Mr. Jian's Marriage Plot

Chapter 371

When Jian Shaochen saw Qin Zhenzhen, her whole heart became soft. She held her tightly and didn't want to let go. She was afraid that she would disappear from her own side.

"I'm very aggrieved, very sad, miss you very much." Qin Zhenzhen didn't want to say anything in front of Jian Shao Chen, so he put a lot of grievances in his heart out of his head. "I was scared when lancoco took me away. I was afraid that she would hurt the child, thinking that you could come to me earlier and take me home."

Qin Zhenzhen said, and his voice began to choke. "Later, LAN Keke left, but the driver took me away. I was really worried. I was afraid that Lan Keke would turn back and want my life. I admit I'm afraid of death, because I don't want to be separated from you. How can I want to die with you and children. I'm really tired. I'm so tired. "

"Well, it's all over. It's over. I'm here. I won't let you suffer any more." Jane shaoshen gently stroked Qin Zhenzhen's back and comforted her.

"You promised to stay here?"

"It's just a stopgap. I can't stay here all my life, but now it's only the two of us. It's certainly impossible for me to retreat from here so easily. Therefore, I'd like to temporarily aggrieve you to stay here with me. I'm sorry, but it's because of me that I've brought you here. "

Han Qingchi's fundamental purpose was to come for him, because Qin Zhenzhen was his weakness, so he was brought to this ghost place together.

"Don't say that. If I hadn't been kidnapped, you wouldn't have come to this place for me. The two of us are one. I can't say that we are not involved. Before you and I, we never have to say sorry. If anything happens, I will face it with you. "

Qin Zhenzhen wiped his tears and became serious. "So, what are you going to do now? How did he tell you? Is he threatening you with me?"

"Yes. In the future, we may not be able to meet every day. He has arranged tasks for me every day. Only when I have finished, can we meet you. "

"How can he do that? It's too much." Qin Zhenzhen thought that she would no longer have to be separated from Jian Shaochen when she finally returned to her side. However, it was not the case.

"It's too much, but we have to bear it now. He can't shut us up for a while, can't he?" Jian shaoshen gently helped Qin Zhenzhen pin the broken hair on the temples behind her ears. "I left them clues before I left. I hope they can find them. We'll have a chance to get out of here. Before that, I will still wronged you and stay here with me. Although my freedom is limited, at least he will not treat you badly in terms of food and clothing. "

"Good. Shao Shen, will he let you do a lot of dangerous things? " Qin Zhenzhen was worried.

"It should not be at present. He introduced his business empire to me, which is a field I have never been involved in. It is very dangerous. But I have not learned anything. He will not let his only successor risk his death. So, don't worry."

"Well, how often can we meet?" Qin Zhenzhen grabs Jian shaoshen's clothes. He is her spiritual dependence, and he can't see her every day. This is really a kind of suffering for Qin Zhenzhen. ,

"I will strive to meet you every day, and I will accompany you and the children." Jane Shao Shen's hand stroked Qin Zhenzhen's abdomen, "is the baby still good these two days?"

"The baby is very strange. At the beginning, I was probably scared. It always moves around in my stomach, but now it's much better." Qin Zhenzhen dropped her eyes and said, "I want to give my baby a stable environment, but now there are so many things." |

"don't worry, don't be sad, everything will be over, I will try to solve it before the baby is born." Jane Shao gave Qin Zhenzhen a kiss on her face. "When I'm away, you should take good care of yourself. If someone bullies you, you can tell me, but I think they should not be able to do so."

"Well. Shao Shen, you should be careful in everything. I will be waiting for you. "

"Well." Jane Shao Chen hugged Qin Zhenzhen and sighed silently in his heart. They could stay with each other like this, without being affected by any external force. However, why is it so difficult.

"All right?" Someone knocked on the door outside. Han Qingchi had already gone to drink a cup of tea and came back. "How much whispering, it's time to finish it, Jane shaoshen. You should go back to your room and have a rest. Otherwise, you won't have enough energy to deal with your course tomorrow."

Jian Shaochen and Qin Zhenzhen looked at each other and saw that they couldn't give up in each other's eyes, but Han Qingchi had opened the door.

"Jane shaoshen, it's time for Qin Zhenzhen to go back to rest. It's not good for pregnant women to go to bed late."

"When I'm not with her, there's still something to tell you. First, during her pregnancy, all her diets were prepared by a special dietitian, and every meal was strictly checked. All the things she ate, including the water she drank, should be checked. ""No problem. I've already arranged this. I will never let her and her children suffer in the diet."

"Second, she needs regular prenatal examination. Are there any good obstetricians and gynecologists on your island? Can she and her children be safe? When Zhen Zhen gives birth to a child, can we give her and her child the best medical conditions

"Of course, I have invited the world's top obstetrics and gynecology doctors to come to the island to take care of Qin Zhenzhen's children. You can rest assured that although the island is closed, it is not backward at all, and it will not make her suffer injustice. "

"Third, the doctor said that during pregnancy, the father should have regular contact with the child every day, which is good for both mother and child. Therefore, I will accompany her every night to coax her to sleep, and I will go after she falls asleep. Of course, I will guarantee to complete the tasks you have given me, as well as the so-called courses you call. Perhaps, in your heart, this position, you protect the business empire is the most important, but I want to be a good father, I am not the same as you

After hesitating for a while, Han Qingchi nodded: "OK, I promise. However, you have used up this opportunity today, not today. “