Muchuan and Xiang Wan


The car started.

No one spoke.

Xie wanwan closed his eyes and sat in the back compartment, quiet as a living man. This silent atmosphere, the mood of the evening also hung to a very tense state, that one by one across the window of the screen, like she is experiencing a horror film.

Xie wanwan was wearing a black coat, but inside was a big red skirt.

The skirt is very long. When the coat is lifted, it falls on the ground like a waterfall, like a pool of blood

In the dim light, the eyes of the evening were dyed red.

Imperceptibly, the apex of the heart shrinks.

Taking a breath in the evening, she asked with a smile, "why doesn't she just give it to you, just like this morning? Why is it so troublesome? "

Xie wanwan eye also does not slant, face the front, "you ask Xiang aunt for a while."

Late in the evening:

Afraid of this woman, right?

It's too cold to talk.

She started late, not looking at her red dress.

As soon as the voice fell, the voice of the mysterious woman sounded in the ear of the evening.

She answered the question of the evening with a smile, mild, but chilly, "because I'm going to check your device to see if you're still not my qualified executor."

Xiang evening body a Lin, touched the ear, "you suspect me?"

Woman: "I doubt anyone."

Take a deep breath into the evening and sneer, "then you are really pathetic. I think that people like you must have a hard life? "

By this time, she was not afraid to provoke women.

However, the women did not respond. It's like I didn't hear her sarcasm.

In the quiet car, the quiet state was restored.

Looking at the changing scenery outside the window in the evening, I curled up in a chair and leaned against the window, a little farther away from Xie wanwan.

Her small action, startled Xie wanwan.

"Are you hating me?"

Looking back at night, "shouldn't you be despised?"

In the dark space, Xie wanwan's face could not be seen clearly, but she could feel her sharp sight in the evening and fell on his face.

It's like a knife that can kill people. I wish I could kill her.

However, only for a moment, Xie wanwan turned away his sight, as if nothing had happened.


This woman.

How terrible!

Take a breath into the evening and concentrate on looking out of the window.

However, before the car was out of town, her head was dizzy again.

Just like the last time she was taken away, she could hardly control herself. Her eyelids fell down and she fell asleep like that.

Before she lost consciousness, the last consciousness in her mind told her that she was hit again.

This time, she sleeps heavily and seems to sleep longer than last time -

in a trance, the car has been bumping for as long as a century.

It didn't stop.

She didn't know where they were taking her.

But there's a feeling - it's a long way from Kyoto.


Wake up again, the car has stopped.

In the air, there seems to be a kind of fishy sweet smell -

is it at the seaside?

After a glance at the evening, she found that she was still in a yard and could not see the world outside the wall. However, she immediately judged that it was not the place where she saw the mysterious woman last time.

There are three grottoes of cunning rabbit.

The other side is more cunning than she thought.

"Where is this? What time is it? " She asked, looking down for her cell phone.

Can just get in hand, keep sliding open the screen, was Xie wanwan a snatch in the past.

Looking at her angrily in the evening, "what are you doing? Didn't you listen to Aunt Xiang? I'm my own man. "

Xie wanwan's face was expressionless, "get out of the car!"

"Shameless!" Looking at her with a sneer in the evening, he pushed the door open.

Foot landing, found that the body a little weak, difficult to step.

She resisted and moved slowly --

Xie wanwan: "can I help you?"

Look at her coldly in the evening, "No

She took a breath, straightened her back and walked forward --

the courtyard was as simple as ever, and it was no different from the last time, and basically overturned the cognition of crime dens before. In her novels, she always likes to make the criminal's dens magnificent, luxurious and pompous. But in fact, every place she saw was very low-key. Whether it's hidden in the city or in the countryside, even if you go outside, you won't doubt what's wrong with it.

"Aunt Xiang, I have brought it."

Xie wanwan stood at the door, respectfully asking for instructions."Come in!" Women familiar with the voice, in the ring, but also from the ear ring.

Two voices at the same time, which makes the evening very uncomfortable, covered the next ear, very uncomfortable.

This strange feeling, just like watching a horror film, the characters change their voices from male to female, which makes people feel numb.

The door opened.

A cold wind made the evening shiver.

The room is spacious. The door is on this side and the window is over there.

The woman was sitting by a large French window. The window was wide open, facing the outside, it was dark and could not see clearly, but the smell of fishy sweet was particularly strong.

In the evening, my body was tense and I didn't speak. I walked in slowly.

Standing in the room, she watched coldly.

The woman held a simple water cup in her hand. The curly heat was blown by the wind from the window. She rushed to the evening to smile. Her expression was as gentle as ever: "this time, you did well."

The night closed his eyes and suppressed the nausea in his stomach. "I was forced. I hope they can all be saved."

Women like to hear a joke, "can't help. They're all dead. "

Late one Zheng, wide eyes clear, straight to stare at her, "how do you know?"

The woman smiles, "there's news coming out of the hospital, just when you were just asleep - they're dead, they're all dead. Including -- assistant Xie who received you warmly. None of them survived. This is the anger of heaven

Breathing in the evening, chest undulating, feet trembling, fiercely staring at her, "you really don't think you are very cruel?"

The woman squinted and looked at her: "you question too much. I don't like it. Although I don't need to be harsh on my subordinates, please make sure of your identity! "

"I'm not your subordinate."

The woman sipped and said slowly, "you are. By the time you're on duty, it's already. "

He turned pale in the evening and shut his mouth.

The woman looked at her with a leisurely smile, raised her hand and called a man beside her, "go! Check her stuff. There is no problem. "

She was very careful.

I'm afraid I'll be late.