My Attributes Cultivation Life

Chapter 164: 164 Under the Heart (Thanks for the cramping night Silver League)

Chapter 164 164 Heart


Zhang Rongfang looked at the other person, just facing this person, he could feel that his body was constantly sending out warning signals.

That kind of acupuncture, like the tip of a knife in front of him, infects his skin all the time.

Obviously, this person is completely different from the snake king he faced before.

The original snake king, perhaps because of his age, or because of other reasons, is far less powerful than the person in front of him.

"Why should I run away?" Zhang Rongfang said calmly. "Golden wings feed on dragons, so you should be the one to escape."

"Little tricks won\'t make people respected." Xue Chengyu laughed. "You have been lurking for a long time, have you ever found an assassination opportunity?"

"Never." Zhang Rongfang sighed.

"So I decided."

"Kill you face to face!"

In an instant, the figure swayed.

Zhang Rongfang has turned into a black line and rushed towards the opponent.


The two held hands with each other, and the four arms slammed into the sound of gold and iron.

"The blue sea breaks the heart."

Xue Chengyu\'s Sandalwood Bilin palm is far stronger than Qingjiao.

His right palm pressed Zhang Rongfang, and his left palm shot up and stabbed Zhang Rongfang\'s chin from the gap.


The tip of his palm brushed past his chin and flew off his hat.

Zhang Rongfang quickly retreated, moving left and right, avoiding the pursuit of the next two moves, and fell ten meters away.

A drop of blood slowly slipped from the skin of his chin.

He touched the blood drop, and his eyes turned to Xue Chengyu, becoming more and more gloomy.

"What a sharp palm."

"You too, this is not a secret record of Jinpeng at all." Xue Chengyu said in surprise.

"It is said that you still have Baojia, so it seems that you are relying on these two points to calculate Qingjiao, expand your advantages, and kill him?"

"Who told you?" Zhang Rongfang\'s heart sank.

"You can find our stronghold, and we can also get to the bottom of you."

Before he finished speaking, Xue Chengyu rushed forward.

He doesn\'t have the haste of Jinpeng\'s secret record, nor the strange silence of Zhang Rongfang\'s fusion of body techniques.

But he has his own unique way.

That is.



Two small pits exploded in the ground.

Xue Chengyu violently accelerated towards Zhang Rongfang in a straight line.

On the back of the metal glove in his hand, two short blue-blue blades suddenly popped out.

Dangdang two crisp sounds.

The two fought together again.

At noon, direct sunlight.

It should be the clearest and brightest time, but in the woodland, only two figures, one black and one blue, are seen, fighting each other quickly.

The black shadow is like the wind, surrounding the blue shadow, constantly shooting, looking for flaws.

But it is obvious that although the shadow movement is fast, the speed of the shot is slower than the blue shadow.

When he moves into position and hits.

In the gap between the shots, they were sent first.

He was supposed to be attacking, but he became defensive.

After several consecutive moves, Zhang Rongfang became more and more aggrieved. The speed and strength of the opponent\'s shots were far higher than him, causing him to dare not take the moves.

Otherwise you will suffer internal injuries.

And, he could feel that the opponent was quickly adapting to his movement.

Just like the original blue corner.

Do not.

Faster than Qingjiao!


Zhang Rongfang\'s eyes widened suddenly.

Puff puff!

Three consecutive explosions.

Xue Chengyu smiled, and three palm shadows suddenly appeared in front of him.

The shadows of the palms curved and flew down from three different directions, like smoke.

"Breaking Limits: Sansheng would rather."


There seemed to be an extra palm shadow between his palms, and it fell to Zhang Rongfang\'s chest at the same time.

This moment was so fast, I was caught off guard, and I didn\'t have time to think about it.

Zhang Rongfang stepped back, right in front, left, and right, all of which were blocked by the shadow of the palm, so he could only step back.

and retreated, but not as fast as Xue Chengyu\'s explosive straight-line speed!

The two quickly retreated and rushed into the woods.

Trees kept passing by the two of them.

Three palm shadows are like gangrene attached to the bones, they are like shadows, unable to escape, getting closer and closer.

