Muchuan and Xiang Wan


Less than ten minutes after answering the phone, Bai Muchuan left with his team.

There are three old aunts in the Kyoto family. They can't leave with him at night. Instead, they take the car of the early Tang Dynasty.

As the dump got farther away, the smell of the people finally disappeared.

A long sigh of relief towards the evening.

The early Tang Dynasty, like the late Tang Dynasty, became a man who had no way to go with him.

But he was not willing, and there was no other reason, but Bai Muchuan let him go back and arranged the internal work on the team.

Maybe I don't feel very good about it. On the way back to Beijing, I was a little depressed in the early Tang Dynasty.

"Sister in law."

“…… Well? "

"Did the white team distrust me?"

He sighed, sending out such a question, a mature look of vicissitudes.

Looking at the past, he found that his eye socket sank down a lot. His face was haggard.

She smiles, "think more, this is the real trust you, OK?"

At the beginning of Tang Dynasty, he pursed his mouth and did not speak.

In the evening, he could see his absence of mind and the loneliness hidden in his bitter smile.

These days, she does not often meet with Tang yuanchu, but at this moment his emotional appeal is very strong, so that the evening mood is a bit bad.

Xie wanwan did not only sprinkle a handful of salt on the wound at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, which made him worried about his gains and losses, and was not very comfortable for the evening.

Thinking of this, he sighed at night, "if he doesn't trust you, how can he give you his wife?"

At the beginning of Tang and Yuan Dynasty, she was stunned and searched.

Nod to him in the evening and smile in affirmation.

"Don't forget, I'm the most important thing to him."

"Oh, my sister-in-law has a point." At the beginning of Tang Yuan Dynasty, I don't know whether I heard it or not, and the whole person was immersed in a kind of suspected sadness.

The road ahead continues to stretch.

In the fields of early spring, the grass turns green and the leaves turn green.

The two men were silent, watching the fields for a long time in the evening.

"Sister in law."

With a light call, the early Tang Dynasty drew the attention of the evening back. ,

"what's the matter?"

She looked back and Tang yuanchu clenched the steering wheel. "Did the boss say where he was going and what task was this time?"

Is this worrying about Xie wanwan?

"I don't know," he said

She really doesn't know.

Bai Muchuan left in a hurry, made a few urgent phone calls and left, there was no time to explain to her.

What's more, if he doesn't take the initiative to talk about his work and tasks, he won't ask for specific information.

The more you know, the greater the responsibility.

Confidentiality is also part of his job.


however, her sincere words had a different flavor in the early Tang and Yuan Dynasties.

He sighed and asked no more questions.

Obviously, he thought he was avoiding him.

Later, he opened his mouth and closed it again.


The emotional thing is an individual experience.

Can't help.

I can't help.


Back home, Xiang Ma and two aunts have been fidgeting for a long time.

They are worried about the future, Bai Muchuan and Huang He.

Fang Yuanyuan has been chatting with them at home, always comforting them that this is their normal work and nothing will happen. However, they are still very nervous.

In the past, criminal cases only existed in TV dramas or news reports for their lives. The first personal experience happened at their own side. The three old aunts were terrified and their nervous hearts were not relieved at this time.

Seeing that she came back in the evening, Tan Yunchun was the first to stand up and pick up her bag.

"Late, how are you? Did anyone catch it? "

In the evening, she didn't say much, just glanced at them with a smile.

"What are you doing? You're all nervous."

"Why? Everyone is worried about you. "

"Don't worry, we have nothing to do. You'll be scared."

Smile to the evening, change shoes, look relaxed.

"Well, I heard that the man was dead?" Aunt Tan Xichun asked nervously.

Is the news going so fast?

I was stunned at night.

The first person to find the garbage was vermilion.

This is a horrible picture. It must have been passed on.

It's hard to hide the mobile media. It's really hard to hide anything from the mobile media.

"Well." The evening did not hide, also did not say in detail, evaded the heavy to change the topic, "did you have dinner?""No. Waiting for you to come back. " Tan Yunchun looked at her daughter's face and went to dinner with a smile.


In the living room, the TV was playing very loud. My aunt adjusted the remote control, sighed and looked at the evening with worry.

"I knew for a long time that the work of the criminal police was tense and dangerous, but I didn't think it was so dangerous..."

Sitting next to her in the evening, holding her arm, "what kind of work is not tense? It's all the same. It's just a different division of labor. "

My aunt looked at her anxiously and looked at Fang Yuanyuan. She seemed to want to say something, but there was only a sigh in the end.

"As long as you feel good."

Two nieces are married to the criminal police, what else can be said?

On the dining table, three old aunts told in turn.

Marriage, life, security All aspects are involved.

Although some ideas are out of date, those life experiences are still very useful for young girls who are new to women.

At least, they think it's useful.

Xiangwan and Fang Yuanyuan listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

After dinner, the family sat in the living room watching TV and chatting. It was only before going to bed that Tan Yuechun told Xiangwan and Fang Yuanyuan.

"We will go back tomorrow. You two take care of yourself. In the future, when you are alone, you should live a good life. "

He married his daughter in this way. He couldn't help but sigh.

Tan Xichun stealthily wipes her tears. Seeing her round nose, she hugs her mother and tears.

"Mom. I'm sorry. "

"Oh What are you sorry about... "

"I shouldn't have gotten my marriage certificate secretly from you. You go back to my father's place, help me say some good words... "

"Now you know it's wrong? Know what's the use of not marrying is not already married. Oh Your father already knows

Fang Yuan was stunned, "what did he say?"

Tan Xichun said nothing. He sighed

Fang Yuan hung her head and put it on her mother's shoulder. She took a paper towel to help her wipe her tears. She also flattened her mouth. The tears were more and more serious

I never felt married before.

At this moment, in her mother's tears, in her aunt's advice, she suddenly found that her identity was really different from before.

"Go home often when you have time. When parents are old, you are the only daughter who will always miss you. Do you hear me

"Yes, I'll be back in two days. When he comes back, I'll go back... "

The conversation between mother and daughter is very sad. Late at night, she couldn't help it. Her eyes were red. She looked at Tan Yunchun and asked her aunt again.

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave tomorrow?"