Mr. Zhou's Little Cutie

Chapter 246: new teacher

Chapter 246 New Teacher

  The ghost fire moved very quickly, and Meng Yutang received her message the next day.

  Woman\'s Fire: Benefactor, it has arrived.

  Meng Yutang was stunned when he saw the news.

  Woman\'s Fire: That friend is called Xie Yu, and you can go to No. 1 Middle School in about ten minutes.

  M: OK, I see.

   After a pause at the end, Meng Yutang added another sentence.

  M: Thank you.

  Woman\'s Fire:! You\'re welcome! (*^▽^*)


  At the same time, above a tall building not far from No. 1 Middle School, a helicopter circled and dropped a person from above.

  The tall and slender man was blown by the helicopter so that his hair danced wildly in the air.

  He half squatted on the roof and raised his hand to gesture upwards. The helicopter circled for a while after receiving the instruction and flew away.

  Xie Yu stood up, raised his hand to straighten his hair, and then straightened his suit.

  He was not used to wearing such well-regulated clothes, and always felt awkward, but he had no choice but to be forced by his little ancestor to wear this.

  He is good-looking, with the tails of his eyes raised up, and he has an enchanting feeling.

  A face with delicate features and fair skin, it is hard to believe that he is a high school teacher.

   But he really wants to be a high school teacher!

   Xie Yu rubbed his temples.

   Sigh resignedly.

   "Who is so important! Just one message made the little ancestor send a helicopter to drop me over.

  Master has a party tomorrow, really! "

   Complaints are complaints, Xie Yu has already walked on.

  Take out the mobile phone to look at the location, take a taxi and get in the car without being very skilled, and then go to No. 1 Middle School.

  Meng Yutang and Xia Tian went to pick up the teacher at the school gate together.

   Xia Tian is quite excited.

   "Tangtang, what does the new teacher look like?"

  Meng Yutang didn\'t know and could only shake his head.

   Xia Tian didn\'t ask again.

   The two stood by the side of the road and waited, and Xia Tian fell in love with the newly opened milk tea shop opposite.

   But she was too cash-strapped, so she could only look at the teacher eagerly, and then continued to wait for the teacher.

   Meng Yutang glanced at her and said to her: "You wait, I have something to do, I\'ll be right back."

  Xiamen nodded obediently, looking to both sides.

  Meng Yutang stepped into the milk tea shop opposite.


   Xie Yu saw a little girl wearing a school uniform looking around in the car.

  Looked at the big golden characters at the door—Fengcheng No. 1 Middle School.

  Same as in the photo.

  After the driver stopped, he got out of the car and straightened his clothes after standing still.

  Just as he was about to walk towards Xia Tian, ​​the car behind him honked his horn.

   Xie Yu turned his head and took a look, then took two steps forward, and the car horn sounded again.

   It seemed to remind him of something.

   Xie Yu was taken aback for a moment, stood still and turned around, bent slightly and looked at the driver through the window and waved.

   After it was over, I complained to myself.

   "Does this place pay so much attention to politeness and ceremony?"

   As soon as he turned around, the master driver blew his horn again.

  The window on the co-pilot\'s side was also opened, revealing the angry face of the driver.

   "Money! You haven\'t paid me the **** yet! Bye bye!"

  The driver is obviously a little irritable.

   Xie Yu turned to look at the little girl over there.

   Xia Tian didn\'t think that this good-looking and enchanting brother would be the teacher he was waiting for!

   Xie Yu puffed his cheeks and touched his pocket.

  He voted here after he was caught. How would he know what kind of money is used here, and he is usually paid by others, so he has long forgotten this.

  He touched his pocket and bent over to look at the panting driver: "Well, do you accept F coins here?"


  【This article was serialized in Yunqi Academy, and the mobile APP can be viewed from the QQ reading search book title "Mr. Zhou\'s Little Cutie". Please support the genuine reading~Thank you~】

   Please recommend tickets~

   Launched on Friday, 30,000 more~Meme~



  (end of this chapter)