My Attributes Cultivation Life

Chapter 138: 138 Difficult

Chapter 138 138 Difficulty

"Are the double eagles in all places one male and one female?" Zhang Rongfang asked curiously when he saw the two of them.

It was like this when I was in Tanyang.

"Uh, this subordinate doesn\'t know." Hei Ying Tong Xin replied, "I don\'t know if your lord suddenly called us here, what\'s your order?"

"It\'s nothing, it\'s just that when I first arrived in Wushan, I always had to understand the background of the forces here." Zhang Rongfang replied.

"There are many masters here in Wushan Mansion, but most of them are not locals. They all migrated from other places." Tong Xin thought for a while and said solemnly.

"The three great powers are naturally the big forces standing at the top. Each of them has a relationship with super-class masters, and they are already masters like clouds. The power is powerful, so there is no need to mention it."

"In addition to the three major families, there are various vassal families, scattered gangs. And secondary forces such as our Golden Winged Building.

And the next level, they are all small forces that are not climatic. "

"However, there are a few people who really need attention." Tong Xin began to elaborate on some retired officials, masters.

Zhang Rongfang kept all the things worth remembering in his heart.

After talking for half an hour, it was White Eagle\'s turn.

Bai Ying introduced the specific distribution and stronghold of the Golden Winged Building in Wushan, the current industry, finance, running water, and the number of members of the main and sub-buildings.

The two of them have many deputy masters under their respective hands, and it seems that the scope of control is also different.

Got the news he wanted, and Zhang Rongfang nodded with satisfaction.

"This information is enough."

He looked at the two of them carefully.

"I called you here today. In addition to understanding the intelligence, there is one more thing I need you to understand."

"Sir, please speak." The two bowed their heads respectfully.

Zhang Rongfang paused.

"I don\'t care what happened to Wushan in the past. But after I come, I want you to observe the following points when setting up your property."

"One, do not force the good into prostitutes.

Second, there is no set up to seize other people\'s property. "

Judging from the industry just given by Baiying, there are several large-scale casinos and brothels in the Golden Wings Building.

So here he sets the rules.

In this world, the commoners have had enough hard work. He can\'t manage everyone, but he can still do it if he restrains his subordinates.


The two of them clasped their fists in response, without any hesitation.

Zhang Rongfang nodded with satisfaction, and waved the two of them to leave on their own.

Both parties agreed that as long as it was not a particularly important matter, they would not need to contact him afterwards.

out of the courtyard.

Black Eagle Copper Heart was about to get into his carriage.

"Tong Xin, why don\'t you come and sit with me?" Bai Ying Xiangling suddenly smiled and invited.

"Alright. It\'s been a long time since you and I too."

Tongxin paused, then turned and got into her carriage with Xiangling.

The car drove slowly into the distance.

After more than ten minutes, he stopped at the bank of a Wujiang embankment.

The driver got out of the car and went to other places, leaving only two people in the car.

"How does this new spirit envoy feel?" Xiang Ling asked casually while playing with a newly folded paper crane.

"What else?" Tong Xin sneered. "A little silly, a little naive."

"Yeah." Xiang Ling smiled, "Lelou brothel, where can you get your good stuff if you don\'t set up a set? Just relying on those inferior goods that are willing to degenerate can\'t pull Fucheng like fresh big shots."

"Young people, just ascended to a high position, feel like they can do whatever they want. I haven\'t encountered any setbacks. When I do encounter trouble, I will know how cruel the reality is."

Bronze Heart disagrees.

"Then what are you going to do? Just deal with it?" Xiangling asked.

"Deal? He doesn\'t have anyone in his hands, and we all rely on us to provide information directly. Even if we did something, he would know?" Tong Xin smiled disdainfully.

"Do you really think that being strong means everything? It\'s a joke. A little brat who doesn\'t have all the hair, it\'s so good."

"Since you don\'t care, that\'s fine, I\'m still worried that I won\'t be able to do the things I asked you to cooperate with before." Xiang Ling patted her plump chest and gave him a charming white look.

"Don\'t worry, that stuff has to be boiled slowly, but Hailong is charging a big price. Don\'t be vague." Tong Xin said naturally.

"Don\'t be in a hurry, wait until I completely destroy her family here, and then abolish her second uncle who is very strong, and there is nothing to rely on. When she is desperate, you will show up again.

By then, she could not help but submit. "There was a glint in his eyes.

"Alright." Xiang Ling picked up a banana on the small table and gently peeled it open, "When it\'s all done, I want all the girls in her family under thirty."

"It\'s cheaper for you." Tong Xin said angrily. "Be careful with things, the envoy heard that he was ruthless in Tan Yang, don\'t put yourself in it."

"Don\'t worry, I didn\'t do it myself, even if I was discovered, I just pushed a few ghosts." Xiang Ling\'s eyes almost turned into two crescent moons with a smile.

She lightly took a bite of the banana, her red lips lightly parted, revealing the pinkish little tongue inside.

Seeing that the copper heart was hot for a while, he hurriedly pushed the door and got out of the car. Don\'t stay long, leave quickly.

He didn\'t dare to be seduced by this poisonous scorpion woman. This woman was glamorous and charming on the surface, but in fact, she had the title of beauty scorpion in the Wushan Prefecture martial arts.

The man is proficient in toxins and hidden weapons, and his subordinates secretly control an organization called Mengzhou.

And quietly use the status and power of Golden Wings Tower to serve Mengzhou.

In the dream boat, there are rumors that make people linger and forget to return.

It sells a drink called Dream Liquid, which can make people feel like a fairy and feel refreshed.

Combined with the beautiful people in the dream boat, various activities and various enjoyments are held from time to time, and it is known as one of the five gold-selling caves in Wushan Prefecture.

