Muchuan and Xiang Wan


In fact, Tan has resentment in her heart, but Tan Yuechun has more knowledge and experience than her. Over the years, she has listened to tan Yuechun's words in all major and minor matters, and has been used to letting her make decisions. Now look at her expression, it is not good to directly brush her face, just sigh, and then add.

"Now that you are married, don't be half hearted and live a good life in the future."

"Thank you, mom, thank you, Auntie..."

I didn't expect to pass the customs like this.

Fang Yuanyuan was overjoyed and couldn't believe his ears.

"Then again, today you I mean, I'm not going to settle accounts with me in the autumn? "

Tan Yuechun glared at her with a smile and looked at Huang He, "our family is round and round. She is a simple girl. She is a little impatient. She works in a hurry. She is surprised. How tolerant you are

Huang He looked at the square round, "I will."

Fang Yuanyuan laughs, "how can there be such a thing? If I was in a hurry, I would have told you. It turns out that I am still a very stable person... "

Tan Xichun: "you are OK to say that!"

With a smile and anger, things just passed.

In the living room, everyone is holding the house.

Long time no see, there are endless words, are reluctant to sleep.

So, until Bai Muchuan came home.

The tan family are quite satisfied with Bai Muchuan.

As a result, he was not cross examined by Huang He in the marriage of "getting on the train first and then making up the ticket".

Seeing that he came home so late, Tan Yunchun was distressed. He asked him if he was hungry, and if he was thirsty. He was more intimate than his mother.

"Look at our second sister. The mother-in-law likes her son-in-law more and more."

Tan Yuechun jokingly said, and then looked at Tan Xichun with a smile, and hinted at her: "you, learn more for the second sister. You love your son-in-law, your son-in-law will love your daughter, and then they will come to love you. It's you who will benefit from it. "

Tan Xichun hum, glared at her, "good bad, you said."

Tan Yuechun patted her with a smile, "before I came, I didn't see Huang He, the child. I always felt that I didn't know that the girl's family lived together, and she also received the certificate. Maybe she was a bit frivolous. I was afraid that Yuanyuan would suffer losses. I've seen it now, so I'm sure. "

Tan Xichun looked at Huang He, who was talking to Bai Muchuan, and asked her sister in a low voice, "is it really good? Don't you say it without saving face? "

Tan Yuechun a Zheng, dignified face: "I look at people in this life, the only one who goes astray is Xing Yuanhang."


Once out of sight, destroy the whole life.

Tan Xichun sighed, "you say it's a success. Anyway, the children live their own lives, and she likes it anyway. This marriage certificate has been obtained, what can we do except one eye open and one eye closed? Can't we tear them apart alive? "

"If you want to understand, take it easy."

Tan Yuechun smiles at her, a little bitter.

Seeing this, Tan Xichun comforted her in turn, "don't think about it, it will pass."

Tan Yuechun said, no more.


The living room was full of laughter.

The square circle without heart knot is a good hand in controlling the field.

Where she was there, the laughter would not be broken, and the atmosphere would soon be mobilized.

After sitting for about half an hour, Huang He and Fang Yuanyuan left.

Tan's three sisters want to go to the hotel and are left by Bai Muchuan.

The place at home is big enough for Bai Muchuan to be with them in the evening.

Several people exchanged greetings again, and settled down the mother's family. Bai Muchuan and the late night returned to the bedroom.

Late back against the door, a long breath, "it is a good war, scared to death baby."

Bai Muchuan light look, "how?"

Evening: "you don't know, they just came to look terrible, I think Yuanyuan and Huang why can't escape a robbery?"

Bai Muchuan chuckled and rubbed her head, "how could it? I'm here. "


He rolled his eyes at night. "What time did you come back? When you come back, the cauliflower will be cold. "

Bai Muchuan hummed, "as soon as their plane landed, I knew."

"Ah "How do you know that?" he said

Bai Muchuan gave her a proud look, "of course, my mother-in-law told me."

Late in the evening:

When did it happen?

Did her mother tell Bai Muchuan first?

Yes, even if her mother is reckless, my aunt is not that kind of person.

