My Attributes Cultivation Life

Chapter 349: 349 message on

Chapter 349 349 news

In the courtyard at this moment, black sword shadows circled Zhang Rongfang continuously.

There are many sword shadows, but they are always blocked by Zhang Rongfang with one-handed lightning.

Felt that dark vision suddenly disappear.

Zhang Rongfang came back to his senses and focused on the few people in front of him.

"Next, change your opponent."

His eyes were calm, his right arm suddenly stretched forward, and he grabbed a black knife in front of him.

Without any defense, he just grabbed the blade with one hand and pulled it to his side.

Great force pulled a person to approach rapidly.


Knee bump.

Uncle Lin bent his body on the spot and fell to his knees, his internal organs and bones were almost crushed by the blow.

The flesh and blood of his abdomen was almost squeezed together with the spine.

Zhang Rongfang let go of the black knife, leaving only faint white marks on his exposed palm.

He looked at Shangguan Zhi who was already cowering aside. Ignore him any more.

"This time I came to Qingchuan, I just wanted to see the martial arts here. It happened that my younger brother came to take up the post of governor, so I took a look at you. It\'s a pity. I\'m so disappointed."

He completely changed his voice with another voice, and said.

As soon as these words came out, Shangguanzhi and many people around him suddenly changed their expressions.

At this time, everyone discovered that the crossbowmen and others who had just been defeated were all injured, and they just lost their combat effectiveness, not died.

Most people are just stunned.

"That is to say, you belong to Mr. Fu Yin." Shangguanzhi\'s face changed, but before he finished speaking, the man in front of him jumped up and rushed straight to the left.

In the blink of an eye, the man smashed through the wall and quickly disappeared into the night.

Leave a group of high-ranking Daoist officials who were deterred by force.

"It seems that Mr. Fu Yin doesn\'t want to have a slow time with me at all, so he just cuts the mess quickly." Shangguan Zhi helped Uncle Lin who was still recovering from serious injuries, his face was ugly.

But no matter how ugly it is, you have to endure it.

Although he is from the Shangguan family, if he wants to deal with the powerful master just now, he can\'t even think about it without the help of the senior members of the family.

And the other party is obviously showing mercy. As far as the strength shown just now, whether it is full strength is still unknown.

It is not related to the fundamental interests of the family. These high-level figures are simply not something that a junior like him can drive.

So for tonight\'s matter, either he finds someone to get back the place himself, or he will live honestly with the new Governor Yin and obey and cooperate with his decree.

At this time, Jin Yonghe on the other side got dressed and came late.

Both of them had extremely ugly faces.

Now people have made their attitude clear. The meaning of tonight\'s raid is obvious.

Either hang out with him, or be beaten and replaced.

Unless they can win and repel the man just now, they have no third choice at all.

For a moment, the aggrieved hearts of the two of them were speechless.

The children of the Jin family and the Shangguan family are so powerless in the face of a newcomer who has just taken office.

"Where is Mr. Fu Yin!?" Shangguan Zhi said in a deep voice.

"Not in the room." Jin Yonghe immediately went to Zhang Rongfang. Sure enough, the room was empty and there was no one there.

He was so determined that the man just now had an absolute connection with the governor.

Otherwise, there are so many coincidences in this world.




In the darkness, Zhang Rongfang galloped on the street in the dead of night.

Buildings and houses kept passing by his side.

Suddenly, he jumped up, borrowed some strength from the wall, and gently landed on the top of a two-story antique wooden building.

There is a person standing at the top at this time, holding a slender blade, with short white hair, a strong figure, and watching him calmly.

"Xia Mingxiong, I\'m here to tell you that this is Yuxu\'s Qingchuan, not Tianbao\'s Dadu!"

No bullshit.

The blade in Ming Xiong\'s hand suddenly disappeared, and he slashed fiercely towards Zhang Rongfang\'s chest at a much faster speed than Shangguanzhi just now.

In an instant, a much shorter knife light also burst out from Zhang Rongfang\'s hand.

He doesn\'t know much about sword skills, but he still knows how to use a sword as an extension of his arm and perform palm sword moves.

The Qiulin Knife in his hand came from the original Qianjiao League, and it was a spoil of war.

Its blade cuts gold and iron, and it is unparalleled in sharpness.

The two knives collided suddenly, making a crisp ding.

Just one blow, Mingxiong\'s complexion changed, and he felt a huge force coming from the blade.

He originally thought that Shangguanzhi and Shangguanzhi were suppressed, but they were too weak.

After all, I can do the same thing myself, even more easily.

Where can I think of it.


The blade in his hand was forcefully pressed against his face.

If he hadn\'t used all his strength to hold it back, I\'m afraid the blow just now might have cut his face in reverse.

"What the **** is it?"

Before he finished speaking, Ming Xiong\'s complexion changed drastically, as the figure in front of him shook, the shadow of a knife fell like a storm.

The cold knife light carried a biting chill, instantly tightening the skin of his whole body, and goosebumps spread all over his body.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Amidst the manic crash, Ming Xiong couldn\'t use any moves at all.

The absolute power gap made him unable to do anything except defend.

Just during the blocking period, the more and more heavy knife light made him have to activate the limit state.

"Too weak."


With a muffled sound, Zhang Rongfang put his foot on Mingxiong\'s chest, kicking him out with great force on the spot, and fell heavily to the ground from the second floor.

He didn\'t even look at this person, and frowned slightly.


The person just now is at the three-empty level. The tone is not small, but unfortunately, it can\'t change the fact that he is weak.

