Mr. Zhou's Little Cutie

Chapter 12: Uncle Zhou

Chapter 12 Uncle Zhou

   After receiving Zhao Yi\'s gaze, the two were relieved.

  Zhao Yi is a reporter who has been photographing Meng Yutang since he was a child. He is almost the exclusive reporter and photographer of Meng Yutang, and every exclusive is also belonged to his news agency.

  On his side, the camera just swung towards Zhou Beicheng, and just swung over to point at Meng Yutang, when the barrage was already full of wailing.


  【Shake back, shake back! 】


【my God! What a fairy face! to see! Still to see! 】


  【Sure enough, there are so many good-looking people! What kind of fairy is this! 】


  【I want to pick up, I want to see handsome guys. 】


  【Add one, I want to know about handsome guys. 】


  【This noble and cool temperament is absolutely perfect! 】



  【Well, today isn\'t Tangtang\'s coming-of-age ceremony, everyone calm down and wish our little princess a grown-up. 】

  Meng Yutang has always been regarded as a public figure, and naturally some people who like her are her fans, and some people almost watched her grow up.

  As soon as the topic here turned back a bit, the barrage over there started frantically again.


  【Aww, it\'s him! it\'s him! 】


  【That\'s right, that\'s right, don\'t move the camera! 】


  【The face is so handsome, so amazing! 】


  【Ow~ This temperament A is bursting, it\'s perfect to meet Tangtang\'s sweet temperament! 】


  【Good match! 】


  【I have already started to fill in the images of idol dramas. 】


  【Aww, look at each other! Look at each other! 】



  Meng Yutang looked at the man standing opposite, about 1.85 meters tall, she wanted to look up at him.

  The group of people around her who were chattering non-stop just now suddenly became silent.

   "Tangtang, this is Mr. Zhou, the president of Yicheng, a good friend of Mom and Dad, please call him Uncle Zhou."


  【Poof—Uncle Zhou. 】


  【Hahaha, Uncle Zhou doesn’t look very old, but he’s about to be called uncle. 】


  【Handsome uncle and sweet loli, this setting, I love it! 】


  Meng Yutang looked at Zhou Beicheng, his eyes were relatively unafraid, and he still smiled sweetly: "Hello, Uncle Zhou."

   Zhou Beicheng narrowed his eyes as he looked at her.

   Wearing a yellow princess dress, such a fresh and tender color made her look fairer.

   It looks like a delicious mango cream cake.

  Meng Yutang looked at Zhou Beicheng with curious big eyes, and said crisply, "What\'s Uncle Zhou\'s name?"

  Zhou Beicheng looked at the girl\'s curious big wet eyes, and his voice was flat, deep and magnetic, but also without emotion: "Zhou Beicheng."

  Meng Yutang looked at him, stretched out his finger and pointed to his own head, his brows and eyes crooked with a smile: "Tangtang wrote it down."


  【Ahhh, girl, don’t laugh, Mama can’t stand it! 】


  【Seeing this smile again, I think I\'m fine. 】


  【I\'m transformed! so cute! 】

Everyone knows about Meng Yutang\'s poor grades. They know that she is stupid and silly. In addition, she looks like a child. Everyone treats her like a child, even if she is eighteen today. At the age of coming of age, I still think it\'s okay for such a cute and beautiful girl to be stupid.

  The camera shifted to focus on Meng Yutang, and Zhou Beicheng\'s profile disappeared.


  【Don\'t move! Bad review Bad review! What a beautiful picture. 】


  【Yes, yes, yes. 】


  【Hahaha, I\'m afraid you didn\'t notice it, you just said that this is Yicheng\'s president Zhou Beicheng, the reporter can survive! 】


  【? ? ? Seek popular science, what\'s the situation. 】


  【Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 】



   It can be updated normally~

   Two chapters every day, updated at zero o\'clock~



  (end of this chapter)