My Attributes Cultivation Life

Chapter 203: 203 entrustment

Chapter 203 203 Entrustment

Rainwater slowly flows into the potholes on the official road, depositing into puddles of different sizes.

The water puddle that was originally slightly turbid now turned a little red for some reason.

The heavy rain is still falling.

On the official road, the convoy has already turned over, and the carriages have fallen to their sides.

Corpses were lying on the ground in disorder, long dead.

The front of the convoy.

Chan Master Wuxin stood upright, with the Zen stick in his hand piercing straight into the ground, supporting his body.

His eyes were wide open, and there was a **** hole in his chest.

The blood hole was the size of a bowl, and the blood stained his robe red.

Monk Tanri was leaning against the bottom of the fallen carriage, his mouth was full of blood, his chest was collapsed by an unknown heavy weapon, and his chest and back were almost stuck together.

His eyes were gouged out, only two blood holes remained, and he had long lost his breath.

"Did you find it?" Yan Xi looked gloomy and looked at the other four.

Chunfengmen Li Fan, Dajiang Gang Xia Pulian, Luohuazhang Huangli, Baimei Villa Zhongxue.

These four people are the fourth of the top ten remaining masters of the Induction Gate.

This time, he also took the initiative to link up with them, and came to cooperate with Xizong to hunt down Jinhuan.

Of course, they are not for the dispensable treasure of the goddess.

It is the research and information about spiritualization that may be hidden inside the treasure.

This is what they, or the forces behind them, want.

The goddess has been secretly experimenting with spiritualization. This is something that many people know, but no one knows how far she has gone.

At this time, the minds of several people were all focused on this aspect.

Among the envoys of the four seasons, there are two men and two women.

Appearances are all handsome and beautiful, as if they are only in their thirties.

Based on their real ages, one can tell by looking at their appearance that they have already worshiped the gods and achieved spiritual meridians.

If only this is the case.

What made Yan Xi hot-eyed was that the four people were much larger than the average person.

Just like Zhong Xue in Baimei Villa, looking at her figure and face alone, there is no doubt that there are absolutely few beauties.

Protruding forward and backward, with a hot body and a charming appearance.


This one is 2.5 meters tall.

All parts of its body are enlarged in equal proportions.

Just getting closer, Yan Xi felt a strong sense of oppression from her height, which affected her own light.

He is 1.8 meters and 2.5 meters.

Except for Zhong Xue, the other three are also like this, all of them are extremely tall people.

The shortest one is more than 2.2 meters.

"Is this the golden ring?" Xia Pulian raised her hand, and in her wide palm lay three delicate rings of pure gold.

The ring is only the size of a quail egg, but the surface is engraved with various lock symbols, which looks quite attractive.

"Let me take a look." Yan Xi reached for it, but was avoided by the other party.

"Yan Xi, you should know how to divide things, right?" Xia Pulian said coldly.

She was wearing a light yellow cloak, lined with black slim leather jacket and leather pants, her long hair was tied into a ponytail, and she wore metal finger gloves on her knuckles.

Monk Tanri just now was crushed to death by her chest cavity with bare hands.

"Divided? Two of us, one of you, how about it?" Yan Xi said in a deep voice.

"Joke, I\'ll wait for the four of us to shoot together, and only take one?" Xia Pulian said coldly.

"It is rumored that the goddess has already taken the medicine, and I am afraid that the medicine has taken effect, and she may have forgotten this thing at this time.

In other words, this golden ring is the only clue that can lead to her years of research. Instead of us fighting each other, why not open this treasure together, solve the race, and give an explanation to the people behind everyone, how about it? "

Spring Breeze Sect Master Li Fan smiled gently and offered a plan.

They also knew who Yan Xi was representing.

This king of Yan is not like the four of them huddled together to keep warm, but seems to be alone, but in fact has a background.

Yan Xi glanced at the other four.