There is no need for a limit state, no limit-breaking skills, just use physical fitness to oppress, and people will be easily defeated.

The surrounding area was silent.

Zhang Rongfang narrowed his eyes, looked around, and was about to go downstairs and return.

Suddenly, he turned his footsteps, and he turned sideways and slashed back.

Qiu Lin Dao\'s silver blade was like a horse\'s sword, and it fell heavily on a long pitch-black metal ruler.


This time, Zhang Rongfang took a step back.

His complexion finally became dignified.

Grandmaster! And it\'s a god-worshiping master!

finally came out.

He knew that under such circumstances, Qingchuan Prefecture, as the largest city in Ze Province, restrained possible raids in order to suppress the conflict between Zhenyi Sect and Xizong.

For such an important place, Yuxu Palace will definitely send experts to sit in charge.

Now it seems, sure enough.

Only he was surprised, and the man in blue brocade was even more shocked.

He made a surprise attack just now, but was blocked by this person\'s backhand.

And the most important thing is that when the two fight against each other, their strength is almost the same! ?

This is an exaggeration.

"What a power!" The handsome man in blue turned serious. "I don\'t know your name? Zhou Mengyi is looking at the moon in the clouds. He is on duty for the Zhou family in the Twelve Ancestral Houses of Yuxu Palace."

Every master is not an ordinary generation, they are definitely top masters who have become famous. Although this person in front of him is not a grandmaster, but that kind of terrifying pure power, to be able to head-to-head with a god-worshiping master, is enough for him to face him squarely.

"Zhang Wuxu." Zhang Rongfang made up a name casually, no need no need, but what he said no need.

"It\'s just a probe, to see how the defense strength of the Qingchuan Mansion is. Now it seems that it is not bad. I can rest assured that my brother will take office here."

"Is it Zhang Yingfu\'s elder brother Yin?" Zhou Mengyi, the master of the Zhou family, felt relieved.

Since Daoist teaches his own people, then things are fine.

"Exactly. I heard that the situation here is chaotic, and Shinichi Xizong is fighting against each other. I feel that it may be dangerous, so I came here to test it out. I acted a little rough. I hope you can forgive me." Zhang Rongfang calmed down at this time, cupping his fists and saying.

"Where there is, it is human nature to worry about the safety of your family." Zhou Mengyi smiled.

"Since it\'s Daozi Zhang Ying\'s elder brother, why don\'t you come over and have a drink together? If you have nothing to do, you can count as making friends."

He immediately invited.

is also curious about the other party.

"No need, there will be more opportunities to meet in the future, this time I disturbed Grandmaster Zhou." Zhang Rongfang cupped his fists and apologized.

The two chatted for a few more words, and after making sure that the other party was really not hostile, they separated.

This night, Zhang Rongfang\'s goal was also achieved.

Show force and show attitude.

Next, it was the Fuya gang who played their cards.

He was too lazy to go back to the government office, so he went directly to the dark place to change his clothes, went to a restaurant to drink and eat food, listened to music until dawn, and then slowly returned to the government office.

At this time, Shangguan Zhi, Jin Yonghe and others were already waiting at the gate of the yamen in an orderly manner.

The interests of the yamen cannot drive the stronger members of the family to come forward.

So their only way is to bow their heads.

So far, Zhang Rong has formally taken charge of all internal and external powers of the entire government office on his first day in Qingchuan Mansion.




A few days later.

Dadu·Western Suburbs.

"Sway your belly and be generous~~"

"Sleeping in a dream until dawn~~"

"If you are full of wine and food, then have another sleep~~"

Outside a farm restaurant, Yue Dewen walked slowly and drunkly on the ridge of the field, with one foot deep and one foot shallow, crooked and reeking of alcohol.

The personal guard of Xuehong Pavilion, that old guy who talks all day long, has already gone back to deal with tribal affairs in advance.

What he got in exchange was a taciturn old man who only followed secretly.

The old man\'s name is Jueying, and he is also a strong general. This guy who changed defense temporarily is completely different from the previous one, and has no communication.

At this time, Jueying looked at Yue Dewen who was humming and shaking from a distance. A strange color flashed in his eyes.

The time for switching defenses was changed to one month, and during this month, he temporarily replaced all the work of the previous one.


"How\'s the situation?" Behind Jueying, a voice as thin as a mosquito gnat quietly sounded.

"I don\'t understand." Jueying frowned slightly. "I can\'t see how much strength this old man has left."

"Then do it directly. The real reliance of Daoism is nothing more than the madwoman from Ze Province. Tianbao Palace is just a cover to stabilize Lingting, it\'s just an empty shelf." The voice in the dark said softly.

"Is the surrounding area ready?" Jueying asked back.

"Well, the transfer of personnel has arrived, and the best opportunity is five days later, after worshiping the ancestor\'s spirit.

At that time, all the guards around will go to protect the important figures of the great nobles and royal families.

There will be no regulatory forces around, so it is convenient to get out afterwards. "The dark voice spoke out.

At their level, no one is willing to sacrifice themselves to benefit others.

I have worked hard for most of my life, and for some reason, I have worked hard with others for some reason.

That\'s not great, it\'s stupid.

So if no escape route is arranged, no one will take huge risks to do things like siege and assassination.

"Five days later? Good." Jueying nodded slightly.

Give this old guy another five days of life.

His gaze was calm, and he stared at Yue Dewen\'s back without any emotion.

(end of this chapter)