Mr. Zhou's Little Cutie

Chapter 349: to see who you are

Chapter 349 I want to see who you are

  Meng Yutang knew that someone was following her.

  She was passing a trash can with a pastry box in her hand and dropped it.

  She hooked her lips and turned into the dormitory building.

   After she went in, Jin Shuyan came out from a corner not far away, stopped by the trash can, and looked at the exquisite pastry box inside. The hands hanging beside her couldn\'t help but clenched tightly.

  What she couldn\'t get after working so hard, she got it easily! But she doesn\'t know how to cherish it, and even throws it away without thinking!

  Jin Shuyan stared at the box in the trash can with a pale face, breathing heavily.

  She turned her head and looked in the direction of the dormitory building, her eyes gradually became dark and unpredictable, and her hands clenched into fists seemed to decide something.


   When Meng Yutang returned to the dormitory, his cell phone beeped.

  She picked it up and went to the balcony to answer the phone.

   Heiying couldn\'t help being startled when he heard the girl\'s voice across from him.

  Although, he was still surprised that M was a girl.

   "The matter of taking over here is almost done."

  They are all people who pursue efficiency, and the handover of many things was very smooth, and it was completed quickly.

   "Thank you." Meng Yutang\'s voice was slightly cold.

   Sombra thought for a while: "A1 intends to set up a branch in your city..."

  His words stopped, and Meng Yutang was silent for a while: "Come on, I\'m in Fengcheng."

   over there froze.

  He was ready to be rejected, and when they mentioned it, he just asked him to mention it. They had already been rejected, and they didn\'t look forward to it at all.

  At this moment, Meng Yutang agreed so easily, Soi Ying was stunned and didn\'t know what to say.

   "Just to check something for me."

  Heiying took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay. I will arrange it as soon as possible."

   "No, come back after dealing with your own affairs."

"it is good."

  The phone over there didn\'t hang up, as if there was still something to say.

   "Anything else?"

  Heiying thought for a while before speaking: "Wu Mo over there..."

  Meng Yutang suddenly chuckled when he heard this.

   "She finally found out."

  Heiying was stunned for a while: "Well, she is not sure about your situation, so she wants me to find out."

  Meng Yutang smiled: "Let her find me by herself."


  Two hours ago.

   Wu Mo sat in the room, which was pitch black.

  Only the computer light shines on the face.

   A piece of blue Yingying.

  She casually tied her long hair behind her head, and pinned the broken hair on her forehead behind her ears.

  Fingers moved quickly on the keyboard.

  The fare has increased over there, and there is no trace of the missing person, not even a message.

  If they were kidnapped, they didn\'t even ask for a ransom.

   Wu Mo was going to investigate after finishing the few things at hand, but Meng Ting doubled the price directly, just wanting a message, whether it is dead or alive!

  Wu Mo first checked Tang Xin\'s whereabouts before he disappeared. There was nothing suspicious, they were all regular whereabouts, and he would have some fun after he was busy at Shi\'s house...

  Until the day of his disappearance, he should have gone to the clubhouse before it rained at night, but there was no one there. Wu Mo found the picture of him leaving the company, until he disappeared completely on a barbecue street...

  ? ? ?

   Wu Mo tried again, and the people on the screen disappeared without a trace.

  If he wasn\'t picked up by aliens, then he was tampered with! No wonder it couldn\'t be found!

   Wu Mo smiled, showing his small canine teeth.

   "Let\'s see who you are."

   I’ve been quite busy with work recently, so there have been fewer updates, please forgive me~ There will be more explosions on the 17th~ More updates after work~



  (end of this chapter)