Muchuan and Xiang Wan


Listening to the song in the evening, like a fish sinking in the water.

Silent, expressionless.

I feel like a puppet without

They are out of tune with their joyful painting style.

The fans are too excited, too emotional.

She, too cold.

The woman was reminding her when assistant Xie came over.

The sound in my ears was quiet.

Looking up in the evening and smiling, "thank you, assistant!"

Assistant Xie took the last bag of candy and put it on the table in the evening.

"Come to the teacher, you can try it too."

glancing at the plastic food bag in the evening, laughing and shaking his head, "I don't like sugar."

Assistant Xie was stunned for a moment. He sat down opposite her, opened it up and put it into his mouth. While chewing, he said with a smile, "I still prefer sweets..."

Looking at her mouth in the evening, "is it delicious?"

Assistant Xie took a breath, sipped his mouth, shook his head and laughed, "it's not very delicious."

There was no one around, but when she said this, she was digging out her heart and lungs.

Xiangwan smiles and frowns at the group of fans who sing happily.

"Then why do they eat so happily?"

Assistant Xie said with a smile, "do you feel more in your heart? After all, Wan Wan did it himself She likes to play with these things when she is free. "

Assistant Xie was about to put another piece of sugar into his mouth when someone was shouting behind him.

Looking at her in the evening, "they're calling for you."

Assistant Xie put down the sugar and put it back on the table. "I'll go and have a look. Mr. Xiang, if you stay a little longer, I'll find someone

Nod to the evening and say nothing.

There was a sudden uproar in the crowd.

Assistant Xie hurried over and said something.

I heard only a few words in the evening.

“…… Huanhuan, she's not feeling well. "

"Xiaoyu is also..."

"Shall we go to the hospital?"

"It should be ok..."

"It's just that there's some itching on the body..."

"Or Shall we go first? "

"It's not settled yet. I'll leave later."

The intermittent voice made her nervous.

But the girls at the scene didn't notice anything.

Assistant Xie is asking the waiter to pour warm water. Some asymptomatic girls are also helping.

Looking at the busy crowd in the evening, he slowly stood up and said, "at this time, should I go and have a look?"

Woman's voice, again in her ears. Obviously, she's been watching the scene.

"You can express your concern. Everyone's constitution is different, the attack time is also different. Remember, look good. Be innocent. "

He didn't speak at night and walked out slowly.

"Assistant Xie, what's the situation?"

Assistant Xie is holding a short skirt girl in a mess. She looks back at the evening and says with a smile, "it's OK. Maybe these children are allergic..." At this point, she mumbled again, and found a reason for herself, "these sweets are made with fresh petals. I'm afraid that some girl can't stand the flowers..."


In the evening, my brows wrinkled.

Some girls nodded frequently.

And said he was really allergic

Very cooperative.

This is really simple!

Believe what others say.

Even if they are sold, I'm afraid they will help count the money.

Take a deep breath into the evening and wait for a moment in silence, "can I help you?"

Assistant Xie: "no, No. Sit over there. "


the situation is obviously worse than she expected.

More and more girls say itchy

Some serious ones even scratched their eyes red, and their skin exposed to the outside began to turn red

Assistant Xie saw this, scared, dare not delay, quickly call 120. Hearing that so many people had symptoms at the same time, 120 called the police and communicated with the health and epidemic prevention station at the first time. From the patient's description, they felt the seriousness of the situation and were afraid of any outbreak.

The cafe was a mess.

Before 120 and the people from the epidemic prevention station arrived, some people began to lose their support.

Soon, it became an ocean of crying.

Scratched, torn

Scream and groan.

Cry and cry.

Some of them had blood in their hands.

The bright red color has dyed the tablecloth red -

some people take off their coats, do not care about their image, and severely scratch their bodies. The skin exposed to the outside is already red. Some people's skin begins to grow blisters and rashes one by one, shockingLooking at the night, I was so frightened that I couldn't help but step back.

"It's terrible!"

"How could that happen?"

"It's terrible!"

"This is Hell on earth

She murmured to no one.

At this time, it was a mess, and no one cared about her.

As she retreated, a girl suddenly fell, her head banging at her feet.

She looked up,

and looked out into the evening.

Fear in the eyes

Close your eyes in the evening, scream and jump off the ground!

"Oh Ooh... "

Outside on the street, there was the sound of a whistle.

"Here comes the doctor!"

Turn around in the evening and look out through the glass window.

A group of white coats got off the ambulance and rushed in.

I opened my mouth in the evening, my eyes were wide open, I wanted to say something, but I didn't send out a word. She clenched her hands and slowly retreated to the door, standing in a deserted corner, hoarse and trembling in horror.

"Your purpose has been achieved. Now, can I let my mother go? "

The woman laughs very relaxed, "you are too anxious, I..."

"Don't make any more deals with me!" "You should know something about me. I'm not a fool. If you don't let my mother go after I've done this and my hands are covered with blood, I won't believe you again. And I won't work with you again. "

The woman pondered, "don't be so fierce. If you are seen, you will suspect..."

"Cold smile to the evening," then you, let people go or not? "

Woman: "let go. Not now. "

Later, he broke his voice and gritted his teeth, "if you don't let it go now, I don't believe you will."

The woman said, "and then? Are you going to give up the lives of your loved ones

Later, he laughed out a series of terrible notes, like the stress reaction after being frightened: "what psychology are you. You know, I know, you want to use my mom to keep me in control - but I'll remind you. If you don't let them go today, it's easy to find out about their disappearance. Then my risk will continue to increase - since they can't live and I can't live, why should I be at your mercy? "