Branches and grasses were cut off by Xue Chengyu.

Suddenly, his expression changed slightly and he stopped suddenly.


Under his feet, a slender and sharp silk thread is blocking the front.

Zhang Rongfang took the opportunity to overturn the hook, hooked his legs to the trunk, and submerged into the leaves out of thin air.

"Want to run away??" Xue Chengyu narrowed his eyes, his feet rose into the air, and his palms spiraled upwards.

Large branches and leaves were scattered and fell.

Between the green and yellow leaves, Zhang Rongfang\'s appearance at this time is revealed.

He hangs upside down in the air, his eyes are closed, and his hands are in a triangle in front of him.


Under the shock of the sound wave, Zhang Rongfang suddenly opened his eyes, and his whole body expanded rapidly.

His skin was covered with bloodshots, and the veins and blood vessels were prominent on his face.

The whites of the eyes that were clear at first also quickly turned reddish at this time.

"Heavy mountains!"

From top to bottom, Zhang Rongfang at this time is like a peng bird rushing from the sky, his claws pierce the air, and bring out a scream like an eagle.

swooped down with a terrifying force and grabbed Xue Chengyu.

Xue Chengyu\'s vision was blocked, so he simply closed his eyes to sense his hearing. Still using the limit-breaking technique, Sansheng would rather respond to the enemy.

In his opinion, he is only a rank nine, and it is already very face-saving to use the limit-breaking technique to kill someone.

According to the information, Junior Brother Qingjiao also died and was calculated.

As long as you are careful about other traps and plots, you can kill this person step by step.

It was only at the moment when his hands clashed that his expression changed.

A huge force beyond his imagination, pressing down on his arms from above.


The two collided in mid-air, blasting large leaves and branches.

In an instant, the four arms quickly exchanged three moves.

Sansheng would rather be disbanded on the spot, Xue Chengyu fell, and his arms tingled slightly.

He knew that his arm was injured, and immediately forced the opponent away with a poisonous blade, and quickly retreated.

"Limit State Silent Avalokitesvara!"

The moment he stepped back, his whole body swelled as well, a thick breath was exhaled from his mouth and nose, and his arms were like scissors, suddenly staggered forward.


! !

A clear whirlwind spread out from the center of the encounter between the two.

Zhang Rongfang was knocked back two steps by Juli, turned around, avoided the pursuit moves, and appeared strangely in another place.

In his critical state, his movement was much more terrifying than usual.

If he usually has a movement of 10, then his movement is now 15.

Such an exaggerated increase made Xue Chengyu, who was a little used to his movement technique, too late to deal with it.

He is clearly much stronger than the opponent.

But no matter how he pursued and burst out, even if he entered the limit state, he could not hit the opponent.

After ten consecutive moves, Zhang Rongfang avoided a palm and pulled his right paw on the outside of the opponent\'s arm, bringing out a bloodstain.

Contrary to his expectations, Xue Chengyu also wore soft armor, and it was a high-grade soft armor with excellent quality.

Although    is not as powerful as his treasure armor, it still blocks most of the damage.

Compared with Qingjiao, Xue Chengyu can directly enter the limit state silent Guanyin state without acupuncture points, which shows his strength.

But he is stronger and he is stronger!

The movement speed of the critical state is more exaggerated than the test in the normal state under the burst of power blessing.

In a critical state, superimposing heavy mountains is equivalent to continuously hitting double heavy mountains by means of high-speed impact.

Its power is much stronger than simply using Double Mountain.

After twenty short strokes, Xue Chengyu\'s expression became more solemn.

He is stronger than the opponent in both strength and explosiveness, but he just can\'t hit this person!

No. Not a miss.

But I can\'t even catch the shadow!

too fast!

His ears were full of whirring eagle claws.

The dark shadows continued to surround him, attacking, and he had already exhausted most of his efforts just by defending and responding.

That is, Sandalwood Bilin Palm is very good at dealing with this kind of rapid opponent, otherwise, if you change to a super product, you may already be defeated.


was another soft sound, and Xue Chengyu had a **** opening on his waist.

