Mr. Zhou's Little Cutie

Chapter 133: scald

Chapter 133 Burns

  When Meng Yutang went back, Liu Mengna and Ning Rou had already woken up. Liu Mengna came out of the bathroom yawning, and Ning Rou took a look at the kettle.

  Watching Meng Yutang come back, he was a little timid and didn\'t know whether he should say hello or not.

  Meng Yutang watched her close the door: "Good morning."

  Ning Rou said softly: "Morning."

  Meng Yutang walked to the bed and glanced at the upper bunk.

  Ning Rou looked at Meng Yutang and hesitantly stepped forward to tug on her school uniform.


  Meng Yutang looked back at her.

   "What\'s wrong, Xiaorou?"

  Ning Rou whispered: "Can you accompany me?"

  The place where the water is collected is downstairs, in the middle of the male and female dormitories.

   She was a little scared.

  Meng Yutang looked at her clenched hands and nodded: "Yes."

  Ning Rou laughed happily, and followed Meng Yutang out with the water bottle in her arms.

  Meng Yutang walked in front, and Ning Rou followed her at the punching position.

  When the two of them went downstairs, the dormitory was already bustling with people washing up and saying hello.

  Ning Rou has always been alone. No matter from childhood to adulthood, everyone thinks that her personality is too boring, and they are not willing to be friends with her. Later, after she got used to being alone, she was also a little afraid of getting along with others.

  But... Meng Yutang is different. When she smiles, you want to get close and ask her for help.

  Looking at the girls walking back and forth, most of them would greet Meng Yutang generously, but when they saw her, they all shut up.

  She followed Meng Yutang downstairs and walked to the water room in the middle of the dormitory.

  There were two people standing inside, with their backs to them, Ning Rou followed Meng Yutang in and they had just finished receiving the water, but they hadn\'t had time to put the lid on.

   The two turned around and saw Meng Yutang and Ning Rou. Ning Rou went to the nearest place to get water, and Meng Yutang raised his eyes to meet Shang Jin Shuyan\'s gaze.

  Yun Xu and Jin Shuyan were stunned for a moment.

   Yun Xu pulled Jin Shuyan to leave, she could actually feel it, Jin Shuyan\'s attitude yesterday showed that she didn\'t like Meng Yutang very much.

   But she didn\'t say anything, so she didn\'t ask the reason again. It was just because she was her friend, so she thought it was better not to talk to Meng Yu Tangduo.

   Pulling Jin Shuyan to leave.

   Jin Shuyan looked at the girl standing by the door looking at them, and finally raised his lips and smiled, and the sun shone in from behind her.

  She is like a princess who is not stained with mortal dust, and she is like the disliked Cinderella, who is occupied by people and wants to bow to them...

  Her hands pinched the lid tightly.

  Yun Xu was pulling her to go, but just after taking two steps, she saw that she seemed to have slipped, leaned forward, and swung the water bottle in her hand forward...

  Yun Xu was taken aback, the pot was full of hot water, they watched the pot of water go towards Meng Yutang, and no one had time to react.

  Meng Yutang frowned. Just as she moved her foot, someone pulled her arm violently, and then she was forced to go sideways.


  The scream was followed by the sound of the kettle falling to the ground.

  Meng Yutang was fine, she was forced to turn her back and a few drops of water splashed on her clothes and nothing happened, but Ning Rou\'s hand holding her arm was splashed with hot water.

  When she was working, she would subconsciously lift up her sleeves, and immediately two blisters appeared on her skin.

  Meng Yutang turned around and saw this, his eyes sank and the smile on his face disappeared, he took Ning Rou\'s hand and walked out.

  (end of this chapter)