Mr. Huo's Expensive Cute Wife

Chapter 1053


"I'll call the doctor!"

He grabbed her hand and quickly explained, "no, I'm hungry. You haven't taken care of the patient. I haven't eaten for so long. I'm sure I'll be hungry. "

Huo Wanding was embarrassed. She did not take care of the patient. She broke her hand out of his hand and made a phone call, "send me a lunch suitable for patients Yes, liquid food. "

When the call was over, Tang Shiyi grabbed her hand again and looked at her again. She only wore a colorful cat's eye ring. "Where's the ring I sent you?"

"Throw it away!" She was deliberately angry with him.

"Tell the truth!" Tang Shiyi certainly does not believe it!

Huo Wan Ding looked at the ring skin on his hand, smiling flesh did not smile, "really, think you won't wake up, the ring remains meaningless, then throw it away, ready to find someone else to buy me a ring."

Tang Shiyi's smile on his face froze, holding the tumultuous beginning in one hand to avoid her falling from the bed, while changing her pathetic expression, "Ding Ding Ding, I'm the patient number."

"I know."

"You tell me why I'm angry?"

"I'm not angry!" She was just a little sad.

"I'm wrong. It's my fault. For the sake of my injuries, don't you get angry?" He released her and held up the back of his infusion hand for her to see.

Huo Wanding

She reluctantly sighed and lifted Chu Chu from his body. "Chu Chu, come on, mom, let dad have a rest."

Tang Shiyi slept for seven days, full of energy, and didn't need a rest at all. "Don't have a rest. At the beginning, come, come to Dad."

Huo Wanding really worried about his body, afraid that he could not support, did not intend to give him the child.

I didn't expect Chu Chu to go to Tang Shiyi, and her small body fell into the air like this. Huo Wanding was frightened by her action, so she quickly took ChuChu with her hand, and then put her by Tang Shiyi's side.

Tang Shiyi didn't forget his wife this time. He held ChuChu in his left hand and Huo Wanding in his right hand, "Wanding, thank you for giving me such a lovely daughter!"

Until this moment, he still felt as if he was dreaming. After all, he had a lovely daughter more than one year old.

From then on, Tang Shiyi was the man who became a father!

The next day, Huo Lingchen and his wife came to see Tang Shiyi. Because they came earlier, Tang Shiyi was still sleepy.

Hearing the news of someone coming in, Tang Shiyi opened his eyes. Before he could say hello, Huo Lingchen blew over like a whirlwind and raised his hand to greet him.

Although this slap is not too painful, but Tang Shiyi is also beaten up, "uncle?"

"Uncle what uncle, have you ever seen the old father-in-law solve the rotten peach blossom for his son-in-law?"

Tang Shiyi was stunned for a moment. He thought that Huo Lingshen might have said something about Chi Jiaqing. After all, Chi Jiaqing was making trouble in the company. He flattered him and said, "what father-in-law, you are my father-in-law!"

"Little poverty! I don't have a son as thick skinned as you are! " Huo Xiujin is not as thick as he is.

Tang Shiyi sits up from the bed and changes the topic. He asks Huo Lingshen, "Uncle Huo, you hide my early affairs. I hide you and I are ghost ministers. We'll wipe out all the gratitude and resentment between us, OK?"

Huo Lingshen looked at his face carefully and guessed what it was made of. How could it be so thick? "Write it off? Think very beautiful, cheated me more than a billion! You told me to write it off? You are in hospital now, I will not bully the weak. When you are well, I will not call you back to the hospital again! "

Nian Yaxuan pulled his sleeve and began to defend Tang Shiyi. "Didn't you all agree to treat Xiao Tang well? Why is it still like this? "

"I didn't say good, I was angry when I saw him!"

Tang Shiyi smelled the speech and apologized sincerely, "all the things before were my fault. Please forgive me, uncle."

Without waiting for Huo Lingshen to speak, Nian Yaxuan stood beside him and said, "look how good the attitude is! Don't be too stingy

He's mean? Huo Ling was unable to say a word of his wife's anger. Finally, she could only spread her anger on Tang Shiyi. "Don't pretend to be pathetic in front of my wife. When I faced me before, I saw that you were proud and fierce. Now what kind of pity do you pretend to be?"

Tang Shiyi was very innocent, "no, uncle, I really want to marry Wanding, and I want to be your son. Don't embarrass me any more, OK?"

"If you want to marry Wanding, you have to show sincerity!"

Tang Shiyi didn't forget Huo Lingshen's idea a long time ago, "what do you think of the purple clay pot of Tianqing mud?"

Sure enough, Huo Lingshen's curiosity was aroused and he looked at him with bright eyes, "do you have any?"

"Yes, yes."

"Well I'll see the purple clay pot first To the mouth of that line, let Huo Lingshen changed to say again.

He didn't want to be told that he sold his daughter for a purple clay pot.

"No problem, support inspection!"

Tang Shiyi couldn't stay in the hospital. Huo Wanding could only stabilize him. He stayed for two more days, and then he was discharged recklessly.On the day of discharge, Huo Wanding took the first time to pick him up.

Tang Shiyi's apartment has been restored as before. At the beginning, he was very curious about Tang Shiyi's apartment and walked around looking at it.

Where she went, Tang Shiyi followed her like a little valet. Whenever it was the first time to see more things, Tang Shiyi would take the initiative to introduce it to her in detail.

Still let the beginning of the call father, from his wake up to now early has called a thousand times father! Listen to Huo Wan's ear will grow cocoon.

For example, now, "at the beginning of the day, you call dad. Dad will live here with you and mom tonight, OK?"

At the beginning, he didn't answer in a hurry. He turned around in the room. At last, he looked at him with a disgusted look, "too small!"

Too small? Tang Shiyi looked at his bedroom, the bedroom of 40-50 square meters, was it too small at the beginning?

OK, he lost! "Then you call dad, and dad will buy you a big house! How about it? "


Even after listening to ChuChu's numerous calls to his father, Tang Shiyi's heart is still very happy, "ah, tomorrow's dad will take you to see the big house, OK?"


Huo evening Ding stood at the door but shook his head, "don't look, this is OK."

Tang Shiyi did not agree, "that's no good. My daughter said that the house is small, so change it. What can we discuss?" Originally, it was small. It was just right for one person to live in a family of more than 200, but it was smaller for a family of three.

And there's been an accident here, and it's not safe. He doesn't want to put his wife and daughter in danger every day.

Huo Wanding doesn't argue with him. There is a daughter controlled Huo Lingchen in the family. She has a deep understanding of how persistent the daughter controlled men are to their daughter's good things. She also found that Tang Shiyi had gone on her daughter's way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!