Mr. Zhou's Little Cutie

Chapter 108: want to be friends with her

Chapter 108 Want to be friends with her

   Shi Xiao looked at her feet and frowned slightly without speaking.

  Shi Huiting stared down at her feet, her face was pale, and she clenched her hands tightly.

  She looked totally looking forward to a new life.

  Meng Ting sneered happily as she looked at it.

  Let\'s see, let\'s see, the more you look forward to now, the more you will not be able to accept it at that time! ruin you!


  Class 9\'s voice stopped completely, and they all looked at the well-behaved girl standing beside the head teacher.

  She was wearing bright clothes, her brows were crooked with a smile, and she was like a fairy who had fallen into the mortal world and broke into the crowd by mistake.

   "This is our new classmate, I believe everyone knows her too. Tangtang, please introduce yourself."

  Meng Yutang nodded and smiled and looked at the faces of these boys and girls, staring at her youthfully and curiously.

   There was an abnormal line of sight that could not be ignored, but Meng Yutang ignored it.

   "Hello students, I\'m Meng Yutang..." She smiled and continued, as if a little embarrassed: "My school uniform has been put in the dormitory, and I can wear the same clothes as you in the afternoon."

   Originally, seeing her in unreasonable and bright clothes, they were the most embarrassed in their ugly school uniforms.

  But she felt that she was not the same maverick, and she was a little embarrassed to explain.

  Some boys couldn\'t help muttering in a low voice: "She\'s so cute!"

   "Who can bear this!"

   "The head teacher refused to let puppy love and arranged her into our class, and let her live!"

   "What puppy love, she is an adult, and it\'s not like you don\'t know about the live broadcast of the coming-of-age ceremony some time ago!"

   "But I\'m still two months old..."

  Girls prefer clothing.

   "Look at her dress, isn\'t it designed by that awesome designer Bing Lan!"

   "Look at the sleeves and lace, you know it must be!"

   "Oh my God, this look is simply amazing, how can she look so good in clothes! It must look so dark on me that it will explode."

   "Yes, yes! She is so white! How did you take care of it?"

   "You are stupid, the second lady of the Shi family, you probably use things that we can\'t afford in this lifetime!"

   "By the way, she just said that she will live in the dormitory and live on campus! I haven\'t heard of it, who will live with her, and then go and rub her skin care products. She looks so cute, so she must be easy to get along with."

   As he spoke, he stared at Meng Yutang in front of him with staring eyes.

   "That might be."

  An abrupt voice shattered their illusions.

   "Shuyan, what did you say?"

   Some did not hear clearly.

  Jin Shuyan looked at that beautiful girl with unbearable jealousy in his eyes.

   Shaking his head: "Nothing."

   Maybe she is just a difficult person to get along with!

  Maybe she still occupies the magpie\'s nest!

  Yun Xu saw that something was wrong with her friend, and immediately turned to look at her: "Shuyan? Are you still not feeling well? Why don\'t I go buy you some bread after class?"

  Jin Shuyan didn\'t even turn his head: "No need."

The voice sounded stiff, and Yun Xu watched her staring at Meng Yutang unblinkingly. She didn\'t look like other people, so she approached and asked in a low voice: "Shuyan, do you...don\'t like her?" what?"

  Jin Shuyan was startled, then turned to look at Yun Xu, the flash of hatred in his eyes startled Yun Xu.

  She smiled and shook her head: "No, I like her very much and want to be friends with her."

  Yun Xu only thought that she was thinking too much, and nodded with a smile: "Well, I really want to be friends with her, she looks so soft and cute."

   Please recommend tickets ~ see you tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)