

"Well, my father has a very powerful opponent. The rest of the people are not afraid of him, but that opponent. That person is very powerful. The trouble this time comes from him.

But don\'t worry, our strength is not weak, and on the way, they can\'t directly attack with all their strength. "Kong Siyan comforted.

"Actually, when it comes to trouble, I didn\'t want to be with you at the beginning because I was afraid of hurting you." Zhang Rongfang said. "I also have many opponents, and they are all very strong."

"Don\'t worry, my dad is very powerful!" Kong Siyan said with a smile. She didn\'t think Zhang Jing could cause much trouble.

"Besides, my father, if he can\'t handle it, there are even more powerful people hiding in the background! Those enemies of yours, as long as you dare to come, you can make them look good, don\'t worry! You will be absolutely safe!"

"Thank you very much." Zhang Rongfang smiled. Although this girl is a bit silly and straight-hearted, she is undoubtedly very good at heart.

"No need, brother Zhang, although you look fierce, you can tell that you are actually a good person just by touching you. I believe that you will not do bad things, and those who oppose you must have problems!" Kong Siyan said seriously .

"You\'re right." Zhang Rongfang nodded deeply, "This is the way of the world. If you don\'t provoke others, there will always be people who don\'t like you and will come to mess with you."

Finally, the sound of fighting outside gradually faded away.

(end of this chapter)