My Attributes Cultivation Life

Chapter 132: 132 Dive

Chapter 132 132 Dive

It\'s just that Lu Meisha didn\'t care much at this time, let alone just a little temperament, even if she was a real warrior, she didn\'t know much about it.

The warriors in this Wushan Mansion should not pursue her too much.

"This Le Lou is half of my best friend. You are usually safe to come here, but try not to compete with those chaotic sons and brothers.

You just came here and haven’t integrated into it yet. If you suffer a loss or something, then my brother will definitely blame me again. "

Lu Meisha kept introducing and talking, with a slightly alienated attitude.

"In addition, in Wushan Mansion, there are people with three surnames, you must not offend them, if you see them, you can call them brother and sister respectfully.

People will give you a face when they know that you are from your brother\'s business office. "

"Which three?" Zhang Rongfang originally just listened casually, but now he is a little interested.

"Yue, Huang, Shangguan."

"Yue is actually the prefect\'s house.

Huang is the leader of the entire Wushan Mansion Sculpture Association, and occupies a lot of Wushan industries. It can be said that many places have their industries.

The last Shangguan family was the governor\'s family. However, because there are few people in their family, it is difficult to meet them. so."

Lu Meisha was introducing, and suddenly she saw a group of people walking slowly in front of her.

The leader of that team was a young man who was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

This person has red lips and white teeth, and his skin is delicate. At first glance, he is a young master who does not practice martial arts and has not been exposed to the wind and the sun.

As soon as Lu Meisha met, she took the initiative to meet her, greeted her with a smile, and waved her hand.

"Brother Yuan Dong, wasn\'t he locked up at home to practice calligraphy today? Why are you free to come out and play?"

"The newly hired gentleman at home doesn\'t know anything about farts. He\'s too lazy to get to know him in general, and he\'s bored, so he goes out for a walk." The young man swept his eyes away, moved away from Lu Meisha\'s face, and landed on the tall Zhang Rongfang beside him.

"Who is this?"

"This is my younger brother Zhang Rongfang, from the countryside, he is not sensible, brother, don\'t take offense." Lu Meisha quickly pushed Zhang Rongfang.

"Call Brother Yuan!" she reminded in a low voice.

Zhang Rongfang looked at the other party, who was not taller than his own neck, and who was obviously younger than himself.

How can he open his mouth?

He is eighteen and nineteen! At least two or three years older than the boy in front of him. Call him brother? ?

Although Zhang Rongfang has made up his mind to live in peace for three years, that was three years of quiet and quiet life, not three years of humility and humiliation.

"Under Zhang Rongfang, what do you call my younger brother?" He didn\'t bother to pay attention to Lu Meisha, and cupped his fists and cupped his hands.

Although I don’t look down on these children, I still have the basic courtesy of being a human being.

little brother? ? !

As soon as the title came out, the unexpected taste in the tone seemed to be prominent.

Not only Lu Meisha\'s heart skipped a beat, but the rest of the young masters and young ladies who followed Yuan Dong were also stunned, and they all gathered their gazes towards this side.

Yuan Dong looked at Zhang Rongfang and looked away calmly.

"Let\'s go, aren\'t you here to see Ying Hongjuan, a new musician who is on fire here?"

He walked directly past Lu Meisha and Zhang Rongfang, walking slowly with his hands behind his back, as if he had never met them at all.

"Walk around."

"Haha, follow Brother Yuan to have meat to eat!"

"Brother Yuan is the atmosphere, throwing a lot of money!"

A group of people followed happily. When passing by Lu Meisha and Zhang Rongfang, someone gloated at Lu Meisha.

Lu Meisha\'s face flushed red, Baozi\'s face clenched his teeth, and his dimples popped out of anger.

After waiting for the people to leave, she turned her head and stared at Zhang Rongfang.

"Do you know anything!?"

"Didn\'t I tell you before? You just came here and you don\'t understand anything. Do whatever I tell you to do! This way you won\'t offend anyone! Why don\'t you listen?"

Zhang Rongfang smiled.

Came to Wushan in the past few days, sister Zhang Rongyu and brother-in-law Suda Heqi were very kind to him.

Buy him clothes, send gifts, and arrange for someone to show him the places to eat, drink, and play around.

He also slowly accepted the care of his predecessor sister.

After all, it also incorporates the memory of its predecessor.

Lu Meisha was the one arranged by her sister and husband to bring her to familiarize herself with the environment.

In fact, this girl is only nineteen years old, she doesn\'t understand many things, and she is still not mature enough.

This year is different from the information age of the previous life. The teenagers here are far less mature than the young children who are holding mobile phones and tablets.

So he doesn\'t know the other side in general.

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t cause you any trouble. I\'ll handle it myself." He casually dropped a sentence and walked downstairs slowly.

Lu Meisha was suddenly in a hurry.

"You deal with it? What do you deal with? Headbutt?? In the end, you\'re not going to find my brother!"

She got along very well with Zhang Rongfang at first.

I didn’t expect that I would not be obedient at all at critical times!

Before she told her best friend that she was going to take her sister-in-law\'s younger brother around. The best friend also reminded her that this Zhang Rongfang ran away from home before, and he hasn\'t come for so long, but now he suddenly ran over to join his sister.

It’s very likely that he couldn’t get along outside, so he had to come to marry him.

This kind of person may have problems with character and temper, so let her be careful.

She didn\'t take it seriously at that time, didn\'t expect it to be only a few days?

"Don\'t worry, you won\'t be a drag on your brother."

Zhang Rongfang walked downstairs slowly with his hands behind his back, found a seat on the first floor and sat down, listening to a blond woman playing the cello diagonally opposite.

