Mr. Lu, the World's Sweetest Man

Chapter 364

He arranged for Lu Tian: "let the police station and the criminal police team go to the seafood market, school, toll office, Osmanthus fragrans and river to find Yunwei immediately. Search along the road, especially in the suburbs

"Yes, young master." Lu Tian immediately responded.

Lu zhanting's arrangement was not that he didn't believe in Ren Yunwei, but was more worried that if his conclusion was wrong, he delayed the search for Yunwei.

Every opportunity and every place where she exists should not be given up.

At the same time, Chen Haiming called his confidant: "come back. If we have already done so, we don't believe they can still turn the sky. "

Confidant subordinates should, confirm that Yunwei and Ning Yichen are closed, and then drive back to the city.

Chen Haiming is also afraid that this incident may be perceived to be related to himself. After all, there are also old man an, Jing Ziqing and Hai Cheng, who are quite concerned about Yun Wei's situation.

If things come to light, it will not be easy to deal with these people alone.

Lu zhanting is expected to take 40 minutes to get to Yunwei's place, but in fact, it only takes him 20 minutes.

He has no mood to count the number of red lights he has passed along the way, and he will not care at all. The most important thing is Yunwei, which is the safety of Yunwei.

He would like to fly to Yunwei's side now.

Every second of time goes by, which makes Lu zhanting feel more anxious and heavy.

He stepped on the gas pedal, and the car went crazy all the way, and the speed had reached its maximum.

Yunwei and Ning Yichen are still locked in the past of time.

Every more than a second, for Ning Yichen and Yunwei are suffering, time has never been so slow, drugs are like torture, let Ning Yichen and Yunwei are very painful.

"Cloud Yunwei... " Ning one hour hard to speak, he is now scarred, but he himself is hard to say, next time again hurt for reason can be feasible.

Yun Wei clenched her teeth: "don't talk..."

At this time, she really didn't want to talk to Ning Yichen any more. She used up her physical strength and both of them needed to keep their physical strength to maintain their final rationality.

"I I mean I will not be able to hold on for a while Just kill me... " Ning Yichen opened a book, "here There are blades... "

"Don't talk nonsense..." Yunwei gritted her teeth, "the land war is coming soon!"

This is not so much to give Ning Yichen a boost, rather to give their own encouragement.

Yes, the land war is about to arrive. He will arrive soon. Everything will calm down. As long as you hold on, when he comes, it will be all right.

Yunwei clenched her fist and comforted herself, waiting for the arrival of the land war.

Ning Yichen doesn't speak any more and holds the blade. If it comes to that moment, in order to maintain Yunwei, he will use this blade to understand himself, and will never let Yunwei have an accident.

He will never go against Yunwei's will and do something she is not willing to accept. Even if he sacrifices himself, he also wants to save Yunwei.

Yunwei didn't think about what Ning Yichen was thinking. At the moment, she didn't have reason to think about other things.

She only hoped that she and Ning could protect herself.

She stuck tightly to the cold wall to make herself feel better.

Lu zhanting's car finally arrived at the destination.