Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 432

Roy star was really surprised. He went to see Lin Shiru. What did they say? Shouldn't Lin Shiru use her life to save her man? How did it stimulate him to say these words to him?

Roy star hasn't reacted yet. Nangongzhi violently kisses her again. Roy star is anxious: "nangongzhi, you're crazy!"

"I'm crazy, because your appearance makes me completely crazy. Roy star, you are a leprechaun. You make me lose all my reason. When I face Lin Shiru, I should feel guilty for her, but when I see her, I feel full of guilt for you!"

Nangong Zhi's mood is out of control. Should Roy star be happy to hear these words? But in this mood, she didn't know what to respond.

Suddenly, he kissed her crazily again. Roy star was in a hurry: "Nangong Zhi, what are you doing“

"You're my wife. Don't make me look like I'm going to rape you!" After that, Nangong Zhi became more rude.

"Ah... Nangong Zhi!"

Nangong Zhi is crazy. He is really crazy. He can't control kissing and biting on her. He's completely abusing her like he's crazy without reason.

What's the difference with rape?

Roy star was tossed and yelled, but it was useless. Now Nangong Zhi is completely crazy. He is crazy and has no sense

Nangong Zhi vented like a devil. At the moment, Nangong Zhi's rough breathing is in her ear, very heavy, but Roy star has no strength. She really wants to slap Nangong Zhi again, but now she doesn't even have the strength to raise her hand.

After a while, Nangong Zhi's arm tightened and tightly held the little body under him in his arms. His breath was very unstable, but the strength of the warning was great:

"Roy star, listen to me. No matter how many people oppose me, I will be with you. You are the same. Don't betray me and don't leave me. No matter what reason you leave me, I will hate you, hate you to death, and even kill you!"

Nangong Zhi is just like this. He is very rude, and his good words are so ugly.

However, Roy star had no strength to answer him.

So, is Roy satisfied with the answer he gave? She doesn't even know.

Nangong Zhi still pressed her. She couldn't help but take a breath: "it hurts..."

It's not hypocritical. It really hurts. Just now Nangong Zhi was too violent. Her joints had to be tossed to a broken rhythm by him. In addition, she did have injuries and pain. It's really painful.

And Luo Yixing said this, but Nangong Zhi kissed her lips again, but this time it was very gentle, very gentle

The words said by her lips were vague, but Roy heard clearly: "Yi Xing, I won't let you hurt again. I'm sorry, there won't be another time, absolutely not..."

Referring to the wedding, Roy xingben's paralyzed body suddenly came to strength. He bit Nangong for a while and let Nangong cry out in pain.

"I have the face to mention the wedding. I will never forget that day in my life. I just want it to pass in a few words. Is my Roy star so easy to coax? Get out! "

Roy star is going to be angry. Originally, she only wanted an answer from Nangong Zhi. Who knows that he abused her and abused her naked! Can she forgive so easily?

"I warn you, Nangong Zhi, don't think you can let this pass without a word. I can't rub the sand in my eyes. You can either divorce me and become you, or you can break up with Lin Shiru.

What I want is not only a formal break, but also your heart. I will go back to Luo's house this month. If I can't handle it well, don't come to see me, and don't touch me again, otherwise, I won't forgive you in my life! "

Roy star said firmly when she was a three-year-old? Just say a few words like this? It's ridiculous!

As soon as Lloyd's words were finished, Yan Qin and Yang Xu came in and saw them come in. Lloyd was busy adjusting his clothes. His crazy kiss just now was really embarrassing and annoying.

"Mom and dad." Nangong Zhi shouted first, and then Roy star said directly, "Mom and Dad, I'm leaving the hospital today. Let's go home. I don't want to be in the hospital."

Luo Yixing said this sentence completely does not give Nangong face, but it's no wonder that it's not people who can calm down so quickly. Is it saints?

"OK, let's go home." Yang Xu said immediately.

After that, Nangong Zhi hurriedly said, "Mom and Dad, I'll pick up Yixing as soon as I handle it."

"Then wait until you handle it." Yan Qin said coldly that he was obviously dissatisfied with his son-in-law Yan Qin.

"Yixing, take good care of yourself. I'll pick you up from Luo's house soon."

Roy star didn't respond. At the moment, she didn't know what she thought.

Luo Yixing said she was leaving the hospital. Yan Qin and Yang Xu took her out of the hospital. Nangong Zhi watched them get on the car. Lin Shiru could see this scene clearly in the ward, and her eyes shrunk tightly.

Two years can really make many people change, but she didn't expect nangongzhi to change, but not because he changed his heart, but because of an interest, nangongzhi, you can really be cruel! After sending away Roy star, Nangong Zhi's heart suddenly felt empty. Later, he took his thoughts and went back to the company to find ah Jin“ Brother, are you looking for me? " After entering nangongzhi's office, ah Jin spoke respectfully. Although he had followed nangongzhi for many years, he was still afraid if the master's temper came up“ How's Rong yin? It's been more than three days. What explanation did the police give? " Now the Nangong fire is on. If the police station doesn't give him a statement at this time, I'm afraid he'll burn the fire to the police station“ I'm going to report it to you, too. " Ah Jin looked at Nangong Zhi's face and said slowly, "the police station almost transferred T's monitoring out these two days. Sure enough, they found a suspect similar to Rong Yin from the monitoring." Nangong Zhi hurriedly asked, "where is it?"“ A few days ago, it was confirmed that he had been to the hospital where Roy lived. The hospital also called out monitoring. It was indeed photographed that a man like a doctor had entered the ward of Roy. Afterwards, the police went to the hospital for confirmation. The hospital said that there was no doctor in the monitoring, but there was a blind spot in the hospital monitoring. It may have let Rong Yin drill a loophole and cut off the clue from the hospital. " After listening, Nangong was stunned. She couldn't believe her ears. Has Rong Yin been to the hospital? He stayed with Roy almost every day those days? Rong Yin went to the hospital so brazenly“ When did it happen? " Nangong Zhi's hatred for Rong yin becomes deeper and deeper as soon as she bites her silver teeth. If Rong Yin doesn't disappear completely this time, he won't call Nangong Zhi“ It's like the night Roy was admitted. " Seeing that the hatred on Nangong Zhi's face increased, ah Jin became more and more careful“ What she was admitted to the hospital was that he risked so much to sneak into Roy's ward in disguise. He didn't kidnap her without hurting her. What was he going for? And Luo Yixing, whether she is at a loss or... To get such a conclusion, Nangong Zhi's mood is really like eating a fly. He actually let Rong Yin escape under his own eyes. It's damned! After seeing that it was time to get off work, he cleaned up his embarrassed mood and decided to go to Luo's house first. Inexplicably, he especially wanted to see that woman at this time. Obviously, he just sent her out of the hospital today. But just out of the office, he was about to leave, but the mobile phone rang. It was the old man. Nangong just heaved a sigh, but he picked it up reluctantly“ Hello, Grandpa. "“ Are you busy? "“ I'll be off duty soon. "“ Why don't you go home after work? Have dinner together. Grandpa has something to say to you by the way. " Nangong just wanted to refuse, but he found that he couldn't refuse. After the accident at the wedding, he hasn't communicated well with his family. Maybe a lot of words should be made clear. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.