So even if Xiangling escaped from the Golden Wings Tower, she could still live quite casually.




In the evening, the Commercial Office.

In the dining hall.

Zhang Rongfang and Lu Meisha were sitting side by side, and across the dining table were sister Zhang Rongyu and brother-in-law Suda Heqi.

In the entire hall, only the four of them are eligible to dine at the main table.

There are maids and guards standing around to serve.

There are four dishes and one soup on the table, all served in pots.

Onion stuffed pork chops, shrimp cucumber chunks, black-bone chicken, mushroom and red dates soup, bitter gourd stir-fried shredded beef.

Pieces of pork chops are golden brown in the reflection of candlelight, and the aroma is fragrant.

"Misha, Rong Fang, are you two having a fight?" Zhang Rongyu looked at the two of them a little worriedly.

Use a spoon to scoop a spoonful of cucumber chunks into each of the two bowls.

"It\'s okay, I was just hanging out today, not with Misa." Zhang Rongfang replied with a smile.

"That\'s good, Misa has been bringing you to familiarize yourself with the environment these days. She is a girl again. If there are any differences, please let her." Zhang Rongyu said softly.

"I know." Zhang Rongfang had a calm expression in the commercial office, not the indifference and ferocity he used to practice martial arts.

Seeing this scene, Lu Meisha on the side couldn\'t help but compare with Zhang Rongfang who suddenly acted at that time. I sneered even more in my heart, secretly thinking that this person is really hypocritical, and his acting is top-notch.

She glanced at Zhang Rongyu and felt that the two brothers and sisters were troublesome and did not want to pay attention to her, but she saw her brother Suda Heqi staring at her with his eyes wide open.

can only reply reluctantly.

"He\'s so powerful now that anyone who practices martial arts dares to fight."

"My strength is nothing, but it\'s just a little bit of teaching at the Dao." Zhang Rongfang said modestly.

"It\'s already good. You can buy it at the age of 18. It\'s good enough." Brother-in-law Suda Heqi comforted, "Rong Fang, you can continue to study martial arts. I can ask my friends to find a more suitable teacher for you."

He really hoped that Zhang Rong could be self-reliant, so that Xiaoyu could save snacks and not sigh and worry all the time.

Zhang Rongyu also looked relieved on the side. She just couldn\'t believe it when she heard about her brother\'s entry.

I didn\'t expect to let the nursing home in the manor try it, and it turned out to be true.

She was overjoyed that day, and distributed red envelopes to everyone in the house.

"Besides, at this age, you should also think about getting married." Sudah Heqi glanced at Lu Meisha vaguely.

Seeing his expressionless face and no interest in this topic, he was suddenly disappointed.

"Missa." He called.


"When you are free, just think of a way to find a suitable one for your brother Rong Fang?"

"This, it\'s very troublesome." Lu Meisa showed a hint of impatience, "It\'s not like you don\'t know, he is a barbarian and a Confucian, even if he changes his path now, the other conditions are not very good. You can only look down."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere on the table suddenly became a little awkward.

But this is indeed true.

"Lu Meisha!" Suda Heqi\'s complexion was full, and he looked at his sister a little displeased.

After a pause, he calmed down.

"Help me. Your sister-in-law and I haven\'t done anything yet. Maybe Rong Fang has to rely on himself for the incense. You have to worry about it."

Suda Heqi patiently persuaded. At the same time, he gently held Zhang Rongyu\'s hand, expressing comfort.

"I know, I know." Lu Meisha was helpless.

Zhang Rongfang on the side of    was also speechless. He didn\'t expect Wushan Mansion to face such troubles.

He is not interested in other things at all, he just wants to see what changes will occur as the life attribute keeps improving.

In addition, he is going to learn Suowen soon, so he has no time to think about marriage.

"Eat, don\'t delay, lest the dishes get cold. Come, Meisha, drink some of this soup, I boiled it for two hours with my own hands to replenish qi and blood." Zhang Rongyu got up and poured soup for Lu Meisha.

Extending her hand without hitting the smiling person, Lu Meisha was helpless, and thanked her and took it.

"Sister-in-law, if you have nothing to do, go to the circle to see more. I can\'t be too busy to choose a candidate."

Although she disliked Zhang Rongyu, she would not make trouble in front of her brother.

It\'s just a pity in my heart, if my brother changed to a wife with a prominent family background, I\'m afraid I can make a big step further now.

Where, like now, I only did a small business.

These are all because Zhang Rongyu has no help here, but is a burden.

But, looking at Zhang Rongyu\'s beautiful and pure smiling face, he was serving soup to himself with concern.

Lu Meisha lowered her head and muttered a few words she didn\'t know, but she didn\'t say anything.

Zhang Rongfang looked at her and seemed to have found something. He shook his head in his heart, and understood the delicate relationship between Lu Meisha and her sister Zhang Rongyu.

The four of them quieted down for a while and ate quietly.

After eating half of it, a messenger quickly entered the door and knelt down with his hands towards Suda Heqi.

"Sir, there is an emergency order from the yamen!"

Suda Heqi looked stunned and got up quickly.

"I\'ll be there soon."

"Yes!" The messenger quickly retreated.

"What? What happened again?" Zhang Rongyu got up and was a little worried, took the light red official robe from the maid and put it on her husband.

"Well, you continue to eat, you don\'t have to wait for me." Suda Heqi ordered, then walked to the door, whispered a few words with Zhang Rongyu, and left in a hurry.

Zhang Rongfang has a keen sense of five senses. As a master of the ninth grade, he is naturally far superior to ordinary people.

He was sitting only six meters away from the door, and even if he was whispering, he could hear it a little bit.

Brother-in-law mentioned a name intermittently: Dangshanhu.

(end of this chapter)