The opponent is like a Dapeng playing with his prey, constantly using his rapidity to pass by his side, bringing out bloodstains one after another, trying to make him exhausted, exhausting his strength and blood and dying.

Can\'t stop in place!

Xue Chengyu had this thought in his mind, the terrain here was prepared in advance, and he had to leave!

He resisted another attack on the back and rushed in one direction.

Regardless, he protected his face and rushed forward.

At a straight-line speed, his burst is no worse than that of Zhang Rong.

The two immediately left in the distance.

After chasing and escaping, he ran all the way, and soon, the outline of Wushan City appeared in front of Xue Chengyu.

At the same time, a **** mouth was caught on the back of his back.

In other words, when he was in the limit state at this time, the muscles of his whole body were tight and extremely hard, and with the leather armor blocking him, he was not seriously injured.

But soon. The environment in the city is no better than the mountains.

His eyes were cold, the narrow areas in the city were far more than the mountains and forests.

The two of them, one wearing a sea dragon mask and the other wearing a golden wing mask, rushed into the city gate from the side.

A few soldiers guarding the city gate didn\'t even react when they felt a gust of wind blowing beside them and no one was there.

The two were clinging to the city wall, fighting each other all the way.

There are more and more palm print pits on the wall of the city wall.

The surrounding beams and pillars, the stone lion decorations in front of the door, the high Wangzi flagpole, everything that stood in front of them was interrupted instantly.

The guards of the spirit army looked terrified, and instinctively set up bows and crossbows, ready to shoot.

but was immediately stopped by the guard.

"No one is allowed to shoot!"

The guard looked solemn, and as the governor of the government, he was directly under his confidant.

Those two masks, he knew both

The Golden Winged Tower Spirit Envoy of Dongzong, the Sea Dragon Merman of Xizong

No matter which one he can afford.

And the speed of these two people is so fast!

Even if he shoots himself, I\'m afraid he won\'t be able to catch up. He can only cover and shoot.

"Notify the Governor immediately!" He ordered quickly.


The personal soldiers immediately took orders and left.

Below, Zhang Rongfang and Xue Chengyu were separated.

The two of them pierced the wall with one hand and hung on the city wall.

One is backed in front of the wall of a private mansion.

Both were panting rapidly, sweat dripping down from their temples as if their threads were almost broken.

But no one was the first to destroy the opponent\'s mask.

This seems to be some kind of unspeakable tacit understanding.

"I seem to understand why Qingjiao died in your hands." Xue Chengyu said solemnly.

The surrounding people kept away and avoided. Only some daring warriors dared to peek out from the corner to watch the battle.

At this time, Xue Chengyu had injuries all over his body, and blood stains stretched from his torso to his trousers, looking extremely embarrassed.

Each of these injuries contains toxins.

But unfortunately, he has undergone toxin resistance training, and in the extreme state at this time, his resistance to toxins has been greatly improved, so he does not care about this method.

"I\'ll ask you again, who told you that Qingjiao died in my hands?" Zhang Rongfang said solemnly.

He was also uncomfortable at this time. Even if the Eagle Claw Skill in both hands had been strengthened nine times, and he wore metal gloves, he would still be unable to support this level of fighting.

The fingertips of his hands and fingers have begun to twist unnaturally, twitching, and there are slight bone cracks.

"You are very strong, you can rely on the ninth rank, and you can beat me to this level, you are already one in a thousand, and you are outstanding." Xue Chengyu said coldly.

"But it\'s a pity that you, who are so outstanding, must be annihilated here today."

"Who do you think you are?" Zhang Rongfang\'s eyes were clear, and with the support of Jin Dan, his whole body\'s qi and blood continued to explode in a critical state.

Anyone can speak big words. Although he is miserable at this time, as long as he wants, he can advance or retreat at any time.

"Hehe, next, I\'ll let you really understand the true power I\'ll get after surpassing my rank!"

Xue Chengyu staggered his hands again, holding the other wrist.


In an instant, ten fingers connected to acupuncture points.

"Double Limit · Anonymous Incense!"

In an instant, his entire upper body blew rapidly, and his arms rose in a circle, especially his arms.

