Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 442

"You children, what do you want me to say about you? Nonsense! It's nonsense! "

Mrs. Nangong scolded them angrily, and Roy Xing also bowed his head and cried.

The old man's death was so sudden that no one was prepared. For a moment, Nangong's family were in disorder. The next day, the old man's body was sent to the crematorium. When he held his ashes in his hand, Nangong was as heartbroken as a knife.

"Don't be too sad. People will have this day." Seeing that everyone was so sad, Mrs. Nangong comforted everyone and specially said to Nangong Zhi, "ah Zhi, don't be too sad. People can't come back from death."

Nangong Zhi understood everything, but the words of relief became so pale and powerless at the moment.

"Let's deal with the old man's affairs first and let him settle down quickly." Nangong said slowly.

"Ah... Dad, why did you leave so suddenly? Let's not prepare at all, Dad... "Yao Min cried loudly all the time.

Nangong Zhi is very sad. Luo Yixing is really sad and cries hoarse. Nangong Xiu has always been expressionless. Lin Shiru has always stood in the most humble place. Yao Min behaves very affectably and cries uncontrollably.

Nangong's sudden death was a bolt from the blue for everyone,

Seeing Nangong Zhi's wife, Roy Xing, they are all uncomfortable and tight, but they all know that no one can persuade Nangong Zhi to do anything. People's life is normal. In front of this inviolable physiological law, all people's efforts are small. In the face of death, no matter what kind of character, everyone is powerless. Everyone has to go through this stage. Today is someone else, maybe tomorrow

Life and death are unpredictable.

Even though Nangong has enjoyed a lifetime of scenery, he is still powerless in the face of death. A light rain floated in the sky on the day of the funeral, which complements this sad and heavy atmosphere.

In the current status of Nangong family, many people came to Nangong's father's funeral and did it with dignity. The elites at all levels of society were dressed in cold colors and said mourning words, while Nangong Zhi and Roy Xing stood in the front as the host family to answer the ceremony.

Lin Shiru can only stand beside as a guest and dare not approach.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the funeral is still continuing. Roy star looks at Nangong Zhi's face. He has no expression. His empty eyes seem to be unable to feel all the environment around him. Roy star knows his pain at the moment, so he stays silent.

Roy star raised his eyes. When he saw Yan Qin, Yang Xu and Luo Yifeng, Roy star couldn't control it again. He really wanted to cry in Yang Xu's arms.

The three people went up and bowed to the portrait of Nangong Laozi. Nangong Zhi and Luo Yixing returned gifts. After the worship, the three people went out and waited until the end of the funeral, because they knew that Luo Yixing must be in a bad mood at the moment, and they wanted to accompany her and comfort her more. Sure enough, after the old man's funeral, Roy star threw himself into Yang Xu's arms and cried, "Mom, why do people die? It's terrible. Grandpa asked me to go home for dinner last morning, but it's only one night. Grandpa is gone today

After... "

Although Luo Yixing is 27 years old, this parting is the first experience and has a great psychological impact on her. Yang Xu hurriedly hugged her, patted her on the back and comforted her: "people are like this. One day, don't be sad.

There will be such a day. Yes, Yang Xu is right. Everyone has such a day. However, for the young Roy star, he has never thought about death. When Yang Xu talked about it, Roy star suddenly became very scared. Although Nangong old man loved her and she had a good relationship with him, she only got along with him. It didn't take long for her to be so sad. She really didn't dare to think about what would happen if her family died in the future? she

It must be crazy!

After the funeral was really over, it was already very late, and Yan Qin and Yang Xu couldn't stay with Luo Yixing for too long. After all, Luo Yixing had married to Nangong family, which was the business of Nangong family, so they all went home after the funeral was completely over in the evening.

The only thing left was the Nangong family, and Yao Min was most concerned about the inheritance, so she said: "the old man left in such a hurry and didn't say how to divide the inheritance?"

Hearing Yao Min's question, Luo Yixing really has an impulse to go up and slap her. Now Nangong's old man has just died. She, the granddaughter-in-law who has just married into Nangong's house for a few days, feels very sad, but Yao Min only thinks about inheritance.

