Mr. Zhou's Little Cutie

Chapter 159: do not move

Chapter 159 Don\'t move


  She shook the knife in her hand, and the four girls pulled Lin Xing and staggered out, fearing that Meng Yutang would catch up.

  Meng Yutang took out his mobile phone and called Mu Feng.

   "I need a car and a medicine box. Shen Yi is trapped and I need someone to deal with it."

  Mu Feng heard Meng Yutang\'s voice, and immediately became serious: "I\'ll be right there."

  Hung up the phone, Meng Yutang sent Mu Feng the location, and stretched out his hand to help Shen Zui up.

   After putting away her mobile phone, she put on her school uniform, even though it was dirty, it was better than nothing.

  She stretched out her hand to help her to go out, because she was closer, Shen Zui could smell the sweet smell of her body, maybe it was because of the strong smell of blood on her body, and the whole person felt a little comfortable smelling such a light smell.

  The two of them didn\'t speak much during the whole process. Meng Yutang was not familiar with this area. It seemed to be an abandoned place. There was no one around, and it was completely silent.

  It was only after he came out drunk that he heaved a sigh of relief.

  She was brought here by Lin Xing covering her eyes, and she didn\'t remember the way or what the surroundings looked like at all.

  A car suddenly stopped at the feet of the two of them. This place is relatively remote and there are no people there.

  Meng Yutang stretched out his hand and opened the door of the back seat, letting Shen Zui get in the car first.

   Shen Zui got into the car, and then Meng Yutang got into the car and closed the door.

  The person in the driver\'s seat in front turned his head and looked at the two people.

  He looked at Meng Yutang carefully, and was obviously relieved after looking her up and down.

  Meng Yutang raised his hand and pulled the hoodie behind him, revealing a pair of cold black eyes.

  Even though she already knew it was her, Shen Zui was still shocked.

  Looking at those eyes, she wondered if she had really misunderstood the person.

the same person? Two completely different eyes?

  Meng Yutang looked at Mu Feng and frowned slightly: "Who asked you to come."

  Mu Feng breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Meng Yutang was fine, at this moment Meng Yutang looked at him and immediately returned to his previous appearance, trying to pass the test by being cute.

   "It\'s nighttime, nobody notices, here\'s your medicine cabinet."

   Meng Yutang took the medicine box and ignored him.

  Mu Feng pursed his lips in grievance, turned around and started the car slowly.

  Meng Yutang turned on the lights in the back seat of the car, picked up the contents of the medicine box, and carefully applied medicine to Shen drunk.

   Shen Zui still felt a little illusory, and looked at Meng Yutang already feeling unbelievable.

  She allowed her to disinfect and apply medicine to her, but she still couldn\'t accept the fact that the girl in front of her was Meng Yutang.

   Is it hallucination? dream?

  Her skills definitely look more than just an empty show with two moves, she has deep strength.

  Will it be Meng Yutang who looks weak and will blow away in the wind? !

  It\'s not that she doesn\'t believe it, she just doesn\'t dare to believe it.

   "...Meng Yutang?"

  Meng Yutang was sticking a Band-Aid on her neck, and he responded softly when he heard the words.

   It was like a thunderbolt exploded in the intoxicated mind.

   She also agreed!

   She just agreed!

   Shen Zui wanted to back up subconsciously, but just as he moved, a hand grabbed his shoulder.

   This hand pinched her shoulder like an iron clamp, preventing her from moving.

  She raised her eyes to look at the girl in front of her, her four eyes met hers with sharp black eyes.

"do not move."

  Drunk gasped and watched her look away, something cold was smeared on her neck, making her feel chilly all over.

   She was so obedient that she didn\'t dare to move.

   Ask for a recommendation ticket~

   Intoxicated: dare not move, dare not move...



  (end of this chapter)