Mr. Zhou's Little Cutie

Chapter 4: Sanye

Chapter 4 Third Lord

  Mu Qing recalled the time when she first met her five years ago, even if he was killed at that time, he would never have imagined that he would be willing to work for this girl in the future.

   Their lives changed after meeting her, and every time she brought them surprises, surprises and astonishments far beyond their imagination.

   And those of them who lick blood on the knife edge never thought that they would have a home.

  The gate of Jinyuan opened, and Mu Qing drove the car through the garden and parked in front of the main house villa, and someone holding an umbrella came to the driver\'s door and the rear door one after the other.

  The raindrops hit the umbrella and made a crackling sound. All the lights in the manor were turned off, and there were only a few scattered lights left, making it hard to see the people in the car.

  Mu Qing pushed the door and got out of the car, and immediately raised the umbrella above his head.

   "Second Master."

   "En." Mu Qing responded, the rear door opened, and a pair of small leather shoes with lace appeared in Shen Yi\'s line of sight first.

  He was taken aback for a moment, didn\'t he say that the second master would bring the third master back together? Why did you bring a girl back?

  He hasn\'t met the third master yet, so he\'s looking forward to it in vain.

  Even so, he still passed the umbrella forward, Meng Yutang got off the station and stood in front of Shen Yi, really making him blush and heartbeat.

  Meng Yutang looked at the unfamiliar face in front of him, turned around and closed the car door without saying anything, and she didn\'t mind the rainwater splashing on her white princess socks.

  The gloomy and gloomy surroundings seemed to light up because of her.


  Before Shen Yi got out of her sweet face and soft voice, he heard the sound of the main pipe coming into his ears.


  The girl in front of him responded, and he was so surprised that he almost threw the umbrella in his hand.



  Third Lord!

   It\'s a girl!

   It\'s a cute girl!

   Until entering the villa, Shen Yi still couldn\'t accept it.

  But seeing Mu Qing and Director Zhao yelling at each other, he knew that this was the truth.

  Anyone who knows An Ye knows that the third master of An Ye is the real boss of An Ye, and he also created An Ye. Because of his young age, he is called the third master among the three managers, but the people who have been following him are still used to calling him the boss and have not changed.

  But he rarely shows up. There are very few newcomers who have seen him in the dark night in the past two years, and those who have seen him rarely talk about him, so the third master is a mystery among the newcomers.

  No one has questioned whether he is a man or a woman, because no one would have thought that the one who created the dark night by himself would be a female doll!

   It wasn\'t until Meng Yutang changed clothes and came down from the stairs that Shen Yi managed to recover.

  She changed into a pair of black sweatpants and a black hoodie, and she could blend in with the gray night when she went out, which was completely different from the way she came here before.

   It\'s like a different person. If it weren\'t for those big wet eyes, Shen Yi really felt like a different person.

  She walked lazily to the floor-to-ceiling windows in her slippers, took off her shoes, stepped on the carpet and sat down on the cushion, took the computer handed over by the manager and placed it on the small table in front of her.

  When Shen Yi first came here, he wondered how this piece of soft decoration didn\'t match the style of any house in the manor. The key point was that no one touched it, and only a special person cleaned it every day.

   Now that he knew that no one dared to touch it, he was a little scared thinking that he wanted to sit, lie down and have a rest a few days ago.

   "Someone was following you when you came back, go and check to see if they have been following you tonight."

  (end of this chapter)