Unknowingly, the position of the Four Seasons Envoy already showed signs of surrounding him.

A smile suddenly appeared on his serious face.

"In that case, I agree!"

He knew that although the envoys of the four seasons had already established their own family, the four of them were connected with each other, and they were sworn brothers and sisters.

If he really wants to tear his face apart, even if he is strong alone, he can only return empty-handed.




July twenty-seventh.

The rain continued for a full week.

Near Dadu, the two acropolises, Yangshuo and Yinhuai, were flooded.

The water level of the river moved up, and the villages and towns near the river were flooded.

Landslides, mudslides raids, and dirt roads collapse.

All kinds of troubles and disasters appeared one after another.

The heavy rain and flood caused the surrounding environment to stagnate, and Lingting quickly issued disaster relief operations. Send troops, craftsmen, and mobilize a large number of farmers to rush to the scene of the disaster for disaster relief.

A large number of disaster relief food trucks were mobilized from various places for transportation to Dadu.

The Taoists of the Taoism also cooperated with the Lingting Court and sent a large number of Taoists who are good at alchemy to the disaster relief.

Jixian Academy urgently issued a notice to mobilize more than half of the Taoists in Tianbao Palace to assist in disaster relief.

For a while, the entire Tianbao Palace was completely empty.

Tianbaogong canteen.

It\'s three o\'clock in the afternoon, and it\'s already past time for lunch.

But at this time, among the rows of tables and chairs in the cafeteria, there was still one person, who was eating with his head buried.

A pot of five catties of rice, in front of him, fried vegetables with stewed meat, just like pouring water, half of it disappeared after a few tablespoons.

This man is tall and burly, with long hair **** with a black scarf, and a dark blue Taoist robe can\'t hide the faint muscle outline below.

"Are you still eating?"

Suddenly, a helpless voice came from this person.

Zhang Qingzhi looked speechless, holding a roster in his hand, and sat down at the opposite seat.

"I saw you eating an hour ago when I came here, why are you still eating?"

"Not enough, maybe I\'m growing up recently." The man raised his head, revealing an ordinary face that was neither ugly nor ugly.

It\'s just that although the facial features are ordinary, the temperament is inexplicably heroic.

This person is none other than Zhang Rongfang who has practiced the Golden Chan Gong for seven days.

During these seven days, he kept observing and recording his body changes.

It turned out that his weight was increasing almost every day, and his height remained unchanged, still in his early 1.9 meters.

But the weight increased at a constant rate of ten catties per day.

Up to now, his weight has reached two hundred and sixty catties.

Obviously, this is a follow-up change brought about by the previous promotion of Jin Chan Gong.

The prerequisite for skyrocketing weight gain is naturally the need for massive amounts of food.

So these days, he eats several times the usual amount of food every day, which can be called a rice bucket.

"Before you said you wanted to buy a batch of blood-enriching herbs that were more than 50 years old? Does that still count?" Zhang Qingzhi asked aloud.

"What? Do you have it? Naturally, it counts, but the amount I want is not small."

Zhang Rongfang raised his head and said.

"I\'m going to use it to practice Bigu Dan."

Bigudan is a general term for a class of elixir.

Among them, the ordinary Bigu Dan is similar to Qingchen Dan. It is easy to make after one meal. It mainly consumes food and a little medicinal materials, fruits, eggs, etc.

Then there are high-grade ones, such as gem pills. A low-grade one will last for one day, and a medium-grade one will last for two to three days. It depends on the consumption of different people. Top grade can be managed for five days!

What Zhang Rongfang wanted was this kind of elixir.

The refining of   grade elixir requires a large amount of medicinal materials and grains to be produced.

Its characteristic is that it must be enough to withstand hunger, but also have a balanced nutrition, and it must not hurt the spleen and stomach.

After all, the digestive ability of ordinary people is not strong, and the density compression is too large, which may lead to indigestion.

