Mr.President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 248

At this moment, although there is a wall in front of them, LAN Xiao feels that their hearts are closely together.

"What a miserable couple of mandarin ducks." Zong Shao's words changed, coldly coagulated Wen muchu, and continued: "if you want to save her, if you want to keep her intact, you can use one leg."

LAN Xiao's face turned pale with fright, and her heart was like a thread tightly wrapped around her.

With every breath she felt the pain.

She shook her head at Wen Mu Chu and raised her voice and yelled, "don't Don't listen to him. "

"Hiss" her words just said half, the neck then spreads a stabbing pain there.

Pain of her forehead sweating, neck heat flow slowly down the flow.

Zongshao pushed her neck with the strength of the dagger.

There is a lot of blood flowing from the neck.

Zongshao didn't blink his eyelids for a moment. He was smiling at Wen Mu Chu.

"Give you ten seconds to think about it. One second later, she will die..."




LAN Xiao clenched his hand, and a strong anger welled up from the bottom of his heart.

This man, how so cruel, he used her to force Wen muchu to destroy himself.

No, she can't die, and neither can wenmuchu.

Absolutely not.

She won't allow it.



Wen Mu Chu gradually left the glass wall. He stepped back and looked at LAN Xiao.

LAN Xiao bit his lip and yelled: "Wen Mu Chu, don't listen to him, don't listen I don't want you to ruin yourself for me. "

However, Wen Mu Chu has been retreating.

Until, his foot touched a long stick, he stopped.

LAN Xiao looks at him, squats down slowly and picks up the iron bar.

Her heart came up.



Then, she saw Wen Mu Chu holding the iron bar and smashing it hard on his leg.

LAN Xiao was dizzy in front of her eyes and roared: "no Don't... "

That stick, directly hit Wen Mu Chu fell to kneel on the ground.

LAN Xiao's heart swelled with anger, his eyes turned red.

Her body's blood is boiling in an instant, and her whole body gushes out infinite energy.

She clenched her fist, her brain was blank, and her arm hit zongshao's wrist.

After the collision, she heard the sound of bone shattering.

The dagger fell from his hand.

Zong Shao was shocked. The pain from his wrist made him feel stunned for a moment.

LAN Xiao suddenly turns around and looks at zongshao, who is full of shock. She smashes her hands hard and hits zongshao's waist with her fist.

Then, he smashed zongshao out.

Bang, zongshao's body smashed against the wall, and the sound of bone breaking came.

Zongshao spat out a mouthful of blood in his mouth. He looked at LAN Xiao as if he was looking at a ghost. His eyes were unbelievable.


LAN Xiao heart suddenly a shrink a pain, feet soft, suddenly fell to kneel on the ground.

The power gushing out of my heart seems to bloom in a moment and then fall into withering again.

The whole process, no more than a few seconds.

Then, LAN Xiao only felt the lack of body strength, seemed to be evacuated.

In front of her, there was a burst of darkness. She didn't even have time to take a look at Wen muchu. She fell to the ground and was in a state of unconsciousness.


In a daze, Lanxiao feels very hot in her body, just like a fire burning in her body. She is extremely uncomfortable when burning, and the heat is about to explode. , the fastest update of the webnovel!