Mr. Zhou's Little Cutie

Chapter 7: what I want you to see

Chapter 7 wants you to see

  Zhou Beicheng raised his eyebrows suddenly, some ideas came to mind spontaneously, and the way to verify these ideas is to face the ideas themselves.

   "Meng Yutang."

  Shen Ye turned his head to look at Zhou Beicheng, and suddenly felt a little cold.

"Yes, CEO, it\'s this Meng Yutang, the girl adopted by the Shi family more than ten years ago, who often appears in the news. It was because of her that the Shi family was able to get attention again and then it is today. Otherwise, it would have been in the past ten years. Lost years ago.

But it shouldn\'t be, even if she was adopted, she has lived a life like a princess for so many years. Looking at the delicate appearance in those photos and videos, she looks like she is being pampered. All are custom-made, it is said that because the skin is too delicate, even the socks are custom-made by a special person, and a pair costs about 5,000 yuan..."

  The people around were so shocked that they couldn\'t help clicking their tongues. A pair of socks cost five thousand, silently shrinking their feet wearing three yuan and fifty cents socks.

  Shen couldn\'t help but analyze: "Could it be a little white-eyed wolf who is spoiled like this and even hurts his uncle. But what is she planning? What good does Tang Xin die for her?"

Shen Ye still couldn\'t figure it out. A video about Meng Yutang that he had watched suddenly popped up in his mind. Thinking back to Tang Xin\'s **** appearance after being beaten, the sweet smile of the girl in the video now made him feel a tingle on his back. cold.

   That smile once made him feel full of energy, and he couldn\'t help but raise the corners of his mouth.

   "For so many years with me, don\'t you know that what these big families release is often what they want you to see, and you can\'t know the secrets that you don\'t want you to know in your life.

  But now, I want to know these secrets..."

  Zhou Beicheng raised his hand to let several people go down, leaving only Shen Ye.

   "Continue to investigate what you want to investigate. Pay attention to the Shi family and arrange for me to enter this second lady\'s birthday party tomorrow."

  Shen also nodded and wrote it down.

This is too simple. The Shi family originally had almost all activities related to the second lady to the outside world, including the media and everything. They have always wanted to get in touch with the Zhou family. They only need to give a little hint about the invitation and they will give it away as soon as possible. coming.

  Looking at the back of Zhou Beicheng leaving, Shen also suddenly thought of Zhou Beicheng\'s words.

  Some things you see are often what other people want you to see...

   The Shi family has been putting everything about Meng Yutang on the social media for so many years. Is it because they just want to show the good side of her life to the public?

  While Shen Ye was still thinking about it, he suddenly felt the cold wind blowing over his head, and when he looked up, he saw Zhou Beicheng\'s icy eyes.


   Did he do something wrong again?

  Zhou Beicheng stretched out his finger and pointed to the ground: "I have to clean it up by myself, and there are still those in my room. Don\'t let me see them tomorrow morning."


  Shen also paid attention to himself, looked at the ground, and saw that there were water stains dripping from his body all around him, and he stepped on the mud when he went to pull Tang Xin before, in addition to water stains and mud stains, it\'s over! I was so anxious and excited that I forgot about it. Fortunately, the president should have gotten the news from Mu Qing tonight, and he should feel better. Otherwise, according to his cleanliness and spotless personality, he would have been thrown out of the villa by someone, and then the floor It has been wiped ten or twenty times.

  Shen Ye was on the phone to arrange things tonight, and at the same time he was bitterly cleaning up the sins he had made.

  (end of this chapter)