But Zhang Rongfang himself planned to refine a batch of improved Bigu Dan. Reduce the optimization of digestion capacity, and put more calories, energy and nutrition into it.

Anyway, he is now practicing Jin Chan Kung Fu, and his requirements for good digestion of food have also begun to decrease.

"Well, I have faint signs of a breakthrough in my literary practice recently, and I plan to buy a Zixin Alchemy Pill to prepare for the breakthrough.

Brother Zhang, the medicinal material channel is from my hometown. I am responsible for maintaining the relationship between the two parties, and I will take one-twentieth of it. Is it acceptable? "

Zhang Qingzhi clearly explained the situation.

He also paid a lot of money. He personally checked and inspected the medicinal material business, and then sent it to Tianbao Palace and distributed it to the rest of the alchemists.

If there is any mistake in the middle, he has to go up and make up for it.

"No problem." Zhang Rongfang nodded, the commission was very conscientious.


Zhang Qingzhi immediately began to report the name of the medicinal materials and the year supply form.

He just reported a few things, he suddenly paused, his eyes froze, and found that Zhang Rongfang did not respond.

"Brother Zhang?" Zhang Qingzhi waved his hands in doubt.

"It\'s okay." Zhang Rongfang came back to his senses. Smiled and continued reporting.

But his mind at this time was no longer on the previous medicine.

At this moment, in the attribute column in his eyes, a new attribute clearly appeared on the line representing the free attribute point.

\'It\'s done! \'

"From one o\'clock in ten days to one o\'clock in seven days!" At this moment, Zhang Rongfang really felt the power of the Golden Toad Kung Fu.

Although it is troublesome to eat nowadays, the attribute points can\'t stand up quickly.

If you switch to Bigu Dan with a high concentration, you can say goodbye to this kind of life that takes a lot of time to eat.

‘This is the first layer.’

After eating, he bid farewell to Zhang Qingzhi, quickly returned to his residence, and carefully checked the changes on his body.

Go back to the backyard of the small building, in a simple practice field.

Zhang Rongfang changed his clothes, prepared a sweat towel and water cup, and then walked to the field.

Status moves and turns, fists and palms are like the wind, constantly practicing the seven talismans of Taoism.

After practicing it once, he felt a change in his body.


The only metal black puppet in the yard was slapped heavily on the chest, then fell back and swayed back and forth.

This puppet is extremely heavy, weighing a thousand catties, two meters high, and one meter five meters wide. It uses the principle of a tumbler, and it will bounce back when reversed.

Zhang Rongfang hit the doll with his bare hands, and knocked down the doll that bounced up with both hands.

As the hits continue, the speed of the doll\'s rebound becomes faster and faster, and the strength of the rebound becomes heavier.

The metal plate used to fix the doll on the ground also began to rattle loose.


Zhang Rongfang\'s right arm muscles tightened suddenly, and he struck out with great force.

In this move, he didn\'t use any limit-breaking skills, nor did he activate the threshold.

Just a normal shot.

But this time, the strength and speed of his shots were much stronger than usual.


The puppet leaned back fiercely, and the range was larger than before.

"It\'s at least 30% faster! What a powerful Golden Toad Kung Fu!"

Zhang Rongfang instantly moved away from the bouncing doll, sighing in his heart.

"Do you need a sparring partner?" A cold voice appeared in a corner of the courtyard.

Zhang Rongfang followed the sound and saw that the person standing in the corner was the Taoist Mingyuan who had fought against him before.

Ming Yuan still had that indifferent expression, dressed in jet black and wearing a black crescent crown.

Just don\'t know how long he watched from the corner.

"Is it possible?" Zhang Rongfang asked seriously.

"Yes." Ming Yuan took a step forward, as if jumping, and stood a few meters away from Zhang Rongfang.

"Golden Toad Kung Fu is a very powerful sensory martial art. I have fought against a master of Jin Chan Kung Fu before." He said calmly.

(end of this chapter)