He rushed to Bai Muchuan's home in such a hurry. What if he was at home? It's hard to see.

No matter how, they should save face for the evening!

Therefore, they should say hello to Bai Muchuan in advance.

But——Looking at him perplexedly at the evening, "then why don't you tell me?"

Bai Muchuan: "mother-in-law has an account, do not tell."

Late in the evening:

Sitting on the sofa, watching him prepare to take a bath in the evening, he thought about the things of the evening, suddenly stood up, followed him to the bathroom, and then leaned against the door to watch him undress.

"No. How do I feel it's a little unusual? "

Bai Muchuan looked back carelessly: "how?"

Late at night: "my mother told you, and then suddenly killed at home, found Yuanyuan And you promised Huang He to let him handle this matter for you Speaking of this, Xiangwan's eyes brightened and he straightened up, "Bai Muchuan, you and my mother colluded, OK?"

Bai Muchuan languidly: "well, mother-in-law is more reasonable, it's not easy to understand little lovers."


"This matter, let Huang He and Yuan Yuan go back to say that the best time has passed. It is the best to force them to do so. You see, is everything perfect? "

"I'll go. No wonder my mother has been cooperating with me just now."

He rubbed his forehead in the evening and couldn't help laughing.

"I'm afraid my aunt and aunt would never have thought that there was a spy among them!"

Bai Muchuan pointed to her, "be careful, I will sue you. You said your mother was a spy... "

"Be careful, I'll sue you. You made my mother a spy... "

Two people look at each other, can not help laughing.

Finally, Bai Muchuan raised his hand.

Xiangwan didn't understand, "how?"

Bai Muchuan: "I take a bath, please --"

roll your eyes at night, "it's not that I haven't seen it. You wash your, I say mine

Bai Muchuan: Are you sure? "

He nodded at a certain place in the evening, and the figure in front of him suddenly flashed. Before he could recover, he was picked up by Bai Muchuan --


In the sound of the current, there was a scream.

"Keep it down. Heard by your family. "

"Not that the sound insulation of the house is very good?"

"You sound like a pig, no matter how good the sound insulation is."

“…… Who killed the pig

"I! I kill pigs

"That's about it!"

"And who is the pig?"


The night was deep.

The city fell asleep.

If you open your eyes again in the evening, the sun is getting better.

It's almost noon.

There is a familiar smell of food in the kitchen, which is the taste of mother.

She stretched out and walked in to have a look. Bai Muchuan was talking with his mother affectionately.

Mom is Looking at her son-in-law's eyes, I like it very much.

Sure enough, appearance is right.

Good looking, where you go has advantages!

Yawning at night, he walked over to inspect lunch and asked Bai Muchuan, "why didn't you go to the team today?"

Bai Muchuan looked back at her, "go after lunch, accompany my mother."

A warm heart at night, with a smile to see him.

"You're busy going. Isn't there me at home?"

There's work on the team.

And the old lady will be buried the day after tomorrow.

He is busy with business and private affairs.

I don't want him to waste time on these little things

Bai Muchuan said, "I want to eat my mother's cooking."

Smile to the evening, passing a strange pain in my heart.

In fact, it is not easy for Bai Muchuan to talk and laugh with his mother. He has a lot more emotions to overcome than a son-in-law of an ordinary family

After all, they have a previous generation in it.

Facing her mother, if he thought of his mother, how hard should he feel?

When Xiang got up late, Tan Yunchun gave her a lecture as usual. In the evening, she just listened, was happy and didn't answer back. Until Bai Muchuan left after lunch, she pulled the nagging Tan Yunchun into the room and talked with her face to face for the first time.

"Mom, do you remember what happened to my dad's car accident?"

Tan Yunchun did not expect that she would suddenly ask each other, slightly stunned, "when?"

"Yes. That year. "

Tan Yunchun thought, "when I got the news and rushed to the funeral home, I had already sent it to the funeral home. I've told you everything else... "

Looking into her eyes in the evening, she was silent for a moment, more direct.

"Have you ever seen the woman he cheated on?"

It has been changed! See you tomorrow, babies!