Mr.Leng, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 255

After a kiss, Xu Zi gently points his forehead, and lightly criticizes him: "in the future, you can't go to the top of your head again. You can't eat vinegar like you do today. I'm talking to Mr. Jun normally, not to look at him more. Mr. Jun is very good-looking, but not as good-looking as you. If I want to see a handsome man, it's enough to see you alone. "

Leng Shaoyu's face is tender and slightly embarrassed. In the hotel, he does have something out of nothing. Flying vinegar is overindulged. "Zi'er, I'm sorry. I made you angry. I just love you so much and fear losing you."

"Shaoyu, from the beginning of your confession, I have never doubted your love for me, but you can't kidnap my freedom in the name of love. I also want to get along with people. It's impossible to surround you every day. I can't guarantee that I will only fight with women in my future life."

Xu Zixin talks with Leng Shaoyu peacefully.

Son's words let Xu Zi introspect, so small a person all see her return to cold Shaoyu is really too little. Leng Shaoyu is not right, she is not good, if she is better to him, give him more love, he will not worry about gain and loss, will not eat vinegar.

"I know. I won't do that again."

Leng Shaoyu held her face and lowered his head to kiss on her lips. Then he dropped countless tiny kisses on her face. He said softly, "violet, you will beat me and scold me when you are angry, but you can't leave me like tonight. That gives me the feeling that you are leaving me."

Xu Zi put his arms around his bear's waist guiltily. "You are a fool. You say we are childhood sweethearts. Don't you know what kind of character I am? Since I married you, I won't leave you. Unless you don't want me, I'll depend on you all my life. "

Cold Shaoyu domineering said: "you are my life, I will never do you!"

After a pause, he pushed Xu Zi aside slightly and asked carefully, "wife, do you love me?"

Xu Zi smiled and said, "do you want me to tell the truth or lie?"

Cold young Yu breaks down handsome face, "still say lie."

She certainly doesn't love him.

Xu Zi: " You have no confidence in yourself? "

Leng Shaoyu's eyes brightened and excitedly asked her, "do you love me?"

"Don't love --"

Leng Shaoyu's face is broken again, and he complains in embarrassment: "Xu Zi, can you give me a good time?"

"In fact, I don't know how to say it is right. Say I don't love you, and I have palpitations. That's emotional symptoms. Say I love you, and it's not very similar. In short, my feelings for you are at the junction of love and non love, but..." Her two hands to pinch cold Shaoyu's two sides of the face, "sooner or later I will be captured by you, body and heart."

The embarrassment of Leng Shaoyu is gone.

Xu Zi's answer is ambiguous, but it's great news for him, because she has palpitations, which are emotional symptoms. She has moved her heart to him, even if not deep, at least.

As soon as Leng Shaoyu is happy, he presses the back of Xu Zi's head and appreciates Xu Zi's lingering kiss.

Back against the soft bed, Xu zipanted and caught his hand picking her clothes. "Aren't you hungry? Hurry down to eat noodles. It's my son's filial piety. "

Leng Shaoyu took away her hand that blocked his progress and said in a low voice, "I'm hungry. I'm very hungry."

Xu Zi:

No matter how Xu Zi stops and persuades, Leng Shaoyu still burns with her once.

Then he went into the bathroom with his wife in his arms.

In half an hour.

In the kitchen.

Xu Zi cooked noodles for the two again, because the following can quickly solve the problem of hunger.

Leng Shaoyu leaned against the door connecting the small dining room to the kitchen, with her hands in her trouser pockets. Her fiery vision was like a shadow chasing Xu Zi everywhere. Wherever she went, his vision was everywhere.

See Xu Zi bring pepper, he hurriedly said: "wife, do not put pepper."

Xu Zi is a bit surprised. He is a person who likes to put hot peppers on everything. He doesn't know how to eat when there's no hot taste in a meal.

"You don't like the spicy taste. I'm afraid the spicy taste will irritate your eyes. Don't put any pepper. As long as you cook it, even the porridge is delicious. "

It turned out that she was considerate. Xu Zixin was warm inside. Instead of accommodating him, he did.

At last, Xu Zi put in a little pepper. Leng Shaoyu wanted to stop her. She said, "let's take a step back. Let's put less pepper. It's spicy, but it's not strong. I can eat it reluctantly, and it won't make you taste any spicy."

Leng Shaoyu looked at her deeply, then grinned, "thank you wife."

Xu Zi blushed.

When the noodles are cooked, the supplementary ingredients are eggs, scallion and coriander.

Xu Zixian helps Leng Shaoyu to fill a bowl full of noodles and stuffing eggs into his bowl.

When she came out with her bowl of noodles, Leng Shaoyu immediately picked up two large pieces of protein and put them in her bowl. He said thoughtfully, "there is no yolk."Xu Zi looked at him and smiled. "Eat fast. You should be hungry. I ate a lot of cakes in the afternoon, but I'm not hungry. "

Leng Shaoyu starts to eat his noodles.

Xu Zi's cooking is not so good as Xu Bo's, but Leng Shaoyu enjoys it, as if the bowl of noodles are the best in the world. Three or two times, he fished out all the noodles in the bowl. He was still in a state of indecision.

Unexpectedly, Xu Zi put the noodles in her own bowl into his bowl and said, "I'm not hungry. I'll give you something to eat. You can eat more."

Leng Shaoyu smiled, "thank you, wife. You are so kind to me. You would rather not eat it yourself than give it to me."

Xu Zi chuckled, "I just cooked noodles for you to eat, but I didn't make honey. How could your mouth be like wiping honey?"

Leng Shaoyu came to her face and boasted: "your husband and my mouth are always sweet. If you like to listen to sweet words, I will tell you every day."

"No, I'm afraid I'll get goosebumps."

"Well, you laugh at me and kiss me twice."

"No shame."

"My face is still there. Come on, hurry up, kiss me twice. If you don't kiss me, kiss me. " Leng Shaoyu's words fell, and he crossed Xu Zi, took a bite on her lips, and then made a few punches on her face.

Xu Bo, who is hiding outside and peeping at his parents, who are still flirting and flirting with each other, quickly recites in his heart: color is empty, empty is color

Xu Zi pushed him away in a funny and angry way, and raised his hand to wipe the place he had kissed.

Leng Shaoyu succeeds in stealing incense, and is as happy as a mouse that only steals rice.