Mr. Lu, the World's Sweetest Man

Chapter 3847

If so, Junya can understand her mood.

In such a case, she must also respect Meng Lijing.

It is quite admirable for her, a person to shoulder such a heavy burden, but also so productive, so willing to bear hardships.

"However, we found that the donor had contact with Gu Tianrui." Uncle Meng said.

"Gu Tianrui?" Junya had a bad premonition in her heart.

Why is this ancient talent everywhere?

Does Gu Tianrui really want to stand firm in the entertainment industry with such a porcelain touching film?

Did he think it was so easy?

Struggle in any industry is not a sprint, but a long marathon.

Junya said, "Uncle Meng, please see what they are going to do. If we can help Meng Lijing, we will help her. "

For Meng Lijing, Junya has the feeling of being a woman.

As a partner, she will not be disturbed by the outside world.


In the hospital, Meng Lijing is talking with the donor.

"I know it hurts your health and delays your time. I'm willing to pay you two million yuan for your rehabilitation. The nutrition fee and the overtime fee will be calculated separately. " Meng Lijing appealed sincerely.

The other side is a young hairy boy, still with doubts: "but you have to give me the money first."

"Yes. As long as you donate, you can say anything. " Meng Lijing agreed.

"And, how do I know if you'll lie to me? A big star like you will kill me with one hand if he changes his mind

"I can give you all the money first. How can I change my mind?" Meng Lijing asked.

"I have a sister who also needs treatment and spinal cord. I've heard from the doctor today that yours is suitable. " The young man on the opposite side suddenly put forward this request, "you give my sister to smoke, I can do not want your money, I give you draw."

"When?" Meng Lijing is ready to agree.

"Just recently. My sister is in a bad condition. She has to have an operation in these two months

Meng Lijing is in a dilemma.

It's not that she doesn't want to.

She would do anything for her boyfriend.

But recently, her schedule is so full that she has no time to do such things.

In order to treat her boyfriend, she has already made it clear that it is not enough to take spinal cord once, but twice or three times.

Every time the pain is very intolerable, after smoking each time about at least three days rest, preferably rest.

If she does smoke now, it will definitely affect the shooting of the film.

"It seems that Miss Meng has no sincerity at all. Forget it. I'll find someone else. " The young man stood up.

"You wait..." Meng Lijing held him, "we can discuss it again."

"Miss Meng, my sister's condition can't wait."

Meng Lijing is particularly embarrassed.

It's not impossible for the crew to ask for leave, but once or twice a day at most.

No matter how much, the cost of every day's delay is several hundred thousand.

If you lose this because of one person's delay

But the present thing seems to have no choice from her.

After chatting with Meng Lijing, the young man quickly found Gu Tianrui: "master Gu talked to her, and she may think about it again."

"Let her think about it. But you have to be a little bit tighter, so she has to agree