Lu Meisha came down angrily, since she promised her brother, she would not leave Zhang Rongfang alone.

"You can\'t do this next time! Otherwise, I\'ll have to sue my brother when I go back! You\'re so offensive!"

"Okay, okay." Zhang Rongfang replied perfunctorily.

In terms of his real age, he is almost ready to be Lu Meisha\'s father. Naturally, you will not have the general knowledge of a little girl.

While listening to the music, organize your thoughts.

He now has all the health attributes restored in the attribute bar.

After a month of accumulation, the attribute points have increased to three.

He hadn\'t moved before because he was worried that the master of the Golden Wings Building would see something wrong.

Now that he came all the way, he refused to accompany him. I came to Wushan alone with the **** bureau.

Now that the goddess Tongzhang and Yin-faced Chan are absent, he can finally continue to improve his literary skills.

Now when he is practicing Jinpeng Secret Recording, he can still feel the pain in his internal organs. Obviously, the limit of breaking the grade is still there.

But the Heavenly Maiden Tongzhang gave a suggestion to practice martial arts without breaking the limit.

Many martial arts that do not break the limit have no joint effect of training the internal organs.

Therefore, it will be the first choice for self-defense for many low-end Jianghu people.

Such as iron sand palm.

In this kung fu, only the palms are practiced, and the internal organs are not practiced, so naturally there will be no burden on the internal organs.

There is also Iron Throat Gong, which was created to weaken one\'s own vital points, and there is also no part that breaks the limit.

Many of these exercises that practice partial limbs only pursue lethal martial arts. For outsiders, these exercises that do not practice internal organs are all exercises that hurt the body.

But for Zhang Rongfang, who has a perverted constitution, the goddess Tongzhang suggested that he can practice these properly to make up for his weaknesses.

This is also the path chosen by many masters.

Most of the    masters are geniuses, both civil and military. The physique is also very strong. There are many martial arts that do not break the limit.

was thinking, but Lu Meisha, who was beside him, suddenly patted his arm.

"Uncle Yuan Dong is the No. 1 city guard in charge of the security of the entire Wushan Mountain. I just went to find out. They opened a small hall on the second floor to play.

You go toast with me in a while, apologize and let it be over. Otherwise, Yuan Dong\'s mind is very small, and if you swept his face, it may cause some trouble in the future. "

Lu Meisha was also in charge. Taking advantage of Zhang Rongfang\'s time to listen to the music, she specifically asked the steward of this music building to inquire about the news.

"Toast?" Zhang Rongfang shook his head slightly, only to realize that the first thing a person needs to do in order to live a peaceful life is to bow his head.

You have to bow your head everywhere in life. Now, you have to bow your head to a little kid you just met.

"Don\'t go, if it\'s just a name, you\'ll run into trouble, I said I\'ll deal with it."

It is not easy for him to show strong martial arts. After all, it has only been two or three years. No matter how talented Zhang Rongfang is, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to practice such high martial arts.

And low-level warriors really have no deterrent effect on these powerful children.

Therefore, to deal with it, it can only be solved with the help of the Golden Winged Tower.

And this aspect requires confidentiality regulations.

"You!?" Lu Meisha suddenly became angry.

At first, she thought that Zhang Rongfang\'s bad temper was just a rumor, wouldn\'t it be okay if the truth was dealt with?

As a result, now I really know each other.

"By the way, you said before that your brother is in charge of business affairs here. Did you encounter any troubles and obstacles?"

Zhang Rongfang asked suddenly.

The purpose of his coming here is to recuperate, accumulate attribute points, and find a way to break through the super-quality, or even higher.

Since that\'s the case, he has to help his sister-in-law with all the troubles.

in order to create a more stable environment.

"No, my brother never told me this." Lu Mesa was reluctant to answer when he changed the subject.

"So is there anyone in this place who learns ancient characters?" Zhang Rongfang asked again.

He couldn\'t understand the scriptures before he got it. Since he wants to cultivate this time, he will plan ahead and learn the lock text first.

"Go to the academy and see if you can find it."

"Yes." Zhang Rongfang nodded, thoughtfully.

"Misha!" Suddenly, a person slowly approached.

The man was a tall and thin young man, followed by two valet guards behind him. He was dressed in black brocade robes and held a white paper fan. His cheeks were sunken and his eyes were dark.

"I haven\'t seen you for a while, Misa, you\'ve become beautiful again?" the young man said with a smile.

"Don\'t come, I\'m annoying right now!" Lu Meisha said angrily.

"What? I heard that you are taking your brother\'s brother-in-law out to see the world? Why are you annoying again?" the young man laughed.

"He doesn\'t listen to me!" Lu Meisha rolled her eyes at Zhang Rongfang. Completely disregarded that he was there.

"That\'s not right." The young man smiled and showed a puzzled look, "I\'ve seen his sister before, she\'s very sensible, that leg, that chest, hehe, no wonder the businessman is so dizzy."

"Keep your mouth clean, don\'t you give me face?" Lu Meisha said dissatisfied.

But the unpleasantness in the words is just a symbolic scolding.

"Oh, how dare I, but this kind of thing can\'t be over if you just deal with it? Anyway, your brother loves you so much."

The young man said with a smile. Then he looked at Zhang Rongfang on the side.

"Dude, how about you, why don\'t you play with my old man? I\'ll treat you." He waved his hand.

"I don\'t want any other payment from you. Isn\'t your sister very good at playing? When the business adults get bored in the future, I will accompany you when you come out."

"If you say one more word, I\'ll tear your mouth apart."

Zhang Rongfang said softly suddenly.

Although his voice was soft, Lu Meisha and the thin young man could hear them clearly and strangely.

(end of this chapter)