Mr. Zhou's Little Cutie

Chapter 231: where did you live last night

Chapter 231 Where did you live last night

  The moment they heard the voice, everyone turned their heads to look outside the door.

  The delicate girl had a smile on her face, wearing a school uniform, gently pinching the zipper pendant with her fingers, and looked at the people in the room with some doubts.

   Yun Xu stood behind Meng Yutang, glanced at Jin Shuyan and then looked away.

  Jin Shuyan froze, his mind went blank.

   Not saying yes...

  Shi Xiao was stunned the moment he heard the familiar voice.

   Turning around and seeing the familiar girl, she clenched her hands tremblingly, and stepped forward a few steps to grab Meng Yutang\'s arm.

   "Little Tang, are you okay? Did they do anything to you?"

  He shook his fingers a little worriedly.

  Meng Yutang looked at him a little puzzled.

   "Brother, what are you talking about? I\'m fine."

  Meng Ting sat on the chair by the window and watched Shi Xiao holding Meng Yutang\'s arm tightly, her eyes narrowed.

   When Shi Xiao saw that Meng Yutang seemed to be fine, he was instantly relieved.

   "Don\'t go with people casually in the future, why did you meet other boys and didn\'t tell your brother, how dangerous it is..."

  Meng Yutang lowered his head, pinched the zipper pendant tightly with his fingers, and his knuckles were a little white.

  Hao Dui looked at the girl standing at the door with too fair skin, she was indeed as cute and beautiful as she said.

   "Are you Meng Yutang?"

  He took two steps forward and looked at her more carefully.

  What kind of magical power does this little girl have to make Feng Mian, who has never asked for anything, speak up?

   Sensing the gaze, Meng Yutang raised his eyes and looked at the man in front of him.

  Looking at the resolute man in front of him with wet eyes, he nodded slightly, then looked at Hao Dui with raised lips and smiled.

   "I am Meng Yutang, Uncle Policeman."

   Caught off guard by the smile, Hao Dui froze for a moment.

  Shi Xiao frowned and turned around to stand in front of Meng Yutang and look at Dui Hao.

   "Captain Hao, my sister has been found, please go back, we can do the rest by ourselves, thank you."

   Hao Dui straightened up and looked at Shi Xiao with an indifferent expression.

   "I look idle?"

  Everyone froze for a moment when he spoke.

  Meng Yutang couldn\'t help curling the corners of his lips.

  He turned and looked at everyone in the room.

   "When I went to the police, there was never a reason to leave as soon as I said it. Before this matter is investigated clearly, no one here should even think about leaving."

  After he finished speaking, he turned and looked at Shi Xiao. He was actually talking to Meng Yutang: "Miss Meng Yutang, please come in and cooperate with our investigation, and tell me what happened."

  Shi Xiao took a step forward: "She just came back and needs to rest, Captain Hao..."

   Meng Yutang interrupted him before he could speak.

  Meng Yutang stretched out his hand and tugged at Shi Xiao\'s sleeve: "It\'s okay, brother."

   Then he looked at Captain Hao and said, "I will cooperate."

  Hao Dui tried his best not to look at those smiling, crooked eyes. With those eyes, you can\'t express any doubts to her.

Meng Yutang bypassed Shi Xiao and walked in, looking at Dui Hao with some doubts: "But can I ask what happened first? I don\'t understand. I was hurriedly brought here by Yunxu just after I came back. In fact, I Some don\'t understand."

  Everyone was stunned when the words fell.

  The co-author has been busy for so long, but in fact the parties don\'t know anything.

   Hao Dui looked at her: "Did you leave school with someone after school yesterday? A boy from a vocational high school."

  Meng Yutang nodded: "Yes, he invited me to dinner."

   Hao Dui continued: "Why didn\'t you come back for dinner? Where did you stay last night?"

   Please recommend tickets~

   There were so few recommended votes yesterday, take a bite my babes, get the tickets quickly~



  (end of this chapter)