Mr. Zhou's Little Cutie

Chapter 148: Not a single tree is allowed to ask?

Chapter 148 Not even a single tree is allowed to ask?

  Meng Yutang turned off the switch, and the infrared interface on the wall disappeared.

  She put a few small things into her pockets, got up from the toilet with empty hands, and opened the door.

   Shen Zui raised his eyes, the two of them looked at each other, Meng Yutang was not surprised.

   "Do you want to use it?" She bent her lips and smiled at her.

  Looking intoxicated at the girl in front of her, she leaned against the door frame and said, "You don\'t turn on the light when you go to the bathroom?"

   "It\'s okay, I can see it."

   Said Meng Yutang turned sideways to go out.

   Intoxicated, she spoke again: "You and that..." She paused for a moment, as if she didn\'t quite remember.

  Meng Yutang looked back at her frowning, and she struggled to describe it: "It\'s the girl who doesn\'t tie her hair up and has a high ponytail next to her..."

  Meng Yutang smiled and said, "Jin Shuyan?"

   Shen Zui nodded and looked at her: "Do you have any grudges?"

  Meng Yutang looked at her puzzledly: "No."

   On the surface, it is true that she does not, and in reality she doesn\'t care about such a person, but Jin Shuyan really hates her!

  Looking at her intoxicatedly, his eyes seemed to have other meanings, and finally he stood up straight and walked in.

   Turned on the light casually, and looked at her before closing the door: "Be careful, that woman is mean to you, and she also dropped the kettle on purpose."

   After finishing speaking, he relentlessly closed the door.

   Liu Mengna, who was already asleep, turned over angrily and muttered, "Can\'t you keep your voice down!"

   Meng Yutang looked at the door in front of him and couldn\'t help but bend his lips and smile.


  The Zhou family\'s old house was extremely lively today.

The old man is not in good health and has been recuperating. In recent years, he has refused to see visitors. Finally, a visitor recently came to visit him, and he took it seriously. The cook began to prepare early, and the yard even ordered people inside and outside a week ago. start cleaning.

  The Sun family is also punctual, arriving on time at nine o\'clock.

  Two Bentleys parked outside the old house, and the butler immediately went down the steps to greet them.

  Two women came down from the back seat of the car in front, one was Lai Meijiao, the wife of Sun Lin, the current head of the Sun family, and the other was her eldest daughter, Sun Menghan.

  The one walking down in front is Sun Lin.

  The car behind got off a man and a woman. The boy was Sun Lin\'s second son, Sun Chengyao, and the girl was his youngest daughter, Sun Qing.

  The whole family is dispatched and attaches great importance to this meeting.

  The butler smiled and stepped forward to lead a group of people inside.

   "It\'s a shame that Steward Zhou came out to greet you in person."

  Sun Lin couldn\'t help exchanging pleasantries, and was also polite to Butler Zhou.

   Steward Zhou is someone close to the old man, and he has always followed him. He is very important to the old man. The Zhou family is the most prosperous family in City A. Not everyone can offend Steward Zhou. Seeing him is like meeting the old man.

   Steward Zhou bent slightly: "Mr. Sun is serious, the old man is already waiting for you in the middle hall, please follow me."

  The long corridor is simple and unsophisticated, and there is a large yard in front of the arch. In the middle of the yard is a big tree, which grows thick.

  It may not be the season for it to bloom now. The branches are bare, only close to the trunk. A red ribbon hangs on a branch with a small bell on it. When the wind blows, there is a crisp sound, which is pleasant to hear.

  Sun Qing glanced at it and said, "Housekeeper Zhou, what kind of tree is that tree? Does the red ribbon on it mean anything?"

  Hearing this, the entire group stopped and turned to look at the girl walking at the back.

  Sun Lin couldn\'t help but glared at her, Lai Meijiao hurried over and wanted to cover her mouth.

  Sun Qing is a little unclear, so why not ask about a tree?

   Please recommend tickets ~ see you tomorrow ~



  (end of this chapter)