Muchuan and Xiang Wan


That night, Bai Muchuan wrote in the early morning, and he wrote with him nervously in the evening. He was in a very bad state. He barely wrote an update chapter. When he reached the backstage, he found that Bai Muchuan had changed three chapters.


She looked at him.

Only one of his smiles.

Late at night, I was frightened.

She was worried about what he asked, what happened, and that he didn't see anything, so she didn't ask anything. When she went to bed, she took his hand. He turned over and soon fell asleep. Lying next to him in the evening tossing and turning - thinking about how to let him know, and then afraid to face such a result.

It is more terrifying to be controlled by people's fear than imagined.

In this tangled state, she fell asleep at dawn.

When she wakes up, Bai Muchuan is ready for breakfast, with a scarf on her waist and a bright and sunny face.

"Love breakfast for you. Get up quickly, lazy pig

The congee was cooked long ago and kept warm.

The food in the restaurant is fresh, soft and easy to digest

Intimate food.

Late at night, the nasal cavity is sour, almost cry out.

Bai Muchuan took her to the dining chair and sat down, "don't be too moved. Just once in a while. "

He sniffed at the night and glanced at his expression, "don't you have to do anything today?"

Since he went home yesterday, he didn't ask him all the details of this mission. Of course, Bai Muchuan could detect this abnormality, but he did not take the initiative to say so. This will listen to her ask, Bai Muchuan also just a "wait for you to finish eating. Do you want to come together? "

Shake your head in the evening.

She didn't want to go to case one with all her "gear.".

Bai Muchuan rubbed her hair with a smile and sat opposite her.

"Well, you'd better not go there, otherwise people will say that my family is violent!"

In the evening, he raised his lips absentmindedly and drank porridge in silence.

At dinner, she was silent and he kept talking.

The evening reluctantly cooperated with him, and it was difficult to keep calm.

Before leaving, Bai Muchuan took a deep look at her, walked to the door and came back to embrace her.

"Xiaoxiangwan, I'm at home. When I come back. "

"Well." "Pay attention to safety on the way."

"Yes." Bai Muchuan touched her face and left.

Standing in the room at night, watching him change shoes to go out, looking at his generous back, a trance blank in his mind.


As soon as Bai Muchuan's front foot left, the woman's back foot appeared.

Her voice appeared in the evening's ear, like a ghost in the void, could be heard and could not be touched. Every character was gloomy and cool, which made the night tremble.

"Your performance today was very bad."

Cold voice, let the night fear.

Did she see her performance in front of Bai Muchuan?

The woman did not wait for the evening to answer, but she laughed again, "but I know you didn't mean to. No matter who is in such a situation, it is difficult to keep calm immediately. So, I'd like to give you a chance to change

That gentle and gentle voice, nausea to the evening stomach gas.

She would rather she was cruel, like a bad person, than such hypocrisy.

"Can you take my life for my mother and my family?"

"No. How expensive your life is. How can they compare? " The woman is soft smile, do not listen to the late voice, and comfort her, "don't worry, your task will come soon."

Nervous at night, his hair stood up, "what task?"

The woman suddenly became serious: "listen, this afternoon at three. There is an offline activity of Xie wanwan's fans in vanilla house. You first contact her assistant and say that there is something Xie wanwan has at home. Send it to her. And then, on the pretext of collecting writing materials, he rushed to the place

Nervous at night: "what do you want me to do?"

Woman: "an hour later, you go to the bus stop opposite the community, and you arrive. I'll see. "

Bus stop?

In the evening, there will be bus stops in the neighborhood where I once lived.

For that bus stop, that gloomy lane, she has a deep and frightening memory

Almost the moment a woman talks about a bus stop, her scalp starts to tingle.

"Good." She didn't refuse.

"Yes. I'm sure I didn't get the wrong person. " It seems that a woman should not be too nervous to smile. Everything you do is to eliminate evil for the people and do justice for heaven. It represents justice... "


Late at night, he couldn't help laughing.


After the rush hour, the bus stops are not so crowded.

A few people were standing thinly, waiting for the car and looking down at their mobile phones.No one noticed the pale approach towards the evening.

That's what cities are like.

Looking at people coming and going, in fact, everyone is lonely.

Looking at the evening, my heart coolly fixed on the traffic.

She didn't know what the woman wanted her to do, but she stopped looking at her cell phone.

Before the habit, in front of the heavy mind, vulnerable.

Mobile phones are no longer attractive to her.

About three minutes later, a bus came by.

Watch it in the evening, blinking until the bus leaves.

Two minutes later, another bus came.

In the evening, it's conditioned to look up --

"you're too nervous."

Women's voice, light leisurely appear in the ear.

He was surprised at night and looked at the people around him. He didn't dare to speak.

She was afraid that she would be regarded as a madman.

"Wait a little longer. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

"Well..." In the evening, he hummed imperceptibly and answered in front of him.

The woman did not speak again.

The next bus will take a long time.

Almost all the people on the platform are gone, only two or three people are still waiting there.

The bus stops in front of you again.

A woman with a bag, a hat and sunglasses came down.

She looked at the evening, lips a Yang, straight smile came to embrace her.

"It's been a long time. Let's go. "

Xie wanwan?

Late at night.

How brave she is!

Don't you know the police are looking for her everywhere?

Do you dare to show up in front of the public?

Looking at her without saying a word, Xie wanwan took her hand affectionately, walked to the back of the bus stop, put down the luggage bag, leaned against the billboard, lit a cigarette, smoked it gently, and pointed to the hand luggage bag.


"What's in it?"

"What you need."

"I don't have anything I need."

"What you need You need your mother to live. "

Xie wanwan said this in a very low voice, but in the evening, his ears were as painful as needles.

"And you?" Looking at her coldly in the evening, "who do you want to live?"