"Mom, grandpa has just died. Don't talk about the inheritance first." At this time, Nangong Xiu hurriedly stood up and said a word to Yao Min, while Yao Min murmured, "it's not what I want to say, it's a problem. If you don't say it now, you have to say it sooner or later."

"Yes." Nangong Ren also stood up and said, "we are all very sad when the old man died suddenly, and I am also very sad, but there is no way to revive after death. This property problem is the top priority. I think it's better to solve it."

"The old man explained this matter clearly before he died. Can't you understand it?" This is what Nangong said. She doesn't want to mention the legacy so soon. After all, the old man has just died, but Nangong Ren and Yao Min can't wait, so she has to speak“ What did the father say before his birth? What are we clear about? I can't agree with what you said, sister-in-law. "“ Before his death, the old man said that if he could get married before he died or before zhier was 30, all the property of the Nangong family would belong to him. Now zhier and Yixing have been married and have a very good relationship. Do you have any objection? " According to Nangong's wife, Nangong Ren and Yao Min really can't find any reason to refute. Originally, they tried every means to divorce Nangong Zhihe and Roy Xing. But no one thought that the old man said that he would die in such a hurry. The two of them had not divorced yet. The old man Nangong had died, which really disturbed their wishful thinking“ OK, even if this matter is in the past, what about Nangong group? The old man said that as long as anyone killed Rong Yin, he can sit as the president of Nangong group. Now that the old man died, Rong Yin is still alive. Your son didn't kill Rong Yin, so how can he sit as the president of Nangong group? Isn't that persuasive? " Yao Min began to argue, "in terms of ability, our little friars will never be worse than zhier." Now Nangong's old man has died, and Nangong Ren and Yao Min's fox tails have all been exposed. There is no need to disguise anything. Before, that kind of disguise and affectation was just a show in front of Nangong old man. Now that others are gone, there is no need to deliberately maintain this peaceful relationship. It has long been torn. Let's continue to tear it“ Yes, master Nangong said so. Zhier didn't kill Rong Yin. Didn't your Xiaoxiu kill Rong yin? The Nangong group has always been run by zhi'er. Now let him represent you. Do you still have any objection? If one day your Xiaoxiu can kill Rong Yin, come back and talk! "“ Since no one is qualified to be the president of Nangong group, why can Nangong Zhi be the agent? Our small repair is OK. "“ That's because zhier has always been in charge of the company, and the development of the company under the control of zhier is getting better and better. Now it should be replaced by him. Anyway, zhier is the blood of Nangong family, and Xiaoxiu is just an outsider. " Mrs. Nangong is also very angry now. She also said such angry words, and Yao Min was even more unhappy when she heard these words. She jumped out and strongly retorted, "Alas, sister-in-law, what are you talking about? What do you mean Xiao Xiu is an outsider? Even the old man said that Xiaoxiu went to Nangong's house. That's the people of Nangong's house! At that time, the old man said that as long as anyone killed Rong Yin, he could take the position of president of Nangong group. Naturally, our competitors also included Xiao Xiu. The old man regarded Xiao Xiu as his own person, but you said here that Xiao Xiu was an outsider, sister-in-law. You're really deep enough. I'm so submissive in front of the old man. Now it's all right. The fox's tail is exposed. In order to fight for property, I said Xiao Xiu was an outsider, sister-in-law. I really despised you before. "“ Enough! " Nangong Zhi finally couldn't help it. She angrily scolded them, "Grandpa just died. Don't you feel ashamed to quarrel here for your property?" Nangong Zhi is also very angry. Even Nangong's wife has been reprimanded, and Nangong Zhi loses his temper. Others dare not even speak. Yao Min deflated his mouth. Although tens of thousands of people in his heart were unconvinced, he didn't dare to refute anything on the surface. He was scolding secretly in his heart all the time. And Nangong Zhi didn't pay attention to anything, just pulled Roy star and said, "let's go, Yi star." With that, Nangong Zhi pulled Roy star into the car, and the remaining people Yao Min took Nangong Xiu and said, "let's go, Xiao Xiu. We should go home." Nangong Xiu politely said to Nangong's wife, "let's go first, aunt."“ People regard you as an outsider. What's your name here? A worthless thing! " Yao Min angrily scolded him. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.