Almost the same time.

Taking advantage of his acupuncture point, Zhang Rongfang flew down like a bat, and his arms and hands also swelled and grew bigger.

The strongest sure-killer that killed the Black Ten Sect Snake King at the time—Five Times Heavy Mountain, used it at the same time.

Layer upon layer, Zhang Rongfang gathered strength from all parts of his body, descended from the sky, and attacked fiercely, just like Jinpeng hunting a dragon.




After a while.

A figure covered in blood quickly rushed out of the city gate, followed the official road, and left in the distance.

Xue Chengyu\'s robes on both arms were torn to pieces, revealing his forearm without a piece of intact skin.

He never dreamed that he was just here to settle a Golden Winged Tower Spirit Envoy.

is what it looks like now.

None of the officers and soldiers along the road dared to stop him.

As soon as you get out of the city gate, you have to follow the official road and enter the nearby mountain forest.

Suddenly, three tall figures in black cloaks stopped in front of him.

"Your Excellency is so fast!" The person in the lead said in a solemn voice. "Are you interested in having a fight with me!?"

The cloak was lifted, revealing the face of Ding Yu, the Dangshan tiger.

Xue Chengyu\'s face twisted, his footsteps paused, and he looked up at the three of them. The humiliation that he had just had to escape flooded into his heart.

"What kind of cat or dog dares to block my way, do you really think I can\'t kill?"

With a ferocious face, he stepped forward, his figure like a phantom, suddenly passed between the three of them.

"Sansheng would rather!"

Three palm shadows, driven by the double limit state, brought out a terrifying speed, and slammed into the hearts of the three.

bang bang bang!

The three Dangshanhu couldn\'t react at all.

too fast!

That kind of speed made Ding Yu realize that he wanted to resist, but he was only conscious.

His eyes widened, and his pupils were full of horror.

At that moment, he frantically tried to raise his hand to block the palm.

His strength is amazing, as long as he can block it, as long as he has time, he has the confidence to block anything.

Unfortunately, he couldn\'t.

Although his explosive speed is fast, it also depends on what level it is compared to.

Ordinary ninth-rank, really can\'t compare with him.

But Xue Chengyu was already super-grade, and his normal explosive speed exceeded the limit of rank-9.

Not to mention that he is in the double limit state at this time, and the ultimate move is erupted.

Three dull sounds exploded.

accompanied by three bright blood splashes.

Ding Yu felt that everything around him seemed to slow down at this moment.

His body was slowly leaning back, flying upside down, and landing.

The two brothers around him were as surprised as he was, and didn\'t even know what happened.

Everything is over.

The severe pain didn\'t pass into his mind until they landed and rolled in a circle.

At the heart of the three of them, there was a deeply collapsed palm print.

Ding Yu lay on her back, raised her arms with difficulty, and touched Xu Xin\'s shoulders.

But a lot of blood kept pouring out of his mouth.

so much that he couldn\'t move any more.

Xue Chengyu didn\'t even look at the three of them, as if he had crushed three ants to death, he quickly left in the distance.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the vast mountains and forests without a trace.

Until this time, the guard officers and soldiers in front of the city gate could not see what happened.

The three Dangshanhu, who showed their faces, only supported for a moment in front of the mysterious man wearing the sea dragon mask, and then they were killed at the same time.

Not long ago, the invincible Dangshan Tiger in Wushan Mansion was over? ?

The officers and soldiers thought they had made a mistake.

But soon, Shangguan Qingrong, Yue Hanquan and others who had heard the news arrived and looked here from a distance before confirming the identities of the three in shock.

Dangshanhu, who is running across Wushan Mansion, no one expected that it would end in such a way.

Flat, sudden, unreal.

Well, there are more than 1,000 words, Lao Gun did his best, thank you for the end of the silver... so tired...

Everyone is so powerful. Recently, everyone supports adding anti-theft. It is estimated that as long as this book does not collapse, it will definitely surpass the previous one.

Finally, I would like to thank the friends who have always supported Lao Gun.

I hope you can get a moment of relief from your old books in these difficult times.

Thank you all~

(end of this chapter)