Mr. Lu, the World's Sweetest Man

Chapter 3824

For a long time, she did not like other artists, a red or a prize, on the sky.

This has made her a good reputation in the circle.

It also makes her very popular in the film and television industry, and the directors love to use her.

After the news came out, we all had no doubt about the leading role of men and women. However, it was said that Su Ling played the second girl, and they all guessed that Junya was in order to flatter her internal staff.

This is also a common phenomenon in the circle, not to mention the female second, there is not so much discussion.

After receiving the notice, Su Ling came to thank Junya: "Junya, this time, thank you."

"It's your own credit. Lu Yiyang and I have not interfered with the artists Zhang wants from the beginning. "

"Well, thank you for persuading me to take this opportunity." Su Ling said sincerely, "if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have the courage to take this step and pursue something outside the comfort zone."

"Well, you'd better be prepared. Director Zhang is very strict. Don't cry at the time Junya kindly reminded.

"I know! I'm ready

Su Ling left, Huanhuan came in to send the information: "Junya elder sister, this is your and Mr. Lu's journey tomorrow. You haven't confirmed the itinerary in the evening. "

"What's the itinerary for the evening?"

"We invite you and Mr. Lu to an appointment in the evening. Maybe we can talk about cooperation." Huanhuan said.

"Entertainment, ancient and modern?" Junya knows that this company has not been established for a long time, but she is willing to spend money all over the world, so she has been in the limelight for a while.

Recently, I heard that he has also taken over many artists from Tianhe Wanxin. In short, although they have not made effective achievements and have no works that can be put forward, there are quite a lot of artists who can get rid of them.

And especially willing to spend money on publicity and promotion.

"Promise to come down and go." Said Junya.

"OK, I'll make sure." Joy should come down.

Junya is guessing whether there is any connection between ancient and modern entertainment and ancient and modern jewelry.

Gu Tianrui, the owner of jewelry in ancient and modern times, was friends with Luo Yifei. He secretly asked Luo Yifei to plot against Lu Yiyang once, misleading people into thinking that Lu Yiyang stole other people's diamond embedded watches.

I don't know whether this ancient and modern entertainment is related to ancient and modern jewelry?

If there is, Junya is looking forward to the meeting tomorrow night.

The next night, Junya and Lu Yiyang dressed up and went to the banquet as scheduled.

At the banquet, many popular entertainers appeared.

When Lu Yiyang and Junya appeared, these artists looked at them curiously. After all, in this circle, there were not many people who were both artists and bosses, and both were good people.

Someone murmured in a low voice: "Lu Yiyang really depends on the relationship between Jun and mayor. Now that he is the president, his value will be doubled."

"Keep your voice down. Don't let people hear you."

"What is it that dares to do and is afraid to be said?" There was a shrill sound.

Junya to that side, is their own "good sister" Jun Xue.

Jun snow in, which makes Junya more curious about the capital behind the company.

She grabs Lu Yiyang's hand. Those who talked about Lu Yiyang just now have to pay for their behavior.

Lu Yiyang is used to hearing these words. He just feels funny. He doesn't have the feeling of being hit at all.